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MOST News Coverage 2020

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Potential lives saved by replacing coal with solar photovoltaic electricity production in the U.S.[edit | edit source]

  1. Shutting down coal plants spared 26,610 American lives in just a decade - Mashable 1,225
    1. Decommissioning coal-fired power plants saved the lives of 26,610 Americans in a decade - Mashviral 119k
    2. Mashable India
    3. Ecoplanet news
  2. Study: Switching From Coal Would Save 52,000 Lives Annually In The United States Jonathan Turley 242k
  3. Mortality rates declined significantly in counties where coal plants closed according to new study, saving an estimated 26,610 American lives between 2005 and 2018 Daily Mail UK 222
  4. New paper says the closure of 138 coal-burning plants in the US saved 26,610 lives in America Infosurhoy
  5. The movement to renewable energy is irreversible Centre Daily Times 144.6k

Ystruder: open source multifunction extruder with sensing and monitoring capabilities[edit | edit source]

  1. Ystruder: New Syringe System Offers Feature Rich, Open-Source Multifunction Extrusion 3DPrint 73.6k
  2. Ystruder: estrusore multifunzione open source con funzionalità di rilevamento e monitoraggio Stampare in 3D

Micronutrient Availability in Alternative Foods During Agricultural Catastrophes[edit | edit source]

  1. A full-scale nuclear winter would trigger a global famine. A disaster expert put together a doomsday diet to save humanity. - Business Insider 238
    1. Business Insider Singapore 16.1k
    2. Youtube 2
  2. Un invierno nuclear a gran escala desencadenaría una hambruna mundial. Esto es lo que comeríamos Heaven 32
  3. This diet would save after the nuclear war EngNews
  4. Tämä ruokavalio pelastaisi ydinsodan jälkeen Verkkouutiset (Finnish) 193k
  5. A Full-Scale Nuclear Winter Would Trigger a Global Famine. Here's What We Would Eat Science Alert 5684

A National Pragmatic Safety Limit for Nuclear Weapon Quantities[edit | edit source]

  1. Nuclear war could be devastating for the US, even if no one shoots back The Conversation 2791
    1. Yahoo News 13
    2. Houston Chronicle 464 (169k circulation)
    3. San Francisco Chronicle 1.6k (164k circulation)
    4. Phys 5.4k
    5. Flip Board 7.8k
    6. Seattle Pi 14.2k
    7. MENAFN 23.3k
    8. Economic Times 27.7k
    9. Lincoln Journal Star 52k
    10. The Hour 86.6k
    11. San Antonio Express 98k
    12. Strategic Culture Foundation 104k
    13. Big News Network 119k
    14. Consortium News 127k
    15. MBS News 166k
    16. The Telegraph 178k
    17. Dispatch Argus 186k
    18. Idaho Press Tribune 188k
    19. GoSkagit 200k
    20. Rocket News 206k
    21. LMT 215k
    22. Bozeman Daily Chronicle 227k
    23. Albany Democrat Herald 294k
    24. The World 333k
    25. Beaumont Enterprise 343k
    26. Darien Times 406k
    27. Homeland Security Newswire 428k
    28. Birmingham Star
    29. Shelton Herald
    30. New Cannan
    31. Fairfield Citizen
    32. Jacksonville Courier
    33. News Pronto
    34. E News US
    35. EDM Digest
    36. Wilton Bulletin
    37. Wall Street Window
  2. Nuclear War Could Be Devastating for America—With or Without a Retaliatory Strike National Interest 7041
    1. Yahoo News 13
    2. Yahoo Finance 13
  3. Op-ed: A nuclear war would devastate the US, even if no one shot back Navy Times 92.4k
  4. Your turn: The domestic risk of nuclear autumn 127k
  5. The scientist told about the consequences of a nuclear attack for the United States KXAN36 News NBC New York 382k
  6. The scientist called the possible consequences for the United States in the event of a nuclear strike The Teller Report 75k
  7. The scientist told about the consequences of a nuclear attack for the United States Buzz on Live
  8. Ein Atomkrieg wäre für die USA verheerend, sogar dann, wenn niemand zurückschießt Free21 (German translation)

International[edit | edit source]

