Bike Pedals
A bike is a very useful mode of transportation that many people in first-world countries take for granted. There has been a goal set to create a cheap bike using primarily 3D printed parts. This bike pedal is a good prototype for what the possibilities are for this project. This pedal is fully 3D printed and clips together around a bar/axle. The goal is that this pedal would be easy to switch out and allows for rotation around the axle but not in other directions. This is still a rough prototype and would need more work to be implemented fully onto the bike.
Possible additions to bike pedal:
- Add screw attachment at the end of the axle
- Develop more secure clips (these were tough to model and print)
Bill of Materials[edit | edit source]
- Plastic Filament (PLA preferred)
- All files (FreeCAD and.stl) can be found on Youmagine at:
Tools needed[edit | edit source]
- MOST Delta RepRap or similar RepRap 3-D printer
- Knife of some sort to clean up parts
Skills and Knowledge Necessary to Make the OSAT[edit | edit source]
- Be sure you are able to load an STL into a slicer and orient it the correct way
- Basic understanding of bike pedals
Technical Specifications and Assembly Instructions[edit | edit source]
1. After downloading all.stl files from Youmagine, begin by printing two halves of the pedal with the orientation shown. Ensure there is enough support. Print time: 3 hrs 18 mins each half at 70 mm/s
2. Print six clips with the orientation shown. Print time: 1 min each at 70 mm/s
3. Print one axle with the orientation shown (for smoothest surfaces). Print time: 38 mins at 70 mm/s
4. Place all six clips and the axle on one half of the pedal as shown.
5. Place second half of pedal on top as shown.
6. Apply force to snap clips into place. The final product is as shown. Assembly should take a total of no more than 2 minutes.
Common Problems and Solutions[edit | edit source]
- Don't forget to put support everywhere on the pedal halves. Be sure to select "Everywhere" instead of "Touching Buildplate".
- Ensure all pieces are printed with the orientation shown.
Cost savings[edit | edit source]
- The cost to print the full pedal is approximately $2.50
- Walmart sells two pedals for $7.99 [1]
- Savings are $3.00 per two pedals which is savings of 37.5%