(carbon literacy)
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This page is the beginnings of a portal for community action in response to [[Climate emergency]]. The majority of our information about this is collated via our place pages ...[[Community action for sustainability#Near you|Near you]].
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[[File:Global action day copenhagen.jpg|360px]]<br clear=left>
== What communities can do ==
*become low carbon communities, or develop a [[Community climate action plan]]
*promote [[Climate action#Carbon literacy|carbon literacy]]
*promote the sharing of climate change and CO2 data
*[[Participatory carbon budgeting]]
*organise climate action events
*join climate action networks
*Emissions Reduction Community based currency schemes
*advocate natural climate solutions

Community is used widely to be a group that gets together such as an association, but also includes municipalities with communal governance structures. Here more formal structures that comply with legal requirements or duties imposed by higher authorities may also give frameworks for action. For example planning can be done in a participatory way.
[[File:Global action day copenhagen.jpg|thumb]]

There may be national plans, local, community, neighbourhood or regional plans or design statements or climate action plans.

* [https://www.cse.org.uk/downloads/reports-and-publications/policy/community-energy/energy-advice/planning/renewables/low-carbon-neighbourhood-planning-guidebook.pdf Low Carbon Neighbourhood Planning]
{{Read more|Climate news}}

== Events ==
Because of the time lag in the carbon system, and due to our past emissions - we are still going to experience a certain level of [[climate change]]. Even if we stopped all emissions tomorrow we would expect another 30-40 years of temperature rise, and more than a century of sea-level rise.<ref>Climate change is happening now - world needs to respond urgently, [http://web.archive.org/web/20081108024522/http://www.defra.gov.uk/news/2007/070406a.htm Defra], April 6 2007 ''(link not found May 2015)''</ref>

== Topic, resource and news articles ==
'''Feb 2''' [[World Wetlands Day]], ''2020: Sun'' <br clear=all>

* [[Climate news]]
'''Mar 28''' [[Earth Hour!]] ''2020, Sat, 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. local time'' <br clear=all>
* [[Climate action resources]]
* [[Climate change solutions]], [[Climate change solutions news|News]]
* [[List of climate assemblies]], [[Climate assemblies news and comment|News]]
* [[Climate emergency]]
* [[Extinction Rebellion]]

== What individuals can do==
== Networks ==

* Individual action on climate change {{W|Individual action on climate change}}
* [https://cop26coalition.org/ Cop26 coalition], Climate Justice Movement at COP26, ''added 10:58, 7 October 2021 (UTC)''
*[https://www.52climateactions.com| 52 Climate Actions] permaculture inspired website that gives people actions to help them reduce their carbon footprint, adapt to climate change, and embrace a low carbon culture.
* Different kinds of CANs keep opening up…here’s a range of “Climate Action Networks’, heading for COP26 in Glasgow, May 20, 2021 [https://www.thealternative.org.uk/dailyalternative/2021/5/22/climate-action-networks-everywhere thealternative.org.uk]
* Climate Council's [https://www.climatecouncil.org.au/actions/download-your-climate-action-toolkit/?fbclid=IwAR3LDAzP1fkG-hyLtNNgYn_BEKumVMmI0_C7W5muZiYIdknyrK8H6u1gaO0 Climate Action Toolkit]

=== Controversy over promoting individual action on climate change ===
''See'': Citizen participation in climate change policy advocacy {{W|Individual_action_on_climate_change#Citizen_participation_in_climate_change_policy_advocacy}} and <br>
| video = GZ977RPubqc
'''Nov 9, 2019''' Climate change deniers’ new battle front attacked <ref>[https://www.theguardian.com/science/2019/nov/09/doomism-new-tactic-fossil-fuel-lobby The Guardian]</ref>
| title = Women4Climate: Leading transformative change worldwide
| authors = C40 Cities, Mar 8, 2021

“Of course, individual action needs to be part of the battle, but not as a substitute for policy reform. It should be as an additional component." Michael Mann, professor of atmospheric science at Penn State University <ref>[https://www.theguardian.com/theobserver/2019/nov/09/climategate-10-years-on-what-lessons-have-we-learned The Guardian] Nov 9, 2019</ref>
* [https://w4c.org/ Women 4 Climate], ''added 12:00, 8 March 2021 (UTC)''
* [https://www.rapidtransition.org/ Rapid Transition Alliance], "Rapid economic transition, including widespread behaviour change to sustainable lifestyles, is necessary to live within planetary ecological boundaries and to limit global warming to below 1.5 degrees." "Our content is published under a Creative Commons license, meaning you are free to share and adapt it."<ref>[https://www.rapidtransition.org/about/ rapidtransition.org]</ref>

== Carbon literacy ==
== Events ==

Carbon Literacy is the awareness of [[climate change]] and the climate impacts of mankind's everyday actions. The term has been used in a range of contexts in scientific literature and in casual usage, but is most associated with The Carbon Literacy Project. {{W|Carbon_literacy)}}

=== The Carbon Literacy Project ===
== Visions ==
The term Carbon Literacy had been used informally on a number of earlier occasions, but began to gain prominence in 2009 when it emerged in the development of the climate change action plan for [[Manchester]], Manchester: A Certain Future.

