Pearce publications in energy policy and sustainability policy
- Seyyed Ali Sadat, Joshua M. Pearce, The threat of economic grid defection in the U.S. with solar photovoltaic, battery and generator hybrid systems, Solar Energy, 282, 2024, 112910, OA
- B. Ugwoke, S.P. Corgnati, P. Leone, J.M. Pearce, Adapting the European typology approach for building stock energy assessment (TABULA) concept for the developing world: The Nigerian case study, Energy Strategy Reviews, 51, 2024, 101293. open access
- Meyer, T.K., Hunsberger, C. & Pearce, J.M. Retraining investment for Alberta’s oil and gas workers for green jobs in the solar industry. Carbon Neutrality 2, 28 (2023). academia OA
- Pearce, J.M.; Parncutt, R. Quantifying Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Human Deaths to Guide Energy Policy. Energies 2023, 16, 6074. Academia open access Pre-print
- McDonald, M. T., Hayibo, K. S., Hafting, F., & Pearce, J. (2023). Economics of Open-Source Solar Photovoltaic Powered Cryptocurrency Mining . Ledger, 8. academia OA preprint
- Nelson Sommerfeldt and Joshua M. Pearce, Can grid-tied solar photovoltaics lead to residential heating electrification? A techno-economic case study in the midwestern U.S.,Applied Energy, 336, 2023, 120838, Academia open access
- Jamil, U.; Pearce, J.M. Energy Policy for Agrivoltaics in Alberta Canada. Energies 2023, 16(1), 53. academia OA, preprint
- Alexis S. Pascaris, Chelsea Schelly, and Joshua M. Pearce , "Advancing agrivoltaics within the U.S. legal framework: A multidimensional assessment of barriers & opportunities", AIP Conference Proceedings 2635, 050002 (2022) academia
- Pascaris, A.S., Schelly, C., Rouleau, M., Pearce, J.M. Do agrivoltaics improve public support for solar? A survey on perceptions, preferences, and priorities. Green Technology, Resilience, and Sustainability 2, 8 (2022). academia, preprint
- Pearce, J.M. Strategic Investment in Open Hardware for National Security. Technologies 2022, 10, 53. academia OA, preprint
- Pearce, J.M. Agrivoltaics in Ontario Canada: Promise and Policy. Sustainability 2022, 14, 3037. academia, preprint
- B.Ugwoke, S.Sulemanu, S.P.Corgnati, P.Leone, J.M.Pearce. Demonstration of the integrated rural energy planning framework for sustainable energy development in low-income countries: Case studies of rural communities in Nigeria. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 144, (2021), 110983. open access
- Alexis S. Pascaris, Chelsea Schelly, Laurie Burnham, Joshua M.Pearce. Integrating solar energy with agriculture: Industry perspectives on the market, community, and socio-political dimensions of agrivoltaics Energy Research & Social Science 75, (2021), 102023. open access
- B.Ugwoke, S.P.Corgnati, P.Leone, R.Borchiellini, J.M.Pearce. Low emissions analysis platform model for renewable energy: Community-scale case studies in Nigeria. Sustainable Cities and Society 67, (2021), 102750. open access
- Schelly, Chelsea; Lee, Don; Matz, Elise; Pearce, Joshua M. 2021. "Applying a Relationally and Socially Embedded Decision Framework to Solar Photovoltaic Adoption: A Conceptual Exploration" Sustainability 13, no. 2: 711. open access
- Koami Soulemane Hayibo and Joshua M.Pearce. A review of the value of solar methodology with a case study of the U.S. VOS. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 137, 2021, 110599. open access
- Blessing Ugwoke, Adedoyin Adeleke, Stefano P. Corgnati, Joshua M. Pearce and Pierluigi Leone. Decentralized Renewable Hybrid Mini-Grids for Rural Communities: Culmination of the IREP Framework and Scale up to Urban Communities. Sustainability 2020, 12(18), 7411; open access
- Kathleen Brosemer, Chelsea Schelly, Valoree Gagnon, Kristin L. Arola, Joshua M. Pearce, Douglas Bessette, Laura Schmitt Olabisi. The energy crises revealed by COVID: Intersections of Indigeneity, inequity, and health. Energy Research & Social Science68, 2020, 101661 open access
- Chelsea Schelly, Douglas Bessette, Kathleen Brosemer, Valoree Gagnon, Kristin L. Arola, Joshua M. Pearce, Kathleen E. Halvorsen. Energy Policy for Energy Sovereignty: Can policy tools enhance energy sovereignty?. Solar Energy 205, (2020),109-112. open access
- Joshua M. Pearce & Emily Prehoda,Could 79 People Solarize the U.S. Electric Grid? Societies 2019, 9(1), 26; free open access
- Emily Prehoda, Joshua M. Pearce and Chelsea Schelly. Policies to Overcome Barriers for Renewable Energy Distributed Generation: A Case Study of Utility Structure and Regulatory Regimes in Michigan, Energies 2019, 12(4), 674; free open access
- Joshua M. Pearce. Towards Quantifiable Metrics Warranting Industry-Wide Corporate Death Penalties. Soc. Sci. 2019, 8(2), 62; open access
- Groesbeck, J.G., Pearce, J.M., 2018. Coal with Carbon Capture and Sequestration is not as Land Use Efficient as Solar Photovoltaic Technology for Climate Neutral Electricity Production. Scientific Reports 8, 13476. open access
- Chiara Modanese, Hannu S. Laine, Toni P. Pasanen, Hele Savin and Joshua M. Pearce. Economic Advantages of Dry-Etched Black Silicon in Passivated Emitter Rear Cell (PERC) Photovoltaic Manufacturing. Energies 2018, 11(9), 2337; open access
- R. Krishnan and J. M. Pearce. Economic impact of substituting solar photovoltaic electric production for tobacco farming. Land Use Policy, 72, (2018), pp. 503–509. doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2018.01.010 open access
- Chelsea Schelly, Edward P. Louie, Joshua M. Pearce. Examining interconnection and net metering policy for distributed generation in the United States. Renewable Energy Focus 22–23, (2017), pp. 10–19. free open access
- Cleyton M. Cavallaro, Joshua M. Pearce, and Roman Sidortsov, Decarbonizing the boardroom? Aligning electric utility executive compensation with climate change incentives. Energy Research & Social Science 37 (2018) pp. 153–162. open access
- Emily W. Prehoda & Joshua M. Pearce,Potential lives saved by replacing coal with solar photovoltaic electricity production in the U.S. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 80 (2017), pp. 710–715. open access
- Ram Krishnan, Amber Haselhuhn, Joshua M. Pearce Technical Solar Photovoltaic Potential of Scaled Parking Lot Canopies- A Case Study of Walmart U.S.A. RISUS - Journal on Innovation and Sustainability 8(2) - 2017 DOI: open access
- Emily W. Prehoda, Chelsea Schelly, Joshua M. Pearce. 2017. U.S. Strategic Solar Photovoltaic-Powered Microgrid Deployment for Enhanced National Security. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 78, 167–175. DOI:10.1016/j.rser.2017.04.094 open access
- Edward P. Louie and Joshua M. Pearce. Retraining Investment for U.S. Transition from Coal to Solar Photovoltaic Employment. Energy Economics. 57,295–302 (2016). doi:10.1016/j.eneco.2016.05.016 free open access pre-print.
- Aishwarya S. Mundada,, Yuenyong Nilsiam, Joshua M. Pearce. A review of technical requirements for plug-and-play solar photovoltaic microinverter systems in the United States. Solar Energy 135, (2016), pp. 455–470. doi: 10.1016/j.solener.2016.06.002 open access
- Abhilash Kantamneni, Richelle Winkler, Lucia Gauchia, Joshua M. Pearce, Emerging economic viability of grid defection in a northern climate using solar hybrid systems. Energy Policy 95, 378–389 (2016). doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2016.05.013 free open access
- Aishwarya Mundada, Kunal Shah, Joshua M. Pearce. Levelized cost of electricity for solar photovoltaic, battery and cogen hybrid systems, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 57, (2016), 692–703. open access
- Negin Heidari & Joshua M. Pearce. A Review of Greenhouse Gas Emission Liabilities as the Value of Renewable Energy for Mitigating Lawsuits for Climate Change Related Damages. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 55C (2016) pp. 899-908. DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2015.11.025 open access
- Joshua M. Pearce, "Reducing the Threat of a Nuclear Iran with Photovoltaic Technology: The Generous Solar Option", Peace Studies Journal 8(1), pp. 50-54 (2015). open access
- T. Alafita and J.M. Pearce, "Securitization of residential solar photovoltaic assets: Costs, risks and uncertainty", Energy Policy, 67, pp. 488–498 (2014). open access
Nicole C. McDonald, Ha T. Nguyen, and Joshua M. Pearce, "Technical Feasibility of Renewable Electricity Generation in Nunavut" in M.D. Tiwari, A. Vaish (Ed.), Green Energy, River Publishers: Alborg, Denmark, pp. 41-74 (2012). Available: Google Books preview |
- K. Calvert, J. M. Pearce, W.E. Mabee, "Toward renewable energy geo-information infrastructures: Applications of GIScience and remote sensing that can build institutional capacity" Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 18, pp. 416–429 (2013). open access
- Nicole C. McDonald & Joshua M. Pearce, "Renewable Energy Policies and Programs in Nunavut: Perspectives from the Federal and Territorial Governments", Arctic 65(4), pp.465-475 (2012).
- A. J. Buitenhuis and J. M. Pearce, "Open-Source Development of Solar Photovoltaic Technology", Energy for Sustainable Development, 16, pp. 379-388 (2012). open access
- J. M. Pearce, "Limitations of Nuclear Power as a Sustainable Energy Source", Sustainability 4(6), pp.1173-1187 (2012).
- Joshua M. Pearce, "Effective Techniques for Achieving a Solar-Powered Campus", Proceedings of the 9th Ball State University Greening of the Campus Conference, 18-21 March, 2012.
- Kadra Branker and Joshua M. Pearce, "Accelerating the Growth of Solar Photovoltaic Deployment with Peer to Peer Financing" Solar 2011: 40th American Solar Energy Society National Solar Conference Proceedings, pp. 713-720 (2011).
- K. Branker, M. J.M. Pathak, J. M. Pearce, "A Review of Solar Photovoltaic Levelized Cost of Electricity", Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 15, pp.4470-4482 (2011). open access
- K. Branker, E. Shackles, J. M. Pearce, "Peer-to-Peer Financing Mechanisms to Accelerate Renewable Energy Deployment" The Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment 1(2), pp. 138-155 (2011). open access
- I. Zelenika-Zovko and J. M. Pearce, "Diverting Indirect Subsidies from the Nuclear Industry to the Photovoltaic Industry: Energy and Economic Returns", Energy Policy 39, pp. 2626–2632 (2011). open access
- Joshua Pearce, "The Risks of Politicizing Energy: Nuclear vs Solar"InterPV May 2011, pp. 28-30.
Joshua M. Pearce, "Socially Responsible Investing", in Schiffman, H. S. (Ed), Green Issues and Debates: An A-to-Z Guide, Sage Publications, Inc (June 28, 2011): Los Angeles, pp. 431-439. |
- K. Branker and J. M. Pearce, "Financial Return for Government Support of Large-Scale Thin-Film Solar Photovoltaic Manufacturing in Canada" Energy Policy 38, pp. 4291–4303 (2010). open access
- N. C. McDonald and J. M. Pearce, "Producer Responsibility and Recycling Solar Photovoltaic Modules", Energy Policy 38, pp. 7041–7047(2010). open access
- R. Kenny, C. Law, J.M. Pearce, "Towards Real Energy Economics: Energy Policy Driven by Life-Cycle Carbon Emission", Energy Policy 38, pp. 1969–1978, 2010. open access
- J.M. Pearce, "Increasing PV Velocity by Reinvesting the Nuclear Energy Insurance Subsidy into Large Scale Solar Photovoltaic Production", Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 2009 34th IEEE, pp.1338-1343, 7-12 June 2009. open access
- Joshua M. Pearce, Anna L. Santini, and Jennifer M. Desilva, "Solar Photovoltaic Energy for Mitigation of Climate Change: A Catalytic Application of Catholic Social Thought", Worldviews, Volume 13(1), pp. 92-118, 2009. open access
- Joshua M. Pearce, "Electric Rates and Fixed Charges: How US Utilities Suppress Distributed Generation", Cogeneration & Onsite Power Production, Vol. 10(1) pp. 73-77, 2008.
- J. M. Pearce and Paul J. Harris, "Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by inducing energy conservation and distributed generation from elimination of electric utility customer charges", Energy Policy, 35, pp. 6514-6525, 2007. open access
- Joshua M. Pearce and Jason T. Hanlon, "Energy Conservation From Systematic Tire Pressure Regulation", Energy Policy, 35(4), pp. 2673-2677, 2007. open access
Joshua M. Pearce, "Union of Concerned Scientists", and "Green Production and Industry", in Paul Robins, Editor, Encyclopedia of Environment and Society, pp. 819-820, Sage Publications, Inc., 2007. |
- Joshua M. Pearce, "Catalyzing Mass Production of Solar Photovoltaic Cells Using University Driven Green Purchasing", International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 7(4), pp. 425 - 436, 2006. open access
- Joshua M. Pearce, "Using the Internet to Reduce Market Risk for Alternative Energy Sources: The Case of Large-Scale Solar Photovoltaic Production", First Monday, 10(8), 2005.
- Joshua Pearce and Christopher Uhl, "Getting It Done: Effective Sustainable Policy Implementation at the University Level", Planning for Higher Education, 31(3), 53-61, 2003. open access
- Joshua Pearce, "Photovoltaics - A Path to Sustainable Futures", Futures 34(7), 663-674, 2002.flash open access
- Joshua Pearce, "Rectifying Myths Related to Solar Energy", Innovations and Materials for Green Engineering Vol. 3, eds. A. Lakhtakia and C.E. Bakis, Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics, Pennsylvania State University College of Engineering, pp. 67 - 88, June 2001.