Franklin is a RepRap driver developed by User:Wijnen. This is software for controlling a RepRap 3-D printer, created by the Michigan Tech Open Sustainable Technology Lab (MOST).
RepRap 3-D printers and their derivatives using conventional firmware are limited by: 1) requiring technical knowledge, 2) poor resilience with unreliable hardware, and 3) poor integration in complicated systems. In this paper, a new control system called Franklin, for CNC machines in general and 3-D printers specifically, is presented that enables web-based three dimensional control of additive, subtractive and analytical tools from any Internet connected device. Franklin can be set up and controlled entirely from a web interface; it uses a custom protocol which allows it to continue printing when the connection is temporarily lost, and allows communication with scripts.
Download[edit | edit source]
Latest version: Please see the wiki on github for up to date information.
Instructions[edit | edit source]
- Franklin:MOST
- To install Franklin on Debian you can also follow the video - it will take about 5 min. video
Please see the wiki on github for up to date information.
- Franklin was tested on the following RepRap devices: Mendel RepRap, Delta RepRap, OS laser welder, PCB micromill, and the open source metal 3-D printer.
Keywords[edit | edit source]
3-D printing, additive manufacturing, distributed manufacturing, firmware, free and open source software, FOSS, open-source, open-source electronics, open-source hardware, personal fabrication, printing, RepRap, rapid prototyping
See also[edit | edit source]
- Multi-material additive and subtractive prosumer digital fabrication with a free and open-source convertible delta RepRap 3-D printer
- Mobile Open-Source Solar-Powered 3-D Printers for Distributed Manufacturing in Off-Grid Communities
- Open source 3-D printing of OSAT
- Distributed manufacturing with 3-D printing: a case study of recreational vehicle solar photovoltaic mounting systems
- Open-source parametric 3-D printed slot die system for thin film semiconductor processing
In the News[edit | edit source]
- Open source wifi enabled 3D printer controller Franklin speeds up with new release 3Ders
- 密歇根理工大学发布开源3D控制软件Franklin- 3DPrint of the Week (Chinese)
- Michigan Tech and America Makes Release Free Open Source 3D Printing Software -
- America Makes releases free software for 3d motion control - Materials Today
- Remotely Control Your 3D Printer With Free, Open-Source Software - Design News, Electronic Products