Delta Build Workshop
Schedule of Events[edit | edit source]
At least two weeks prior to workshop[edit | edit source]
- Distribute introductory document
- Attendees are expected to make a best-effort at installing software
- Attendees should join the MOST Delta User's Group
Evening Prior[edit | edit source]
(Two hour duration) All attendees must bring their laptops to this introduction.
- Welcome and introductions
- Facilitators will check that all of the software outlined here is installed and working
- Facilitators will assure assembly wiki and videos are accessible by each attendee
- Attendees will assemble tools
Day One[edit | edit source]
(Expect eight hour minimum duration)
- 8:00 AM - Mark's introduction to 3-D printers in the classroom
- 8:30 AM - Introduction to workshop format and assembly
- 9:00 AM - Start assembly
- 12:00 PM - Break for lunch away from assembly area
- 12:30 PM - Resume assembly
- Teams who complete assembly early should help teams that are not complete
- Teams leave only upon demonstrating all mechanical assembly of the first printer is complete
Day Two[edit | edit source]
(Expect eight hour minimum duration)
- 8:00 AM - Start assembly
- 12:00 PM - Break for lunch away from assembly area
- 12:15 PM - First presentation
- 12:30 PM - Resume assembly
- 3:00 PM - Break for second presentation - all assembly come to a stop for presentation
- 3:15 PM - Resume assembly
- Teams who complete assembly early should help teams that are not complete
- Teams leave only upon demonstrating all mechanical assembly of the second printer is complete
- If all teams complete mechanical assembly early, upload firmware
Day Three[edit | edit source]
(Expect eight hour minimum duration)
- 8:00 AM - Upload firmware
- 10:00 AM - Initial power up of printer, start calibration
- 12:00 PM - Break for lunch away from assembly area
- 12:15 PM - Third presentation
- 12:30 PM - Introduction to online model repositories; how to download and print models
- 2:00 PM - Introduction to OpenSCAD
- 2:30 PM - Finalize calibration, build printing skills
Day Four[edit | edit source]
(Expect eight hour minimum duration)
- Individuals download a model from the internet and print it
- Individuals design, render and print an OpenSCAD model of their own
- Build printing skills
- What you can do with it: The Economics of Classroom 3-D Printing of Open-Source Digital Designs of Learning Aids