Open Source Scientific Bottle Roller
Proprietary bottle rolling systems automate some laboratory applications, however, their high costs limit accessibility. This study provides designs of an open source bottle roller that is compatible with distributed digital manufacturing using 3-D printed parts and readily-available commercial components. The experimental results show that the open source bottle roller can be fabricated for CAD$210 (about USD$150) in materials, which is 86% less expensive than the most affordable proprietary bottle roller on the market. The design, however, is more robust with enhanced capabilities. The design can be adapted to the user’s needs, but is already compatible with incubators with a low profile (dimensions 50 cm x46 cm x8.8 cm) and capable of being operated at elevated temperatures. The systems can be adjusted to revolves from 1 to 200 RPM, exceeding the rotational speed of most commercial systems. The open source bottle roller as tested has a capacity greater than 1.2 kg and can roll twelve 100mL bottles simultaneously. Validation testing showed that it can operate for days at 80 RPM without human intervention or monitoring for days at both room temperature and elevated temperatures (50°C). Future work includes adapting the designs for different sizes and for different fabrication techniques to further reduce costs and increase flexibility.
- Target group: Engineering and materials science, Chemistry and biochemistry
- Hardware type: Mechanical engineering and materials science
- Skills required: desktop 3D printing – easy, mechanical assembly – easy
- 3D printing of ball mill FAST Literature review
- Closest commercial analog Thermo Scientific Bottle/Tube Roller, US$1276.89 (CAD$1,539)([1])
- Open source license Documentation: GNU General Public License (GPL) 3.0;Hardware: CERN OHL-S v2
- Cost of hardware <USD$160 (CAD$210)
- Source file repository
- OSHWA certification UID CA000027
- OSF link to the design files
- Open Source Scientific Bottle Roller on MyMiniFactory
- Open Source Scientific Bottle Roller on Printables
- Open Source Scientific Bottle Roller on YouMagine
See also[edit | edit source]
- Open-source Hardware Design of Modular Solar DC Nanogrid
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- Open Source Lab
- Building research equipment with free, open-source hardware
- Open source science
- Open-source hardware
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