This literature review supports the following completed project: AC/off-grid photovoltaic powered open-source ball mill

Analysis of ball mill grinding operation using mill power specific kinetic parameters[edit | edit source]

Gupta, V. K., & Sharma, S. (2014). Analysis of ball mill grinding operation using mill power specific kinetic parameters. Advanced Powder Technology, 25(2), 625–634.

This research is about considering the mill speed, ball load, particle load, ball and mill diameter on the breakage rate of the biggest particle (S) and the rate of producing the finest particle (F). we want these two amounts big, however the amount of F is more important since the main purpose of ball mill is grinding and by default, we get S. Different parameters have different effect on these two factors.

  • the optimum speed for ball mill between 55-70% of the critical speed
  • The lower amount (55) for the softer particles and higher (70) for harder particles.
  • low load of particles in lower speed is desirable when we do not consider the amount of out put (production rate).
  • increasing the ball diameter decrease both factors, but less effect on F rather than, has less effect on softer materials rather than harder ones.

Prediction of product size distributions for a stirred ball mill[edit | edit source]

Gao, M., & Forssberg, E. (1995). Prediction of product size distributions for a stirred ball mill. Powder Technology, 84(2), 101–106.

This paper models the product size distribution for a stirred ball mill.

  • the bead (I think the ball) size, has great effect on the fineness of the particles.
  • better efficiency in beads with sizes between 0.8 to 1 mm than 1.6-2.5 mm ones.
  • two different types of ball mills.the milling time and intensity have significant effect on the product as we can achieve different micro-structures and morphology in each method.

Designing a high energy ball-mill for synthesis of nanophase materials in large quantities[edit | edit source]

Basset, D., Matteazzi, P., & Miani, F. (1993). Designing a high energy ball-mill for synthesis of nanophase materials in large quantities. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 168(2), 149–152.

This paper is about a new high energy, high capacity ball mill design for achieving nano meter particles. The design is capable of scaling up for more capacities.

Building Research Equipment with Free, Open-Source Hardware[edit | edit source]

Pearce, J. (2012). Building Research Equipment with Free, Open-Source Hardware. Science (New York, N.Y.), 337, 1303–1304.

Opensource 3D printers are some printers that can print more than 50 percent of their parts and are controlled by opensource software which includes an accessible for modifying and sometimes free of charge code. In this regard, by having access to an opensource code and combining it to a 3D printer, we are able to fabricate opensource hardware.

Powder Production Methods (book)[edit | edit source]

Comminution is done for purposes such as size reduction and growth, changing the shape of particles, eliminating agglomeration, mechanical alloying, mixing, changing materials properties, and producing powder, etc. The platform in which the grinding happens, like the environment, defines the final properties of the material.

There should be an optimum speed where the centrifugal forces rotates the ball to the top of the ball mill and then, the weight strength of balls be more than the centrifugal force, and by so, they fall off the bottom of the mill. there is a equation in which we can calculate the critical speed for keeping the balls in walls due to centrifugal force which is: n= 42.3/ Dm^1/2. The normal speed is 65-80% of the critical speed.

  • The max of ball size should be between D/18 & D/24.
  • Max load of balls should be between 30-35% of the total volume.
  • the optimum ratio between length and the diameter (D/L) should be 1.56- 1.64.
  • The capacity of the ball mill is: N= (0.104*D^3*L*rho*phi^0.88+0.1*Ln)*1/etha1*etha2)

Ball mill advantages: high capacity, predicted fineness in specific amount of time, reliability, safety, simplicity and servicing.

Ball mill disadvantages: handiness and large weight, high energy consumption because of the waste of energy in heat, friction, etc, and noise making.

There are different kind of ball mills: cylindrical, tube, conical, Rod Mills, Planetary Mills, Vibratory Ball Mills, Vibrating Grinders, Medium Agitating Mills, Jet Mills, etc.

**Our ball mill is Medium Agitating Mill, in which the breaking happens by striking of media, and we have vertical or horizontal rotating shaft. Fine particles and mechanical alloying are the main applications of this design. the speed is between 60- 300 rpm, 3-6 mm media. The energy consumption is less than others. the grinding time is t=kd/n^1/2 . This ball mill is useful for hard materials.

High Performance Grinding[edit | edit source]

Klocke, F., Barth, S., & Mattfeld, P. (2016). High Performance Grinding. Procedia CIRP, 46, 266–271.

Through arising innovative materials, we should overcome issues that accompany them in grinding steps. The four important issues are time, cost, quality or feasibility. By addressing and overcoming at least one of these issues, we can improve conventional grinding to high performance grinding process.

