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The Rise of Platinum Open Access Journals with both Impact Factors and Zero Article Processing Charges

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Type Paper
Language English
Cite as Citation reference for the source document. Pearce, J.M. The Rise of Platinum Open Access Journals with Both Impact Factors and Zero Article Processing Charges. Knowledge 2022, 2, 209-224. https://doi.org/10.3390/knowledge2020013 open access

It appears that open access (OA) academic publishing is better for science because it provides frictionless access to make significant advancements in knowledge. OA also benefits individual researchers by providing the widest possible audience and concomitant increased citation rates. OA publishing rates are growing fast as increasing numbers of funders demand it and is currently dominated by gold OA (authors pay article processing charges (APCs)). Academics with limited financial resources perceive they must choose between publishing behind pay walls or using research funds for OA publishing. Worse, many new OA journals with low APCs did not have impact factors, which reduces OA selection for tenure track professors. Such unpleasant choices may be dissolving. This article provides analysis with a free and open source python script to collate all journals with impact factors with the now more than 12,000 OA journals that are truly platinum OA (neither the author nor the readers pay for the peer-reviewed work). The results found platinum OA is growing faster than both academic publishing and OA publishing. There are now over 350 platinum OA journals with impact factors over a wide variety of academic disciplines, giving most academics options for OA with no APCs

Keywords[edit | edit source]

open access; academic scholarship; data management; knowledge; data management practices; academic publishing; open source software; free software; knowledge mobilization; tenure; open access publishing Open Source, Open Source Hardware, Innovation, free and open source hardware; FOSH; free and open source software; open design; open hardware; open science; open scientific hardware; OScH; communication studies, communication, social sciences, academics, education, science communication, human communication, new media, communication technologies, mass communication, cultural communication, media and society, information technology, information science, libraries, science, knowledge, technology, sociology

