This Category contains links to projects that make use of 3D-Printers to design OSAT. For a better understanding see the project page Open source 3-D printing of OSAT.

For the background on this concept see: J. M Pearce, C. Morris Blair, K. J. Laciak, R. Andrews, A. Nosrat and I. Zelenika-Zovko, “3-D Printing of Open Source Appropriate Technologies for Self-Directed Sustainable Development”, Journal of Sustainable Development 3(4), pp. 17-29 (2010).
Full text open access of the article available here

Interested in the book Makers - get a free Creative Commons copy from the author Cory Doctorow here

Many examples are currently primarily housed at a Thingiverse Collection curated by J.M.Pearce

For other sources of 3D printable designs see

For software see:

Still need a good way to reconstruct real objects digitally:


Do you have some OSAT in mind you would like to see the Appropedia community design?

Gallery of 3D Printable OSAT

Also see:

OSAT 3-D Printing Tools

OSAT 3D-Printable Designs for Energy

OSAT 3D-Printable Designs for Medicine

OSAT 3-D Printable Designs for Water Use

OSAT 3-D Printable Designs for Agricultural Use

OSAT 3D-Printable Designs

Pages in category "OSAT 3D-Printable Designs"

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