When bowfishing, the archer will be presented with various shooting angles. These angles may require the archer to tip and lean the bow in several directions at the same time. With all of this moving around, a standard archery rest will allow the arrow to fall of. This poses a huge safety problem. An arrow that is not positioned on the rest could be sent in an unintended direction causing damage to equipment, or worse bodily harm to the archer or any bystanders. On top of adequately holding the arrow, a bowfishing rest must be durable and easily serviceable. No one would want to cut their bowfishing trip short due to equipment malfunctions. This 3D printable bowfishing rest covers all of these bases. The doughnut shaped design will not allow the arrow to leave the rest while the bow is positioned in any shooting angle, the parts are stout and durable, and in the event that one breaks, the parts have been designed to be easily and quickly changed in the field. The two main screws are identical and the tool used to remove and install them has it's own holder built into the rest. So the user won't have to hunt the tool down if a new part needs to be installed. This design will overall allow for several safe and trouble free bowfishing trips.
Bill of Materials[edit | edit source]
- (2) M2x8mm Hexagon Socket Cap Self Tapping Screws ($0.25 ea. - Ace Hardware)
- (1) 1.5mm Hexagon L-key ($0.55 - Ace Hardware)
Source files and STL files can be found here
Tools needed[edit | edit source]
- MOST Delta RepRap or similar RepRap 3-D printer
- 1.5mm Hexagon L-key
Skills and knowledge needed[edit | edit source]
No special skills or knowledge are required
Technical Specifications and Assembly Instructions[edit | edit source]
- Insert a screw into the recessed hole in the rest
- Insert the square end of the rest adjuster into the square hole in the rest ensuring that the adjustment lines will be facing up when the assembly is installed on the bow
- Tighten the screw
- Slide the rest adjuster into the bow rest arm
- Insert the second screw into the recessed hole in the bow rest arm and tighten until the bow rest arm clamps onto the rest adjuster
- Slide the hexagon L-key into the storage hole on the bow rest arm for storage and future use
Print Time Estimate
- 1 hour 3 minutes
- Rest & attachment: 25% infill, 6 wall lines, 6 layers top and bottom
- Rest Adjuster: 100% infill, printed with adjustment marks facing up
Assembly Time Estimate
- Less than 5 minutes
Common Problems and Solutions[edit | edit source]
- No problems have been observed yet
Cost savings[edit | edit source]
- PLA printed parts - $0.50
- Fasteners - $1.05
- Total - $1.55
- Commercial equivalent - $40.00 [1]
- Savings $38.45, 96%
Benefited Internet Communities[edit | edit source]
References[edit | edit source]
- Web page: Quick Draw Bowfishing Rest Cost (2019) Available: https://www.cabelas.com/product/QUICK-DRAW-BOWFISHING-REST/2365183.uts?productVariantId=4909704&WT.tsrc=PPC&WT.mc_id=GoogleProductAds&WT.z_mc_id1=04629511&rid=20&ds_rl=1246591&ds_rl=1247873&ds_rl=1247876&ds_rl=1252079&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI86jnwvec5gIVQ_7jBx1WKA-JEAkYAyABEgJcx_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds