Pearce publications in energy conservation
- B. Ugwoke, S.P. Corgnati, P. Leone, J.M. Pearce, Adapting the European typology approach for building stock energy assessment (TABULA) concept for the developing world: The Nigerian case study, Energy Strategy Reviews, 51, 2024, 101293. open access
- Asgari, N.; McDonald, M.T.; Pearce, J.M. Energy Modeling and Techno-Economic Feasibility Analysis of Greenhouses for Tomato Cultivation Utilizing the Waste Heat of Cryptocurrency Miners. Energies 2023, 16, 1331. academia OA
- Denkenberger, D.; Pearce, J.M.; Brandemuehl, M.; Alverts, M.; Zhai, J. Expanded Microchannel Heat Exchanger: Finite Difference Modeling. Designs 2021, 5, 58. OA Academia
- David Denkenberger, Michael Brandemuehl; John Zhai, Joshua Pearce. Finite Difference Heat Exchanger Model: Flow Maldistribution with Thermal Coupling, Heat Transfer Engineering 2021.42:11, 889-903, open access
- Denkenberger, D.C., Brandemuehl, M.J., Pearce, J.M., Zhai, J. Expanded Microchannel Heat Exchanger: Nondestructive Evaluation. Heat Transfer Engineering 40(20)1671-1679, 2019. open access
- John J. Laureto and Joshua M. Pearce. Open Source Multi-Head 3D Printer for Polymer-Metal Composite Component Manufacturing Technologies 2017, 5(2), 36; doi:10.3390/technologies5020036 open access
- Martinus A. Arie, Amir H. Shooshtari, Ratnesh Tiwari, Serguei V. Dessiatoun, Michael M. Ohadi, Joshua M. Pearce. Experimental Characterization of Heat Transfer in an Additively Manufactured Polymer Heat Exchanger. Applied Thermal Engineering. 113, pp. 575–584 (2017). DOI:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2016.11.030 free open access
- D. Denkenberger, M. Parisi, J.M. Pearce. "Towards Low-Cost Microchannel Heat Exchangers: Vehicle Heat Recovery Ventilator Prototype" Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (HEFAT), 14-16 July 2014, Orlando, FL, USA. open access
- Devproshad K. Paul, Kunal Karan, Aristides Docoslis, Javier B. Giorgi, and Joshua Pearce, Characteristics of Self-Assembled Ultrathin Nafion Films, Macromolecules 46 (9), pp 3461–3475 (2013).
- Patrick Leslie, Joshua M. Pearce, Rob Harrap, Sylvie Daniel, "The application of smartphone technology to economic and environmental analysis of building energy conservation strategies", International Journal of Sustainable Energy 31(5), pp. 295-311 (2012). open access
- D.C. Denkenberger, M.J. Brandemuehl, J.M. Pearce, and J. Zhai, "Expanded microchannel heat exchanger: design, fabrication and preliminary experimental test", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers – Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 226, 532-544 (2012). open access
- Joshua M. Pearce, "Engineers: It is Time to Work Together and Save the World" Engineering Dimensions, March/April, pp. 55-57 (2011).
- J. Corbett, J. Webster, K. Sayili, I. Zelenika-Zovko, and J. Pearce, "Developing and Justifying Energy Conservation Measures: Green IT under Construction" Proceedings of the Sixteenth Americas Conference on Information Systems, Lima, Peru, August 12-15, 2010. pp 1-8. open access
- Joshua M. Pearce and Tom Carpenter, "Greening the University's bottom line" Queen's Alumni Review, Issue 2, 2009, p.5.
- Joshua M. Pearce, Tom Carpenter and David Denkenberger, "Found in Translation: A New Language for Engineers Discussing Energy Efficiency Retrofits", Journal of Policy Engagement, 1(2), pp. 9-13, 2009.
- Tom Carpenter and Joshua Pearce, "Put Green Into the University's Bottom Line", The Queen's Gazette, pg. 6, February 23, 2009.
- Tom Carpenter and Joshua Pearce, "Put Green Into Your Bottom Line", The Globe and Mail, February 17, 2009.
- J. M. Pearce, D. Denkenberger, and H. Zielonka, "Accelerating Applied Sustainability by Utilizing Return on Investment for Energy Conservation Measures" International Journal of Energy, Environment and Economics, 17(1), pp. 61-80, 2009.
Joshua M. Pearce, "Green Homes" and "Green Cities", in S. G. Philander (Editor), Encyclopedia of Global Warming and Climate Change, Vol. 2, pp. 465-466, SAGE Publications, Inc, 2008. |
- Joshua M. Pearce and Laura L. Miller, "Energy Service Companies as a Component of a Comprehensive University Sustainability Strategy", International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 7(1), pp. 16-33, 2006. open access
- Joshua Pearce and Chris Russill, "Interdisciplinary Environmental Education: Communicating and Applying Energy Efficiency for Sustainability", Applied Environmental Education and Communication, 4(1), 65-72, 2005. open access
- Joshua Pearce, Christopher Uhl, Austin Mandryk, Dennis Matalavage, Christie Vischer, Loren Byrne, and Sara Eisenfeld, "The Mueller Report: Moving Beyond Sustainability Indicators to Sustainability Action", The Green Destiny Council of The Pennsylvania State University, Fall 2001. open access
- Included in the Adelaide: The Green City minidisk, distributed by the Office of Sustainability, Department for Environment and Heritage, Government of South Australia.
- Included in CD on Ecological Footprint, Regional Government Network Sustainability Conference and Academic Forum, Department of Environment, Government of Western Australia.