FA info icon.svg Angle down icon.svg Project data
Authors Rachel Clark
Years 2015
Made Yes
Replicated Yes
Cost USD 0.53
OKH Manifest Download

In some places in the world, people struggle to meet their daily recommended dose of iron. In mild cases, iron deficiencies cause a variety of health problems, including weakness, dizziness, and headaches.[1] More severe cases can lead to heart failure, hemorraging during childbirth, and stunted growth.[2] In developing countries, traditional treatments such as enriching a patient's diet with meat or providing iron supplements don't work because they are either expensive or go against local culture. One inexpensive way to add iron to a person's diet is to boil water for cooking with a lump of iron for 10 minutes before adding any food.

Alloy[edit | edit source]

Some elements are toxic to the human body. Lucky iron totems composition must be monitored to ensure that toxic levels of elements are not going to be absorbed by the food cooked in the boiled water.

Bill of Materials[edit | edit source]

  1. Hobart MIG Solid Wire 0.030" ER70S-6

Tools needed[edit | edit source]

  1. Open-source metal 3D printer
  2. ASTM A36 4"x4" plate

Technical Specifications and Assembly Instructions[edit | edit source]

  1. Print using the following settings on low alloy steel.

First layer (for substrate release):

  • Weld unit power setting: 2
  • Wire feed rate: 80 (on the dial)
  • Print velocity: 840 mm/min
  • Z-offset: 10
  • Zero shield gas

All subsequent layers:

  • Weld unit power setting: 3.25
  • Wire feed rate: 60 (on the dial)
  • Print velocity 840 mm/min
  • Z-offset: 10 mm
  • RC 25: shield gas at 30 cfh.

G-code[edit | edit source]

%star.txt %840 Feed rate in mm/min %3 bead width in mm %2.5 bead height in mm %0.000 rotation angle in degrees

%mm units G21 %Feed per minute mode G94 %Absolute Distance mode G90

%First Layer G0 F840 X0 Y30 Z10.000 %Turn welder on G4 P.001 M101

G1 X0 Y30 G1 X6.73542 Y9.27051 G1 X28.5317 Y9.27051 G1 X10.8981 Y-3.54102 G1 X17.6336 Y-24.2705 G1 X0 Y-11.459 G1 X-17.6336 Y-24.2705 G1 X-10.8981 Y-3.54102 G1 X-28.5317 Y9.27051 G1 X-6.73542 Y9.27051 G1 X0 Y30 G1 X0 Y20.2918 G1 X4.55579 Y6.27051 G1 X19.2986 Y6.27051 G1 X7.37143 Y-2.39512 G1 X11.9272 Y-16.4164 G1 X0 Y-7.75078 G1 X-11.9272 Y-16.4164 G1 X-7.37143 Y-2.39512 G1 X-19.2986 Y6.27051 G1 X-4.55579 Y6.27051 G1 X0 Y20.2918 G1 X0 Y10.5836 G1 X2.37616 Y3.27051 G1 X10.0656 Y3.27051 G1 X3.84471 Y-1.24922 G1 X6.22088 Y-8.56231 G1 X0 Y-4.04257 G1 X-6.22088 Y-8.56231 G1 X-3.84471 Y-1.24922 G1 X-10.0656 Y3.27051 G1 X-2.37616 Y3.27051 G1 X0 Y10.5836

G4 P.001 M102

G4 P60

G4 P.001 M102

%Second Layer G0 F840 X0 Y30 Z12.500

G4 P.001 M101

G1 X0 Y30 G1 X6.73542 Y9.27051 G1 X28.5317 Y9.27051 G1 X10.8981 Y-3.54102 G1 X17.6336 Y-24.2705 G1 X0 Y-11.459 G1 X-17.6336 Y-24.2705 G1 X-10.8981 Y-3.54102 G1 X-28.5317 Y9.27051 G1 X-6.73542 Y9.27051 G1 X0 Y30 G1 X0 Y20.2918 G1 X4.55579 Y6.27051 G1 X19.2986 Y6.27051 G1 X7.37143 Y-2.39512 G1 X11.9272 Y-16.4164 G1 X0 Y-7.75078 G1 X-11.9272 Y-16.4164 G1 X-7.37143 Y-2.39512 G1 X-19.2986 Y6.27051 G1 X-4.55579 Y6.27051 G1 X0 Y20.2918 G1 X0 Y10.5836 G1 X2.37616 Y3.27051 G1 X10.0656 Y3.27051 G1 X3.84471 Y-1.24922 G1 X6.22088 Y-8.56231 G1 X0 Y-4.04257 G1 X-6.22088 Y-8.56231 G1 X-3.84471 Y-1.24922 G1 X-10.0656 Y3.27051 G1 X-2.37616 Y3.27051 G1 X0 Y10.5836

