Ontology[edit | edit source]
- Articles - Pages about a topic, written in a neutral, impersonal, encyclopedic style
- Equivalent project: Wikipedia
- Automatic translations
- Books - Organized collections of pages on a single topic
- Equivalent project: Wikibooks
- Essays - Pages expressing a personal view or opinion
- Equivalent project: ?
- Guides - Generic, step-by-step instructions on how to do something
- Equivalent project: Wikihow
- Courses
- Equivalent project: Wikiversity?
- News
- Equivalent project: Wikinews
- Maps
- Literature reviews
- Disambiguation pages
- Projects - Pages documenting a project, written in a personal, usually first-person style
- Equivalent project: ?
Top pages[edit | edit source]
Text[edit | edit source]
The sustainability lab - Appropedia documents all kinds of experiments on sustainability, in a way that's open, searchable, accessible and resilient. Have you run an experiment? Tell the world about it!
Appropedia is a free environment where you can experiment with anything the wiki software allows, as long as it furthers our vision to build rich and sustainable lives.
Appropedia is a free mix of many types of pages. The only thing tying them together is our vision: help build rich and sustainable lives. Feel free to create, experiment, and have fun!
Categories are somewhere between directories and tags. They are not perfectly hierarchical like directories, nor are they perfectly horizontal like tags. They are a bit of both. Categories may belong to other categories (like directories), but pages may belong to more than one category (like tags and unlike directories). Use them however you find convenient!
Much time and effort has been wasted trying to make sense or organize Appropedia's category structure. Don't do that.
A project is an organized effort to achieve a particular goal. Projects are the main unit of content in Appropedia and come in many sizes and flavors:
- Some projects are developed by a single person and occupy a single page (example)
- Some are developed by a single organization and span several pages (example)
- Some are developed by many organizations and may span hundreds of pages (example)
Related pages are usually linked together using one or more of the following methods:
- They are all subpages of the main project page (example)
- They all share a common template, usually a notice or menu (example)
- They are all included in the same category (example)
- They all share the same prefix (example)
Books and organizations may be considered projects too.
Main page[edit | edit source]
The Tolocar project sends mobile makerspaces into Ukraine to help, train and equip local communities.
The Surgical Education Learners Forum (SELF) develops and evaluates training modules for health care workers in low-resource settings.
The Fashion Revolution Encyclopedia compiles articles, tutorials and startups for a more sustainable fashion industry.
The Open Climate calls explored the intersection between the open and climate movements.
The Escuela Superior de Economía y Negocios (ESEN) is an institution of higher education in El Salvador teaching innovation and digital manufacturing.
The Pearce Research Group at Michigan Tech in Open Sustainability Technology (MOST) focuses on open and applied sustainability.
CASwiki focuses on community action for sustainability, community involvement through climate action and many other sustainability topics.