Prof. Joshua M. Pearce
Hi. I am the John M. Thompson Chair in Information Technology and Innovation at the Thompson Centre for Engineering Leadership & Innovation in the Ivey Business School and the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at Western University in Canada, a top 1% global university. I currently run the Free Appropriate Sustainability Technology research group, which is housed in one of the Western recognized as one of world’s top 20 universities in new global sustainability rankings top 20 ranked universities for sustainability. I also am on the graduate faculty in the Department of Mechanical & Materials Engineering. I am an adjunct professor Michigan Tech until 2027 where I ran the Michigan Open Sustainability Technology (MOST) research group and was also at Queens University, Canada where I ran the Queens Applied Sustainability Group.

Webpages: LinkedIn, Twitter @ProfPearce, Orcid, Semantic Scholar, Youtube, Sci Profile, Scopus Author, Aalto profile, Microsoft Academic, exaly, (468 world rank and 209 Canada in Engineering and Technology D64 Dec2021 data; 570 world, 22 Canada, D68 2-2024), ADS scientific index - 21436 World Scientist and University Engineering & Technology / Energy Engineering Rankings 2022,, SoScience

Open access/blogs:, Google Scholar,Research gate, Pulbons, SSRN, Scribd, P2P Foundation, Frontiers, Amazon author's page, Opensource, Ultimaker, MOST blog, Grant Forward, NIH Bibliography, Ideas REPEC, ScholarGPS, Aditi & Slick ,GIG

Hardware/Software sharing: Open Science Framework, Github, Youmagine, Thingiverse, Makershare, Homemade Tools, HWTrek,,, RepRap wiki, Snapguide, WikiFactory jpearce, Wikifactory MOST, OpenScience, Open Hardware Makers

Joshua M. Pearce received his Ph.D. in Materials Engineering from the Pennsylvania State University. He then developed the first Sustainability program in the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education and helped develop the Collaborative Applied Sustainability graduate engineering program while at Queen's University, Canada. Then he was the first Richard Witte Professor of Materials Science and Engineering and a Professor cross-appointed in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the Michigan Technological University where he inaugurated and was the faculty advisor for the Michigan Tech Open Source Hardware Enterprise and ran the Open Sustainability Technology Research Group. He was a Fulbright-Aalto University Distinguished Chair and is a visiting professor of Photovoltaics and Nanoengineering at Aalto University as well as a visiting Professor Équipe de Recherche sur les Processus Innovatifs (ERPI), Université de Lorraine, France.

Joshua M. Pearce is the John M. Thompson Chair in Information Technology and Innovation at the Thompson Centre for Engineering Leadership & Innovation and a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering. He holds appointments at Ivey Business School, the top ranked business school in Canada and the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at Western University in Canada, a top 1% global university. He runs the Free Appropriate Sustainability Technology research group. His research concentrates on the use of open source appropriate technology (OSAT) to find collaborative solutions to problems in sustainability and to reduce poverty. His research spans areas of engineering of solar photovoltaic technology, open hardware, and distributed recycling and additive manufacturing (DRAM) using RepRap 3-D printing, but also includes policy and economics. His research is regularly covered by the international and national press. According to Elsevier’s citation metrics last year he was in the top 0.06% most cited scientists globally and is continually ranked in the top 0.1% for his accessible research on He is the editor-in-chief of HardwareX, the first journal dedicated to open source scientific hardware and the author of the Open-Source Lab:How to Build Your Own Hardware and Reduce Research Costs, Create, Share, and Save Money Using Open-Source Projects, and To Catch the Sun, an open source book of inspiring stories of communities coming together to harness their own solar energy, and how you can do it too!

Research Interests

My research focuses on open and applied sustainability, which is the application of science and innovation to ensure a better quality of life for all, now and into the future, in a just and equitable manner, whilst living within the limits of supporting ecosystems. Specifically I am interested in exploring the way solar energy can be used to provide clean sustainable electricity through photovoltaic devices and how the sharing of open source hardware and software can create sustainable and equitable means of production (e.g. create open source appropriate technology and other free and open source hardware).

Current Editing, Boards and Advising

Collaborating non-academic NPOs

Faculty Advisor



Completed Projects and Publications


I am also a strong proponent for service learning in engineering and making change. Utilizing appropriate technology projects to motivate students to learn physics. Also using service learning and commissioned assignments to solve real world environmental problems.

Courses with a service learning component

I have used Appropedia to support the following courses:

The International Journal for Service Learning

I was the manuscript editor for the IJSLE. The International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering (IJSLE) is a peer-reviewed electronic journal offered free, semi-annually, over the World Wide Web. The Journal welcomes manuscripts based on original work of students and researchers with a specific focus or implication for service learning in engineering, engineering entrepreneurship in service, or related service learning pedagogy.

With an increasing number of individuals and institutions of higher education becoming involved in service learning and entrepreneurship in service learning, the IJSLE is an invaluable resources for students, faculty, practicing engineers and local communities. With articles relating to the latest design and research pertinent to local communities, the faculty-reviewed articles in each issue provide the reader with timely information related to:

   * Engineering Design Projects as Service
   * Engineering Research Projects as Service
   * Engineering-Related Entrepreneurial Projects as Service
   * Pedagogy in Engineering-Related Service Learning

If you are contributing to Appropedia - you should seriously consider submitting a manuscript once your project has come together

Resources for Educating Children




Western Links

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  • NSERC USRA - allow no more than one USRA award per faculty members (for NSERC USRA, faculty member has to contribute a min. of $1,500). The other award is the Dean’s Award offered by the Faculty, which is also competitive but no restriction on faculty members (for the Dean’s Award, supervisor has to contribute $3,750).
  • From Remington

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Demo Day/Amplify [64] – This is a great opportunity for startups looking for investment. Applications are currently being accepted for the Amplify pitch competition. The top 5 teams from Amplify will be invited to Demo Day where they will have the opportunity to pitch to 150+ investors. Applications close Fri, Oct 29 at noon.

Morrissette Accelerator [65] – This a 4 month Accelerator program that includes mentorship, education and $12,000 in funding. Applications are currently open for the winter cohort which runs Jan to April. Applications close Wed, Nov 10.

Old-repos: QSpace,Bepress Selected Works, Digital Commons MTU Approedia-171,460 feb 2018, 178,969 3.28.2018, 209,689 9.23.2018; 214k 8-7-2021, 255k 1-14-22

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