2023 List[edit | edit source]

Journal name IF
living reviews in relativity 40.6
nano-micro letters 26.6
military medical research 21.1
protein & cell 21.1
living reviews in solar physics 20.9
eurosurveillance 19
advanced photonics 17.3
journal of advanced ceramics 16.9
photonix 16.5
studies in mycology 16.5
international journal of extreme manufacturing 14.7
mycosphere 14.6
acta pharmaceutica sinica b 14.5
green energy & environment 13.3
journal of physiotherapy 12.1
emerging infectious diseases 11.8
international journal of mining science and technology 11.8
journal of sport and health science 11.7
nano convergence 11.7
pulmonology 11.7
earth system science data 11.4
journal of biomedical science 11
protection and control of modern power systems 11
transactions of the association for computational linguistics 10.9
environmental health perspectives 10.4
asian journal of pharmaceutical sciences 10.2
journal of materiomics 9.4
computational linguistics 9.3
geoscience frontiers 8.9
journal of pharmaceutical analysis 8.8
chemical science 8.4
human reproduction open 8.3
journal of stroke 8.2
digital communications and networks 7.9
european respiratory review 7.5
petroleum exploration and development 7.5
journal of rock mechanics and geotechnical engineering 7.3
csee journal of power and energy systems 7.1
journal of ocean engineering and science 7.1
food science and human wellness 7
computational visual media 6.9
allergology international 6.8
friction 6.8
regenerative biomaterials 6.7
crop journal 6.6
japanese dental science review 6.6
journal of orthopaedic translation 6.6
plant phenomics 6.5
international soil and water conservation research 6.4
underground space 6.4
journal of ginseng research 6.3
journal of modern power systems and clean energy 6.3
geo-spatial information science 6
journal of statistical software 5.8
horticultural plant journal 5.7
petroleum science 5.6
applied water science 5.5
biomedical journal 5.5
brazilian journal of psychiatry 5.5
rheumatology 5.5
scipost physics 5.5
ict express 5.4
journal of high energy physics 5.4
burns & trauma 5.3
propulsion and power research 5.3
virus evolution 5.3
defence technology 5.1
matter and radiation at extremes 5.1
geochemical perspectives letters 4.9
sustainable environment research 4.9
zoological research 4.9
ecological processes 4.8
plant diversity 4.8
progress in orthodontics 4.8
rice science 4.8
perspectives in ecology and conservation 4.7
bioresources and bioprocessing 4.6
journal of traditional and complementary medicine 4.5
asia-pacific journal of ophthalmology 4.4
photonic sensors 4.4
physics letters b 4.4
chinese journal of mechanical engineering 4.2
eye and vision 4.2
indian journal of medical research 4.2
forest ecosystems 4.1
hellenic journal of cardiology 4.1
kona powder and particle journal 4.1
international journal of disaster risk science 4
journal of gynecologic oncology 3.9
journal of movement disorders 3.9
epidemiology and health 3.8
acta orthopaedica 3.7
nucleus 3.7
health technology assessment 3.6
international journal of interactive multimedia and artificial intelligence 3.6
journal of food and drug analysis 3.6
journal of southern hemisphere earth systems science 3.6
perspectives on medical education 3.6
international journal of health policy and management 3.5
safety and health at work 3.5
angle orthodontist 3.4
endocrinology and metabolism 3.4
integrative medicine research 3.4
phytopathology research 3.4
upsala journal of medical sciences 3.4
biochemia medica 3.3
efsa journal 3.3
express polymer letters 3.3
journal of taibah university for science 3.3
croatian journal of forest engineering 3.2
medical principles and practice 3.2
neurospine 3.2
asian pacific journal of tropical medicine 3.1
beilstein journal of nanotechnology 3.1
indian journal of ophthalmology 3.1
indian journal of psychiatry 3.1
ultrasonography 3.1
balkan medical journal 3
kidney research and clinical practice 3
prostate international 3
electronics 2.9
oceanologia 2.9
oeno one 2.9
swiss medical weekly 2.9
dermatology practical & conceptual 2.8
journal of orthopaedics and traumatology 2.8
journal of water and climate change 2.8
mediterranean marine science 2.8
nuclear physics b 2.8
beilstein journal of organic chemistry 2.7
hong kong medical journal 2.7
international journal of implant dentistry 2.7
jornal brasileiro de pneumologia 2.7
journal of applied oral science 2.7
journal of hydroinformatics 2.7
nuclear engineering and technology 2.7
onderstepoort journal of veterinary research 2.7
water science and technology 2.7
arquivos brasileiros de cardiologia 2.6
bioimpacts 2.6
journal of the european mathematical society 2.6
perioperative medicine 2.6
brazilian oral research 2.5
clinics in orthopedic surgery 2.5
egyptian journal of biological pest control 2.4
food technology and biotechnology 2.4
journal of analytical science and technology 2.4
south african journal of science 2.4
advances in rheumatology 2.3
annals of thoracic medicine 2.3
international neurourology journal 2.3
investigative and clinical urology 2.3
johnson matthey technology review 2.3
journal of electromagnetic engineering and science 2.3
journal of water and health 2.3
rivista italiana di paleontologia e stratigrafia 2.3
water quality research journal 2.3
brazilian journal of otorhinolaryngology 2.2
journal of mass spectrometry and advances in the clinical lab 2.2
molecular vision 2.2