Ball milling in organic synthesis: solutions and challenges[edit | edit source]

Stolle, A., Szuppa, T., Leonhardt, S. E. S., & Ondruschka, B. (2011). Ball milling in organic synthesis: Solutions and challenges. Chemical Society Reviews, 40(5), 2317–2329.

One of the applications of ball mill is synthesis in organic chemistry field as chemical reactors.

balls: the materials (density), the size, and the number of balls are important in the efficiency of the ball mill.

The problem of the ball mill for this field is controlling the temperature and pressure of the reactions which should be overcome by fabricating some tools to control these factors during the process.

Ball milling: a green technology for the preparation and functionalisation of nanocellulose derivatives[edit | edit source]

C. Piras, C., Fernández-Prieto, S., & Borggraeve, W. M. D. (2019). Ball milling: A green technology for the preparation and functionalisation of nanocellulose derivatives. Nanoscale Advances, 1(3), 937–947.

This is a mini review about ball milling in cellulose field to prepare and modify the cellulose nano-crystals and nano-fibers. Ball mill is a technology to grind particles to fine powders and mix material.

Advantages: This review refers the ball mill as a reliable, reproducible, the ability to control the speed, simple, easy to use, low cost and environmentally friendly method.

Disadvantages: contamination, irregular shape of nanomaterials, noise, and time consuming.

Based on this paper, the ball mill could be divided into two groups: direct and indirect. In the first one, the kinetic is transferred to the particles directly but in the second one the kinetic energy is first transferred to the mill body, and through this part the energy would go to the particles (our ball mill). This ball mill also has 3 different types including tumbler, vibratory, and planetary. (ours is tumbler)

The bigger the drum diameter, the more the energy is transferred to the particles since the balls fall from more height to the particles.

The balls could be from different materials such as steel, SS, ceramic, or rubber.

Comparative study of Al-Ni-Mo alloys obtained by mechanical alloying in different ball mills[edit | edit source]

García-Guaderrama, M. (n.d.). Comparative study of Al-Ni-Mo alloys obtained by mechanical alloying in different ball mills. Retrieved October 19, 2022, from

The effect of two parameters, ball mill type and time of ball milling is determined in mechanical alloying of Al-Ni-Mo.

  • The higher the milling intensity, the shorter the ball milling time.
  • the intensity depends on mass and velocity of balls, and the weight ratio of balls to powder.
  • by increasing milling time, we achieve different compounds.
  • different intensity, we have have different phase formation & different microstructures.

Graphene aerogels for oil absorption (Book)[edit | edit source]

Petridis, L. V., Kokkinos, N. C., Mitropoulos, A. C., & Kyzas, G. Z. (2019). Chapter 8—Graphene aerogels for oil absorption. In G. Z. Kyzas & A. C. Mitropoulos (Eds.), Interface Science and Technology (Vol. 30, pp. 173–197). Elsevier.

Applying lateral forces to graphite

  • Shear force though balls, produces large flakes of graphene.
  • collision, break these flakes.
  • collision, disrupts the crystal structure to amorphous mass (we do not want amorphous graphene, so we should control the collision).

Green synthetic approaches for medium ring�sized heterocycles of biological and pharmaceutical interest (book)[edit | edit source]

Chattopadhyay, S. (2015). Green Synthetic Approaches for Medium Ring-Sized Heterocycles of Biological Interest. In Green Synthetic Approaches for Biologically Relevant Heterocycles (pp. 291–315).

Ball mill can be used in synthesis and reactions of organic compounds. It is known for simplicity, green-technology, economical, and high yields. which is referred as "mechanochemistry".

Solvent-Free Asymmetric Organocatalysis in a Ball Mill[edit | edit source]

Rodríguez, B., Rantanen, T., & Bolm, C. (2006). Solvent-Free Asymmetric Organocatalysis in a Ball Mill. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 45(41), 6924–6926.

Ball milling is useful for grinding, preparing and modifying inorganic materials. It can be used for chemical synthesis which leads to decreasing the amount of harmful materials.

Open-Source Grinding Machine for Compression Screw Manufacturing[edit | edit source]

Franz, J., & Pearce, J. M. (2020). Open-source grinding machine for compression screw manufacturing. Inventions, 5(3), 1–27.

This paper is about using open-source Grinding Machine to fabricate compression screw force.

open source 3D printing is capable of fabricating a wide range of materials, from household to more professional applications, in the shape of distributed manufacturing to be customized and help the user to save money.

