Open Source Multi-Head 3D Printer for Polymer-Metal Composite Component Manufacturing
As low-cost desktop 3D printing is now dominated by free and open source self-replicating rapid prototype (RepRap) derivatives, there is an intense interest in extending the scope of potential applications to manufacturing. This study describes a manufacturing technology that enables a constrained set of polymer-metal composite components. This paper provides (1) free and open source hardware and (2) software for printing systems that achieves metal wire embedment into a polymer matrix 3D-printed part via a novel weaving and wrapping method using (3) OpenSCAD and parametric coding for customized g-code commands. Composite parts are evaluated from the technical viability of manufacturing and quality. The results show that utilizing a multi-polymer head system for multi-component manufacturing reduces manufacturing time and reduces the embodied energy of manufacturing. Finally, it is concluded that an open source software and hardware tool chain can provide low-cost industrial manufacturing of complex metal-polymer composite-based products.
- open hardware source code[1]
- ini file[2]
- Franklin firmware,[3]
- Re:3D. Gigabot[4]
- OpenSCAD:[5]
- IC3D Digital Platform.[6]
- RAMPS 1.4.[7]
- Pololu A4988 Stepper Motor Drive Carrier.[8]
- Arduino Mega Board 2560.[9]
- KiCad–PcbNew.[10]
- Slic3r.[11]
See also[edit | edit source]
- Franklin Firmware on GigabotHX:MOST
- GigabotHX
- Metal wire embedding in fused filament 3-D printing
- Experimental Characterization of Heat Transfer in an Additively Manufactured Polymer Heat Exchanger
- Expanded microchannel heat exchanger
- Towards Low-Cost Microchannel Heat Exchangers: Vehicle Heat Recovery Ventilator Prototype
- Design Optimization of Polymer Heat Exchanger for Automated Household-Scale Solar Water Pasteurizer
- Finite Difference Heat Exchanger Model: Flow Maldistribution with Thermal Coupling
- Expanded Microchannel Heat Exchanger: Finite Difference Modeling
References[edit | edit source]
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- ↑ Franklin Firmware on GigabotHX:MOST
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