Converting stl files to dualstrusions
If you have access to a 3-D printer with two heads you can do dual extrusions. A good example of how to turn an STL file into a dualstrusion merged stl file is with MOST's SunHusky Logo
To make use of this functionality to do the following:
- create the first object
- import into OpenSCAD
- make it a module
- create second object in OpenSCAD - e.g. the frame or housing
- Difference them by
- save the inverted stl
- open ReplicatorG, click GCode, click merge .stl for Dualstrusion
- set up choices for each one (recommend identical)
Example OpenSCAD script[edit | edit source]
difference(){ cylinder(5,60,60); sunhusky(); }
module sunhusky(){ import("sunhusky3d.stl"); }