This category contains lab protocols for the Michigan-Tech Open Sustainability Technology (MOST) Research Group.

A note on safety: MOST researchers never do anything you feel is unsafe. If any experiment makes you even remotely uncomfortable go to talk to Dr. Pearce about it immediately.
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Facilities at MTU

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MOST Research Facilities


The Pearce group has been allotted two rooms of research space on the 4th and 5th floors of the M&M Building at Michigan Technological University. The space consists of 2 clean hoods, 2 standard fume hoods, and bench top workspace for more than a dozen specialized pieces of equipment and work areas. In addition all metal 3-D printing occurs in 3 bays of fume hood on the 3rd floor lab.


The Pearce group laboratories are equipped with 5 Linux-based computers and 5 PC-compatible computers that run up-to-date software for word processing, graphics, engineering design and data manipulation. All computers have Internet connections though hi-speed Ethernet ports or wireless and connect to a laser printer and copier in the offices. In addition, all 3D printers in the Pearce lab have a stand-alone computer/microcomputer of some kind.


All graduate students have shared office space as part of the MSE and ECE programs. Each student has a desk, which are equipped with Ethernet ports and each office has file cabinets for storage, as well as access to shared printers. The PI has an office down the hall from the main laboratory on the 5th floor with sufficient space for scientific discussions with 3 students and has access to numerous conference rooms within the building for group meetings.

Rapid Prototyping Facilities


The Pearce laboratory is fully stocked with standard electrical and mechanical equipment for open-source rapid prototyping using 3-D printing including approximately a dozen open source RepRap printers of MTU design (e.g. MOST deltas or 4 heavily modified Mendell/Prusa-style RepRap printers), 2 Gigabots (one highly modified), a Gigabot X, CNC R printers, and over 30 Lulzbot Taz, and miniTaz printers.In addition we have 5 OS metal 3-D printers that use GMAW technology as well as sever syringe printers, slot die, and wax printers.

In addition, MTU developed the first RecycleBots and has approximately six different versions of these waste plastic extruders and some commercial variants for testing. We also have an open source chopper for making composite filament.


Dr. Pearce's group has the ability to do in-lab PCB design and either milling or printing on augmented 3-D printers using open source tool chains, although for bigger jobs and or any need for the microfab we use the electronic design and test facilities in the ECE department. The Michigan Tech Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering has extensive design and electronic test resources available. These include:

  • CNC based printed circuit board prototype production capabilities with 5 mil feature resolution.
  • Extensive resources for electronic test equipment including numerous digital volt-ohmmeters, Keithley and Agilent DMM and electrometers, current model Agilent 40MHz signal and word generators, Agilent/hp and Tektronix storage oscilloscopes ranging from 60MHz to 8GSa/s and some including digital logic analysis capabilities up to 20MHz. Numerous regulated power supplies, spectrum analyzers, network analyzers, RF test and analysis capabilities to 12GHz for multiple polarizations, two anechoic chambers. Dr. Pearce's group has the ability to do in-lab PCB design and either milling or printing on augmented 3-D printers using open source tool chains, although for bigger jobs and or any need for the microfab we use the electronic design and test facilities in the ECE department.

The Michigan Tech Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering has extensive design and electronic test resources available. These include:

  • CNC based printed circuit board prototype production capabilities with 5 mil feature resolution.
  • Extensive resources for electronic test equipment including numerous digital volt-ohmmeters, Keithley and Agilent DMM and electrometers, current model Agilent 40MHz signal and word generators, Agilent/hp and Tektronix storage oscilloscopes ranging from 60MHz to 8GSa/s and some including digital logic analysis capabilities up to 20MHz. Numerous regulated power supplies, spectrum analyzers, network analyzers, RF test and analysis capabilities to 12GHz for multiple polarizations, two anechoic chambers.
  • Design tools including the full Cadence EDA software suit, the full Mentor Graphics EDA software suite, Eagle PCB layout, several versions of SPICE simulation capabilities, Coventorware MEMS design software, ANSYS FEA design software, Comsol Multiphysics, and the Ansoft e-mag software suite.
  • Wafer probing capabilities in the MTU Microfabrication Facility include two Micromanipulator wafer probers capable of 100mm and 200mm substrate probing down to 2 micron accuracy. Instrumentation includes a Keithley 4200-SCS semiconductor parametric analyzer with pulsed IV capabilities, a hp/Agilent 4145A semiconductor parametric analyzer, a 4284A precision LCR meter, a 4180A picoammeter, two Keithley model 220 precision current sources and two model 2400 Sourcemeters, a Keithley model 196 system DMM and two hp/Agilent 3478A multi DMMs. Many other instruments are available through the ECE department common laboratory resources for use as appropriate.
  • Wire bonding capabilities in the MTU Microfabrication Facility includes a K&S Au wedge-wedge wire bonder operating at temperatures up to 400°C.Dr. Pearce's group has the ability to do in-lab PCB design and either milling or printing on augmented 3-D printers using open source tool chains, although for bigger jobs and or any need for the microfab we use the electronic design and test facilities in the ECE department.


  • Calibrated light source -- Ocean Optics DH-2000-CAL. It is a UV-VIS-NIR light source with two lamps, a deuterium and a halogen lamp..
  • Several Ocean Optics portable spectrometers covering UV to NIR -- all of which are usb digital with the full software licenses.
    • Ocean Optics USB2000 Spectrometer w/ Software (175-502nm 25uM slit)
    • Ocean Optics USB4000 spectrometer with a 300nm to 1000nm range.
    • NIRQuest 512-2.5 -- 900 – 2500 nm.
  • A collection of open-source spectrometers from Public Lab (400-700nm) and Spectruino (380-750nm).

Materials Characterization Laboratory

The Applied Chemical and Morphological Analyses Laboratory (ACMAL) is a Michigan Technological University facility that houses an extensive array of electron microanalytical and x-ray instruments. The Center is managed by the Department of Materials Science and Engineering and located on the 6th floor of the Minerals and Materials Engineering Building. Electron beam instrumentation includes three scanning electron microscopes (SEM), two transmission electron microscopes (TEM) and a dedicated electron microprobe analyzer (EMPA). X-ray equipment includes a sequential x-ray fluorscence spectrometer and five x-ray diffractometers.

  • Hitachi S-4700 FE-SEM with 1.2nm resolution and energy dispersive spectrometry.
  • Hitachi FB-2000A Focused ion beam system with 7nm spot size.
  • JEOL JSM-6400 SEM with energy dispersive spectrometry. This system is equipped with backscattered electron detectors, Oxford eXL EDS systems, and Oxford LEMAS Stage Automation systems. The JEOL 6400 SEM is also equipped with an Oxford EBSP analyzer system that is used to determine the crystallographic orientation of phases within a specimen using electron backscattered Kikuchi patterns. It is equipped with Oxford Featurescan quantitative image analysis systems including Phase Distribution Analysis (PDA).
  • A JEOL 4000 FX and two JEOL 100 CX scanning transmission electron microscopes (STEM) equipped with Oxford eXL EDS systems and Featurescan quantitative image analysis systems.
  • Perkin-Elmer 660 scanning Auger microscope (SAM).
  • Physical Electronics scanning Auger microscope.
  • Instruments for determining carbon and sulfur levels.
  • Atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM).
  • A new Philips XL40 environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM). The Philips ESEM is equipped with an EDAX energy dispersive x-ray analyzer system (EDS) for determining phase chemistry and a TSL orientation image mapping (OIM) system for determination of crystallographic orientation of phases using electron backscattered Kikuchi patterns. A Fullam tensile and compression stage is available, as well as a variety of temperature-environmental stages that provide a full range of environmental conditions. It is housed in the Non-Conductive/Volatile Materials Characterization Facility.
  • Oxford/Horiba XGT-2000W x-ray analytical microscope with capabilities for performing x-ray microanalysis of specimens at atmospheric pressure, x-ray mapping, and x-ray imaging. This is a newly developed instrument for imaging and analyzing materials using a focused x-ray flux. It has been ordered with delivery expected in the near future, and will be housed in the Non-Conductive/Volatile Materials Characterization Facility.

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