G4 P.001 M102

G4 P60

G4 P.001 M102

%Third Layer G0 X0 Y25.1459 Z15.000

G4 P.001 M101

G1 X0 Y25.1459 G1 X5.64561 Y7.77051 G1 X23.9152 Y7.77051 G1 X9.13478 Y-2.96807 G1 X14.7804 Y-20.3435 G1 X0 Y-9.60488 G1 X-14.7804 Y-20.3435 G1 X-9.13478 Y-2.96807 G1 X-23.9152 Y7.77051 G1 X-5.64561 Y7.77051 G1 X0 Y25.1459 G1 X0 Y15.4377 G1 X3.46598 Y4.77051 G1 X14.6821 Y4.77051 G1 X5.60807 Y-1.82217 G1 X9.07405 Y-12.4894 G1 X0 Y-5.89667 G1 X-9.07405 Y-12.4894 G1 X-5.60807 Y-1.82217 G1 X-14.6821 Y4.77051 G1 X-3.46598 Y4.77051 G1 X0 Y15.4377

G4 P.001 M102

G4 P60

G4 P.001 M102

%Fourth Layer G0 X0 Y25.1459 Z17.500

G4 P.001 M101

G1 X0 Y25.1459 G1 X5.64561 Y7.77051 G1 X23.9152 Y7.77051 G1 X9.13478 Y-2.96807 G1 X14.7804 Y-20.3435 G1 X0 Y-9.60488 G1 X-14.7804 Y-20.3435 G1 X-9.13478 Y-2.96807 G1 X-23.9152 Y7.77051 G1 X-5.64561 Y7.77051 G1 X0 Y25.1459 G1 X0 Y15.4377 G1 X3.46598 Y4.77051 G1 X14.6821 Y4.77051 G1 X5.60807 Y-1.82217 G1 X9.07405 Y-12.4894 G1 X0 Y-5.89667 G1 X-9.07405 Y-12.4894 G1 X-5.60807 Y-1.82217 G1 X-14.6821 Y4.77051 G1 X-3.46598 Y4.77051 G1 X0 Y15.4377

G4 P.001 M102

G4 P60

G4 P.001 M102

%Fifth Layer G0 X0 Y20.2918 Z20

G4 P.001 M101

G1 X0 Y20.2918 G1 X4.55579 Y6.27051 G1 X19.2986 Y6.27051 G1 X7.37143 Y-2.39512 G1 X11.9272 Y-16.4164 G1 X0 Y-7.75078 G1 X-11.9272 Y-16.4164 G1 X-7.37143 Y-2.39512 G1 X-19.2986 Y6.27051 G1 X-4.55579 Y6.27051 G1 X0 Y20.2918

%Turn Welder Off M102

%Move weld gun away G1 Z80

%Move away for access G1 X0 Y150

%End Program M2

Common Problems and Solutions[edit | edit source]

Settings for easy release of 0.030" ER70S-6 have not been previously specified, so more trial and error are needed to perfect the print.

Cost savings[edit | edit source]

Estimated total cost:

Commercial equivalent: $12.50/fish

Savings in $ and %:

$31.99/10lb -> $0.53/75g fish

$11.97 in savings (95.8%!)

References[edit | edit source]

FA info icon.svg Angle down icon.svg Page data
Keywords 3d printing, diet supplements, food, iron, nutrition, osat, metal
SDG SDG03 Good health and well-being, SDG10 Reduced inequalities, SDG11 Sustainable cities and communities
Authors Rachel Clark
License CC-BY-SA-3.0
Organizations MTU, Michigan_Tech's_Open_Sustainability_Technology_Lab, MY4777
Language English (en)
Related 0 subpages, 9 pages link here
Aliases 3D-printed Lucky Iron Totems
Impact 43 page views (more)
Created November 19, 2015 by Rachel Clark
Last modified June 18, 2024 by Felipe Schenone
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