Quantifying the Value of Open Source Hardware Development[edit | edit source]

Pearce, J. M. (2014). Quantifying the Value of Open Source Hardware Development (SSRN Scholarly Paper No. 3331131).

Free open source hardware applications are mostly in science, medicine, and education where people are in a need of customized products in low-volume.

Fabrication of TiFe-Based Electrodes Using High-Energy Ball Mill with Mn Additive for NiMH Batteries[edit | edit source]

Zali, A., Kashani-Bozorg, S. F., Lalegani, Z., & Hamawandi, B. (2022). Fabrication of TiFe-Based Electrodes Using High-Energy Ball Mill with Mn Additive for NiMH Batteries. Batteries, 8(10), Article 10.

This paper is about fabricating a nanostructure alloy for electrode applications using planetary ball mill. The amorphous phase transformation happens after ball milling.

The electrodes are pressed powders!!

  • increasing the milling time, we achieve different structures including crystal or amorphous structure.
  • nanocrystal structure after 20 h milling.
  • Long milling time---> agglomeration.

Numerical simulation of ball milling reactor for novel ammonia synthesis under ambient conditions[edit | edit source]

Paramanantham, S. S., Brigljević, B., Aleksey, N., Nagulapati, V. M., Han, G.-F., Baek, J.-B., Mikulčić, H., & Lim, H. (2022). Numerical simulation of ball milling reactor for novel ammonia synthesis under ambient conditions. Energy, 125754.

Mechanochemical synthesis of ammonia by ball milling.

500 g of steel ball diameter is 25 mm, and 24 g of iron particles diameter is 0.25 mm in reactor.

Comparative Study of the Morphology of Cellulose Nanofiber Fabricated Using Two Kinds of Grinding Method[edit | edit source]

Uranchimeg, K., Jargalsaikhan, B., Bor, A., Yoon, K., & Choi, H. (2022). Comparative Study of the Morphology of Cellulose Nanofiber Fabricated Using Two Kinds of Grinding Method. Materials, 15(20), Article 20.

This is about fabricating cellulose nano fiber through ball milling. (Lignin is separated by bleaching process with hydrogen peroxide).

The cellulose fiber forms a homogeneous suspension after 3 month, but the cellulose powder (ball milled), changes into a homogeneous suspension after a week. That's because of increasing the surface area which is the result of the chemical activities happen during the ball milling. This process helped the cellulose to change into CNF in more proper way.

Silicon Powder Properties Produced in a Planetary Ball Mill as a Function of Grinding Time, Grinding Bead Size and Rotational Speed[edit | edit source]

Nilssen, B. E., & Kleiv, R. A. (2020). Silicon Powder Properties Produced in a Planetary Ball Mill as a Function of Grinding Time, Grinding Bead Size and Rotational Speed. Silicon, 12(10), 2413–2423.

This paper investigates the properties of silicon after ball milling with with planetary ball mill in different time, ball size, and speed. These parameters have effect on the phase form (crystalline or amorphous) and their sizes. By increasing the specific surface area, there are more iron contamination, and also more amorphous phase, which is shown with grinding with 0.25 mm beads. Acid wash decreases the iron contamination considerably.

The Impact of Ball Milling Process Parameters on the Preparation of Nano Silicon Powder[edit | edit source]

Zhu, X., Cai, X., Zhang, S., Wang, L., & Cui, X. (2021). The Impact of Ball Milling Process Parameters on the Preparation of Nano Silicon Powder. Integrated Ferroelectrics, 217(1), 255–264.

The influence of ball milling factors including milling time and speed in nano silicon production are investigated. The balls material is zirconia.

the first result was the effect of speed which shows the higher the speed, the higher the rate for breaking the grains which is the result of increasing the collision between grains. Also, by increasing the speed, we would have equal distribution of particle size.

the function that shows the relationship between speed and the grain size is:

  1. 157*exp(-((x-706.8)/297.2)^2)

effect of time on grain size when the speed is fixed is:

  • increasing in milling time---> decreasing in grain size and increasing in evenly distributed particle sizes, however there is an optimum time for that.
  • the optimum speed is 1100/1200 rpm, and the optimum time is 150 min.
characterization milling time/particle size particle size/ volume percent

Rapid refinement of SiC particles by a novel milling process with balls of multiple sizes[edit | edit source]

Li, J., Ren, X., Zhang, Y., Hou, H., & Hu, S. (2020). Rapid refinement of SiC particles by a novel milling process with balls of multiple sizes. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 9(4), 8667–8674.

this paper investigates the greater properties of particles based on the ball size distribution.

the material is Mg, and SiC. Parameters: D drum: 20 cm, speed: 70-670 rpm, volume: 250 ml.

mass ratio between balls and powder is 10:1.