  1. Учёный назвал возможные последствия для США в случае ядерного удара Rt (Russian) 300
  2. Starting Nuclear War May Be 'Devastating' for US Even If No One Retaliates, American Scientist Says Sputnik News 739
  3. La guerra nuclear puede devastar Estados Unidos, incluso sin adversario atómico La Vanguardia (Spanish) 1316 (circulation 196k, 4th in Spain)
  4. La guerra nuclear puede devastar EEUU, incluso sin adversario atómico Europapress 8271 (Spanish)
    1. El Pais
    2. El Periodico de Mexico
  5. La guerra nuclear puede devastar EEUU, incluso sin adversario atómicoNotimerica (Spanish) 41.3k
  6. Guerra nucleare devastante per USA anche senza ritorsioni nemiche Notizies Scientifiche (Italian)
  7. Kịch bản hạt nhân nguy hiểm với Mỹ và toàn cầu Toquoc 53.3k (Vietnamese)
    1. VNNHANH 446k
    2. Docbao TV
    3. vntintuc
  8. سلاح های اتمی می توانند آمریکا را نابود کنند، حتی اگر هیچ کس به شلیک آن پاسخ ندهد Farsnews (Iran) 3237
  9. سلاح های اتمی می توانند آمریکا را نابود کنند، حتی اگر هیچ کس به شلیک آن پاسخ ندهد Ghatreh (Iran) 6509
  10. سلاح های اتمی می توانند آمریکا را نابود کنند، حتی اگر هیچ کس به شلیک آن پاسخ ندهد Bloghnews (Iran) 147k
  11. The destruction of Russia has proved deadly for US Hand of Moscow
  12. Konsekuensi dari Serangan Nuklir Konfirmasi Times (Indonesia)
  13. [Iniciar una guerra nuclear puede ser «devastador» para Estados Unidos incluso si nadie toma represalias : Centífico estadounidense] New Front (Spanish) 17.5k
  14. El científico informó sobre las consecuencias de un ataque nuclear para Estados Unidos :: Sociedad :: RBC Notiulti (Spanish) 240k
  15. La guerra nuclear puede devastar Estados Unidos, incluso sin adversario atómico Viriji (Spanish) 116k
  16. Důsledky jaderného útoku budou pro USA i bez odvety zničující! Pvrnizpravy (Czech) 470k
  17. Una guerra nucleare può essere "devastante" per gli USA anche in mancanza di second strike Sputnik Italy 704
  18. Tratado de No-Proliferación Nuclear 2020: ¿hacia una Crisis Profunda? Diario COnstitucional (Spanish) 175k
  19. Asia-Pacífico: un análisis de la tensión Nuclear Militar, pensando en el siglo XXI BCN (Chile) 40.2k
  20. NATO je proti Smlouvě o zákazu jaderných zbraníSputnik News CZ 879
  21. De câte bombe atomice e nevoie pentru a distruge omenirea? Experţii spun că doar de 100 - Click! (Romanian)

Special Issue on Open-Source COVID19 Medical Hardware[edit | edit source]

  1. Special Issue on Open-Source COVID19 Medical Hardware HardwareX 616
  2. reddit
  3. 3D Printing Against Coronavirus: Who And How To Help - Fabbaloo 116k
  4. MAKERS, DISEÑO + COVID_19 Medium 89
  5. Makers, Diseño y COVID-19: El mundo funciona exactamente como fue diseñado Diario Sanfrancisco.
  6. MTU Engineering Team Joins Open-source Ventilator Movement MTU Unscripted 17.8k
    1. MTU Engineering Team Joins Open-source Ventilator Movement- Newswise 71.3k
    2. News Medical14.7k
    3. Sound Health and Lasting Wealth
    4. Keewanaw Now
  7. Pop-Up Open Source Medical Hardware Projects Won't Stop Coronavirus, But Might Be Useful Anyway. Here's why.IEEE Spectrum 1438
  8. How can the world solve the global ventilator shortage problem? Pt 2 Sensor Tips
  9. Contre la pénurie, l'open source Le Courrier (Swiss) 289k
  10. Open source journal calls for COVID-19 equipment designs Elsevier Connect 607
  11. Discovering help: MTU aiding in search for open-source devices to fight COVID-19 Mining Gazette
    1. The Mining Journal
  12. COVID-19: Research Update Tech Today
  13. Three Years Of HardwareX: Where Are They Now? HackADay
  14. The Rogue Experimenters The New Yorker 1828
    1. Anarchist News
  15. 天价药也能自己造,美国的生物黑客有多野?(Sky-high drugs can also be made by yourself. How wild are biohackers in the United States?) Tech Sina 16
  16. 天价药也能自己造,美国的生物黑客有多野 Huxiu 4.2k
  17. 天价药也能自己造,美国的生物黑客有多野? 36Kr 1366