web ecology 2.2
endokrynologia polska 2.1
materiales de construccion 2.1
pediatrics and neonatology 2.1
rural and remote health 2.1
taiwanese journal of obstetrics & gynecology 2.1
vertebrate zoology 2.1
folia neuropathologica 2
palaeontologia electronica 2
revista da sociedade brasileira de medicina tropical 2
croatian medical journal 1.9
journal of computer science and technology 1.9
journal of hydrology and hydromechanics 1.9
annals of forest research 1.8
arthropod systematics & phylogeny 1.8
avian research 1.8
brodogradnja 1.8
geologica belgica 1.8
information technology and libraries 1.8
knowledge and management of aquatic ecosystems 1.8
mathematical modelling and analysis 1.8
revista latino-americana de enfermagem 1.8
revista portuguesa de cardiologia 1.8
anais brasileiros de dermatologia 1.7
annals of indian academy of neurology 1.7
asian pacific journal of tropical biomedicine 1.7
geus bulletin 1.7
indian journal of dermatology 1.7
neotropical ichthyology 1.7
physical review accelerators and beams 1.7
southern african journal of hiv medicine 1.7
videosurgery and other miniinvasive techniques 1.7
water supply 1.7
acta montanistica slovaca 1.6
annals of saudi medicine 1.6
bangladesh journal of pharmacology 1.6
journal of postgraduate medicine 1.6
water policy 1.6
algebraic geometry 1.5
chemical and biochemical engineering quarterly 1.5
crop breeding and applied biotechnology 1.5
geologica acta 1.5
irish journal of agricultural and food research 1.5
journal of research of the national institute of standards and technology 1.5
new zealand journal of forestry science 1.5
petrology 1.5
science of sintering 1.5
urology journal 1.5
arquivos de neuro-psiquiatria 1.4
brazilian journal of geology 1.4
computer science and information systems 1.4
etri journal 1.4
grasas y aceites 1.4
journal of causal inference 1.4
journal of contemporary brachytherapy 1.4
scientia marina 1.4
acta botanica croatica 1.3
anatolian journal of cardiology 1.3
annali di botanica 1.3
brazilian journal of anesthesiology 1.3
brazilian journal of cardiovascular surgery 1.3
brazilian journal of pharmaceutical sciences 1.3
california agriculture 1.3
geologia croatica 1.3
geologica carpathica 1.3
international journal of speleology 1.3
journal of cytology 1.3
journal of nematology 1.3
polish polar research 1.3
acta chimica slovenica 1.2
agricultural and food science 1.2
archives of control sciences 1.2
brazilian journal of chemical engineering 1.2
bulletin of mathematical sciences 1.2
chimia 1.2
european journal of taxonomy 1.2
kinesiology 1.2
mires and peat 1.2
mljekarstvo 1.2
nano 1.2
discrete analysis 1.1
drvna industrija 1.1
electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 1.1
journal of official statistics 1.1
materials science-poland 1.1
processing and application of ceramics 1.1
subterranean biology 1.1
wildfowl 1.1
annals of geophysics 1
brazilian archives of biology and technology 1
dyna 1
geofizika 1
journal of applied fluid mechanics 1
journal of international advanced otology 1
journal of spectral theory 1
journal of the serbian chemical society 1
journal of universal computer science 1
macedonian journal of chemistry and chemical engineering 1
mathematics in engineering 1
mediterranean botany 1
metrology and measurement systems 1
new medit 1
revista brasileira de anestesiologia 1
andean geology 0.9
animal biodiversity and conservation 0.9
arkivoc 0.9
bangladesh journal of plant taxonomy 0.9
documenta mathematica 0.9
earth sciences research journal 0.9
fluoride 0.9
international journal of odonatology 0.9
journal of the southern african institute of mining and metallurgy 0.9
revista mexicana de biodiversidad 0.9
sociobiology 0.9
spanish journal of agricultural research 0.9
taiwania 0.9
acta amazonica 0.8
acta herpetologica 0.8
acta zoologica academiae scientiarum hungaricae 0.8
adansonia 0.8
archives of biological sciences 0.8
botanica serbica 0.8
fishery bulletin 0.8
indian journal of traditional knowledge 0.8
malawi medical journal 0.8
norwegian journal of geology 0.8
polish journal of pathology 0.8
revista de metalurgia 0.8
world rabbit science 0.8
bulletin of the geological society of finland 0.7
discussiones mathematicae graph theory 0.7
electronic journal of combinatorics 0.7
electronic journal of differential equations 0.7
forest systems 0.7
journal of theoretical and applied mechanics 0.7
nauplius 0.7
tropical grasslands-forrajes tropicales 0.7
acta clinica croatica 0.6
archives of metallurgy and materials 0.6
caldasia 0.6
condensed matter physics 0.6
hong kong journal of emergency medicine 0.6
indian journal of experimental biology 0.6
indian journal of fibre & textile research 0.6
informes de la construccion 0.6
journal of apicultural science 0.6
logical methods in computer science 0.6
electronic communications in probability 0.5
engenharia sanitaria e ambiental 0.5
journal of nepal medical association 0.5
journal of vector borne diseases 0.5
serbian astronomical journal 0.5
acta bioethica 0.4
australasian orthodontic journal 0.4
hong kong journal of occupational therapy 0.4
mathematical communications 0.4
neurological sciences and neurophysiology 0.4
revista mvz cordoba 0.4
agrociencia 0.3
croatica chemica acta 0.3
history of geo- and space sciences 0.3
b-ent 0.2
srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo 0.2

See also[edit | edit source]

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