  • great decreased size of particles through ball milling with different ball sizes.
characterization XRD particle size/ volume fracture milling time/ D

References[edit | edit source]

[1] Gupta, V. K., & Sharma, S. (2014). Analysis of ball mill grinding operation using mill power specific kinetic parameters. Advanced Powder Technology, 25(2), 625–634.

[2] Gao, M., & Forssberg, E. (1995). Prediction of product size distributions for a stirred ball mill. Powder Technology, 84(2), 101–106.

[3] Basset, D., Matteazzi, P., & Miani, F. (1993). Designing a high energy ball-mill for synthesis of nanophase materials in large quantities. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 168(2), 149–152.

[4] Pearce, J. (2012). Building Research Equipment with Free, Open-Source Hardware. Science (New York, N.Y.), 337, 1303–1304.

[5] Klocke, F., Barth, S., & Mattfeld, P. (2016). High Performance Grinding. Procedia CIRP, 46, 266–271.

[6] Stolle, A., Szuppa, T., Leonhardt, S. E. S., & Ondruschka, B. (2011). Ball milling in organic synthesis: Solutions and challenges. Chemical Society Reviews, 40(5), 2317–2329.

[7] C. Piras, C., Fernández-Prieto, S., & Borggraeve, W. M. D. (2019). Ball milling: A green technology for the preparation and functionalisation of nanocellulose derivatives. Nanoscale Advances, 1(3), 937–947.

[8] García-Guaderrama, M. (n.d.). Comparative study of Al-Ni-Mo alloys obtained by mechanical alloying in different ball mills. Retrieved October 19, 2022, from

[9] Petridis, L. V., Kokkinos, N. C., Mitropoulos, A. C., & Kyzas, G. Z. (2019). Chapter 8—Graphene aerogels for oil absorption. In G. Z. Kyzas & A. C. Mitropoulos (Eds.), Interface Science and Technology (Vol. 30, pp. 173–197). Elsevier.

[11] Chattopadhyay, S. (2015). Green Synthetic Approaches for Medium Ring-Sized Heterocycles of Biological Interest. In Green Synthetic Approaches for Biologically Relevant Heterocycles (pp. 291–315).

[12] Rodríguez, B., Rantanen, T., & Bolm, C. (2006). Solvent-Free Asymmetric Organocatalysis in a Ball Mill. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 45(41), 6924–6926.

[13] Franz, J., & Pearce, J. M. (2020). Open-source grinding machine for compression screw manufacturing. Inventions, 5(3), 1–27.

[14] Pearce, J. M. (2014). Quantifying the Value of Open Source Hardware Development (SSRN Scholarly Paper No. 3331131).

[15] Zali, A., Kashani-Bozorg, S. F., Lalegani, Z., & Hamawandi, B. (2022). Fabrication of TiFe-Based Electrodes Using High-Energy Ball Mill with Mn Additive for NiMH Batteries. Batteries, 8(10), Article 10.

[16] Paramanantham, S. S., Brigljević, B., Aleksey, N., Nagulapati, V. M., Han, G.-F., Baek, J.-B., Mikulčić, H., & Lim, H. (2022). Numerical simulation of ball milling reactor for novel ammonia synthesis under ambient conditions. Energy, 125754.

[17] Uranchimeg, K., Jargalsaikhan, B., Bor, A., Yoon, K., & Choi, H. (2022). Comparative Study of the Morphology of Cellulose Nanofiber Fabricated Using Two Kinds of Grinding Method. Materials, 15(20), Article 20.

[18] Nilssen, B. E., & Kleiv, R. A. (2020). Silicon Powder Properties Produced in a Planetary Ball Mill as a Function of Grinding Time, Grinding Bead Size and Rotational Speed. Silicon, 12(10), 2413–2423.

[19] Zhu, X., Cai, X., Zhang, S., Wang, L., & Cui, X. (2021). The Impact of Ball Milling Process Parameters on the Preparation of Nano Silicon Powder. Integrated Ferroelectrics, 217(1), 255–264.

[20] Li, J., Ren, X., Zhang, Y., Hou, H., & Hu, S. (2020). Rapid refinement of SiC particles by a novel milling process with balls of multiple sizes. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 9(4), 8667–8674.

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Authors Maryam Mottaghi
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Created October 18, 2022 by Maryam Mottaghi
Last modified May 3, 2023 by Joshua M. Pearce
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