Energy Conservation with Open Source Ad Blockers[edit | edit source]

  1. How open source ad blockers could save you 2 hours a week EIN NewsDesk 41k (widely copied listing <150k)
    1. Ask 189
    2. Pittsburgh Post Gazette 17.6k
    3. Daily Herald Chicago 22k
    4. The Buffalo News 27k
    5. Market Place 34k
    6. News9 38k
    7. WRCB TV NBC 43k
    8. KAKE ABC 46.5k
    9. San Diego Union Tribune 64k
    10. WFMJ NBC 67k
    11. WBOC CBS72.9k
    12. KVTN 74k
    13. Erie News Now89k
    14. FOX34131k
    15. RFD TV131k
    16. News Channel Nebraska
    17. Telemundo Nuevo Mexico
    18. Punxsutawney Spirit
    19. Lubbock CW
    20. Tux Machines

Towards Quantifiable Metrics Warranting Industry-Wide Corporate Death Penalties[edit | edit source]

UP Energy Needs[edit | edit source]

  1. Copper Country native, now in Sweden, helping address U.P. energy needs Mining Gazette 594k
  2. Copper Country native, now in Sweden, helping to address U.P. energy needs The Mining Journal 476k
  3. Associated Press Native of Michigan's UP in Sweden Conducting Energy Research 1323
    1. Yahoo Finance 13
    2. US News 723
    3. Tiawan News 3316
    4. The Detroit News 16k
    5. This Is Money UK 27.5k
    6. The Hour 38.8k
    7. Midland Daily News
  4. Heimisch in Michigan, UP in Schweden, leitet Energie… - TwitterMash

As the coronavirus interrupts global supply chains, people have an alternative – make it at home[edit | edit source]

  1. As the coronavirus interrupts global supply chains, people have an alternative – make it at home- The Conversation 1953 (reprinted widely <250k)
  2. Yahoo News 13
  3. Houston Chronicle 526
  4. San Francisco Chronicle 1480
  5. The Street 5398
  6. Houston Chronicle 12.8k
  7. Seattle Pi 16.9k
  8. MENA FN 19.5k
  9. Economic Times 25.6k
  10. Albany Times Union 28.9k
  11. Omaha World Herald 37.8k
  12. The Hour 39.2k
  13. Gov Tech 40k
  14. My SanAntonio 43.8k
  15. CTPost 47k
  16. The Lincoln Journal Star 47.3k
  17. Greenwhich Time 52k
  18. San Antonio Express 52.9k
  19. New Haven Registrar96k
  20. NextGov 104k
  21. New Times 121k
  22. Idaho Press 166k
  23. The Telegrapph 172k
  24. Rocket News 175k
  25. Plant Services 192k
  26. LMT Online 206k
  27. World News Monitor
  28. Midland Daily 244k
  29. VTVox 504k (>3kviews)

The 3D printing revolution is finally here[edit | edit source]

  1. The 3D printing revolution is finally here - Fast Company 2641
  2. Coronavirus spurring spread of 3-D printers PBN

Translations[edit | edit source]

  1. 开源的广告拦截器不但节能,而且能拯救生命! | Linux 中国 Zhihu 139 (China)
  2. Como el coronavirus las interrupciones de las cadenas de suministro mundiales, la gente tiene una alternativa – hacer en casa Loving Valencia (Spanish)
  3. 开源的广告拦截器不但节能,而且能拯救生命! | Linux 中国 Post Career 52k
Page data
Authors Joshua M. Pearce
License CC-BY-SA-4.0
Language English (en)
Related 1 subpages, 8 pages link here
Impact 58 page views (more)
Created January 4, 2021 by Joshua M. Pearce
Last modified July 14, 2023 by Felipe Schenone
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