The U.S. electrical grid, the largest and most complex man-made system in the world, is highly vulnerable to three types of external threats: 1) natural disasters, 2) intentional physical attacks, and 3) cyber-attacks. The technical community has recommended hardening the grid to make it more resilient to attack by using distributed generation and microgrids. Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems are an ideal distributed generation technology to provide power for such microgrids. However, both the deployment velocity and the policy of how to implement such technical solutions have been given far less attention than would be normally considered adequate for a national security risk. To address this threat, this paper reviews the technical and economic viability of utilizing defense contracting for the beginning of a national transition to distributed generation in the U.S. First, the technical scale of electrical demand and the solar PV system necessary is analyzed in detail to meet the first level of strategic importance: the U.S. military. The results found that about 17 GW of PV would be needed to fortify the U.S. military domestically. The current domestic geographic deployment of microgrid installations in the critical U.S. defense infrastructure were reviewed and compared to historical grid failures and existing and planned PV installations to mitigate that risk. The results showed a minimal number of military bases have introduced solar PV systems, leaving large parts of the Department of Defense electrical infrastructure vulnerable to attack. To rectify this situation, the technical skills of the top 20 U.S. defense contractors is reviewed and analyzed for a potential contracting transition to grid fortification. Overall the results indicate that a fortified U.S. military grid made up of PV-powered microgrids is technically feasible, within current contractors skill sets and economically viable. Policy recommendations are made to accelerate U.S. military grid fortification.
See also[edit | edit source]
- Review of solar levelized cost
- Performance of U.S. hybrid distributed energy systems: Solar photovoltaic, battery and combined heat and power
- Emerging economic viability of grid defection in a northern climate using solar hybrid systems
- Trahan, Ryan Thomas, Regulating Toward (In)Security in the U.S. Electricity System (May 18, 2017). originally published, Texas Journal of Oil, Gas, and Energy Law, Vol. 12:2 (July 2017). Available at SSRN:
In the News[edit | edit source]
- Installing solar to combat national security risks in the power grid - MTU News, Newswise, Eureka Alert,, Science Daily, Lab Equipment Magazine, R&D Magazine, Anti-corruption Digest,Solar Thermal Magazine, PVBuzz, HiTech Days, Science Blog, Electrical Construction & Maintenance, Solar Daily, Topix, Arabian Post, Technology Breaking News, Renewable Energy World, Crisis Response
- Solar Microgrids for National Security: Study Finds 17 GW Could Fortify US Military Bases - Microgrid Knowledge
- Shoring Up the Power Grid with Solar Photovoltaics -
- Solar panels could protect the military from attacks on the energy grid - Engineering and Technology
- U.S. researchers say solar micro-grids can help military facilities prevent cyber and physical threats - PV Magazine
- Study: Solar micro-grids can help military fight cyber, physical threats - PV Magazine USA
- Using solar to combat security risks in the power grid - EQ Magazine
- How Military Solar-Powered Microgrids Could Boost National Security - Solar Industry Magazine
- Solar power to reduce national security risks in the U.S. power grid Homeland Security News
- Michigan Tech study suggests outfitting military infrastructure with solar PV microgrid systems - Daily Energy Insider
- Michigan Tech Research: Solar Can Aid Military Security Affordably - Tech Century
- Solar Technology Can Help Secure Military Grids, New Paper Finds - Security Management
- EGEB: $20T for climate change, military solar microgrids, 1,000 mile EV, more - Electrek
- Solar to combat national security risks in the power grid - Panel, Building & System Integration
- Microgrid Use on the Rise with Military and Beyond - Energy Manager Today
- Solar Mini-Grids Could Shield The U.S. From Terrorist Strikes - Oil Price, Energy Today (Iran), Innotap
- Deploying Microgrid On US Domestic Military Bases (Report) - CleanTechnica
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- Joshua M. Pearce: How solar can save U.S. military from electric grid threats - Elko Daily Free Press
- How solar power can protect the U.S. military from threats to the electric grid - The Conversation, Salon, LA Times, GovTech, MENAFN, Reddit,, Chicago Tribune, WTOP, SFGate(San Francisco Chronicle), Business Insider, Raw Story, Informed Comment, Casper Star Tribune, Econotimes, Sci Fi Generation, Idaho Press Tribune, ECS, Skagit Valley Herald, OA online, Rapid City Journal, Bozeman Daily Chronicle, Long Room, Real Clear Defense, True Viral News, Deviant World,SciTech Connect, Honolulu Civil Beat
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- Military Leaders See Solar and Energy Storage as Differentiator - Motley Fool,
- What civilians can learn from military investments in solar - Green Biz
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