Felipe Schenone.jpg

Hello world, from Buenos Aires, Argentina! My name is Felipe, I'm a philosopher by training and a freelance web developer by trade, specialized in MediaWiki, the software of Wikipedia. I currently work for the Appropedia Foundation to improve Appropedia. If I made a mistake somewhere, please be cool, let me know and I'll fix it asap, thanks!!!

Content[edit | edit source]

Most of my work in Appropedia is with software (templates, scripts, extensions, backend, frontend, etc). However, occasionally I do content as a volunteer. Here's a bit of that:


Tasks[edit | edit source]

Performance[edit | edit source]

  • Main page: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Performance_tuning
  • Caches: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Object_cache
  • Semantic MediaWiki: https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Performance
  • Profiling: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Profiling
  • Testing https://www.webpagetest.org https://developers.google.com/speed https://tools.pingdom.com/
  • Apache testing: ab -n 10 https://www.appropedia.org/Welcome_to_Appropedia

Quality assurance test[edit | edit source]

  1. Visit the main page anonymously
  2. Visit a random page anonymously
  3. Edit a random page anonymously
  4. Visit the main page while logged-in
  5. Visit a random page while logged-in
  6. Edit a random page while logged-in
  7. Visit Special:RecentChanges
  8. Do the same from mobile

Subpages[edit | edit source]

Time tracking[edit | edit source]

  • Talks, chats, emails, etc. - 6 hours
  • Organize and improve content - 8 hours
  • Organize and create publications and covers - 26 hours

Documentation tips[edit | edit source]

  • Important stuff first! - Readers may stop reading anytime, so increase the chances they take away the important bits by putting them at the start of each page, section or paragraph.
  • Write an intro - And include a main image whenever possible. This will be the first and often only thing users will read. It's also likely to be the snippet shown in search engines.
  • Keep it simple - Avoid styling and focus on content. Plain text in standard format is usually the most effective and compatible across devices.
  • Let it grow organically - Start by writing some text. When it grows too big, break it into sections. When they grow too big, break them into subsections. When they grow too big, break them into separate pages (avoid sub-subsections) and leave an excerpt or link behind.
  • Avoid walls of text - Except in "terminal nodes". Use short paragraphs and "structural" elements like lists, tables, section, subsections, images, etc. Doing so makes the page easier to scan in search of what we're interested in.
  • Use item summaries - Like it's done in this list.
  • Avoid excessive nesting - Be it of subsections, lists or any other element, excessive nesting usually signals the need to rethink or restructure the content.
  • Make every word count - It's often possible to shorten a sentence by carefully selecting or shifting words. Repeat for several sentences and you can shorten a paragraph by a line or two. Do that for several paragraphs and you can shorten a page considerably. Excellence is in the details!
  • Paragraphs are semantic units - Each paragraph should be more or less independent.

Site sustainability tips[edit | edit source]

  • Actively fight complexity and work towards simplicity
    • Less templates, more content!
    • Avoid custom namespaces (given the extremely diverse nature of pages in the main namespace of Appropedia, there should be no need for custom namespaces)
    • Merge related pages to have fewer, better ones
  • Prefer well-supported extensions, especially Wikimedia-supported ones
  • Keep MediaWiki updated only to the latest LTS version and never modify the source code
  • Convention over configuration
  • Use modern web standards and structured data for rich results

Links[edit | edit source]

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