This citizen-written plan pledged the UK's second largest urban area to:
In 2030, we ended the climate emergency. Here’s how, Eric Holthaus, Jan 8, 2020<ref>[https://thecorrespondent.com/214/in-2030-we-ended-the-climate-emergency-heres-how/28330740746-6b15af77 thecorrespondent.com]</ref>

*Reduce the city of Manchester’s emissions of carbon dioxide by 41% by 2020, from 2005 levels.
[[File:TAG Climate Protest Future.jpg|120px|thumb]]
*To engage all individuals, neighbourhoods and organisations in Manchester in a process of cultural change that embeds ‘low-carbon thinking’ into the lifestyles and operations of the city.

In 2015, The Carbon Literacy Project was selected from a global field to be part of the Transformative Actions Program (TAP) at the UN Climate Change summit (COP21) in Paris, December 2015. The Carbon Literacy Project is therefore formally recognised as one of the top 100 responses the world has to offer in order to tackle climate change. {{W|Carbon_literacy#The_Carbon_Literacy_Project_(CLP)}}
With a Green New Deal, here's what the world could look like for the next generation, Dec 5, 2018<ref>[https://theintercept.com/2018/12/05/green-new-deal-proposal-impacts/ theintercept.com]</ref>

=== Research ===
== Community action projects ==

The use of the term ‘carbon literacy’ is increasingly widespread in everyday language and scientific literature, and includes (i) research that specifically evaluates Carbon Literacy and The Carbon Literacy Project, and (ii) the use of the term 'carbon literacy' in a more abstract sense.
* Climate emergency centres ...''see'': [[Climate action UK#Climate emergency centres|Climate action UK, Climate emergency centres]]
* Climate assemblies ...[[List of climate assemblies]]
* become low carbon communities, or develop a [[Community climate action plan]]
* promote the sharing of climate change and CO2 data
* [[Participatory carbon budgeting]]
* organise climate action events
* join climate action networks or any other network supporting action towards a carbon free future, or if there isn't one local enough to you, start one
* Emissions Reduction Community based currency schemes
* advocate natural climate solutions
* promote [[Climate change solutions#Carbon literacy|carbon literacy]]

Behavioural responses to climate change are limited due to the uncertainty and complexity associated with the subject. Current research focuses on the need for societal engagement in the mitigation of climate change, through an increase of understanding amongst citizens, organisations, schools and public bodies due to the uncertainty and complexity associated with the subject. Dissemination of Carbon Literacy training (which includes the causes and consequences of carbon emissions, and an understanding of the power of individual action) has been shown to qualitatively influence positive behaviour change with regard to reducing carbon footprints. Following CL training, energy and carbon-saving behaviour (including both individual and collective actions) has been shown to increase, including evidence of the ‘cascade effect’–where participants discussed CL with family, friends or colleagues.
Community is used widely to be a group that gets together such as an association, but also includes municipalities with communal governance structures. Here more formal structures that comply with legal requirements or duties imposed by higher authorities may also give frameworks for action. For example planning can be done in a participatory way.

Other studies conducted over the last two decades refer to the abstract concept of 'carbon literacy', and its importance in low-carbon behaviour change. {{W|Carbon_literacy#Research}}
There may be national plans, local, community, neighbourhood or regional plans or design statements or climate action plans. For example, ''see'': [[Urban sustainability UK#Neighbourhood Planning|Neighbourhood Planning, UK]]

== Campaigns ==
* other Community action for sustainability. Of course many other kinds of action can help reduce emissions, such as actions in support of [[localism]], [[Sustainable transport]], etc. ''See more topics'': [[Climate action#See also|here]], or [[CASwiki topics|here]]

=== Extinction Rebellion ===
== Climate emergency ==

'''''See separate article:''''' [[Extinction Rebellion]]
''Main article''... [[Climate emergency]]

=== Parents For Future ===
A climate emergency declaration or climate emergency plan, declaring a state of climate emergency, has been issued since 2016 by certain countries and other jurisdictions to set priorities to mitigate climate change.

[https://www.parentsforfuture.org.uk/supporters Supporters - Parents For Future UK]
== Sea level rise ==

=== FridaysForFuture ===
| video = D7tAKG1by2E
| title = Coastal Cities' Futures Depend on Today’s Climate Decisions
| authors = climatecentral, Oct 12, 2021

[https://www.fridaysforfuture.org/ FridaysForFuture]
Societies can adapt to sea level rise in three different ways: implement managed retreat, accommodate coastal change, or protect against sea level rise through hard-construction practices like seawalls or soft approaches such as dune rehabilitation and beach nourishment. Sometimes these adaptation strategies go hand in hand, but at other times choices have to be made among different strategies. For some human environments, such as so called sinking cities, adaptation to sea level rise may be compounded by other environmental issues such as subsidence. Natural ecosystems typically adapt to rising sea levels by moving inland; however, they might not always be able to do so, due to natural or artificial barriers. {{W|Sea level rise}}

Global Climate Strike For Future Event, Mar 15, 2019, on [https://www.facebook.com/events/1994180377345229/ facebook]

Land projected to be below annual flood level in 2030 and beyond, [https://coastal.climatecentral.org/map/6/90.3444/23.5438/?theme=sea_level_rise&map_type=year&basemap=roadmap&contiguous=true&elevation_model=best_available&forecast_year=2030&pathway=ssp3rcp70&percentile=p50&refresh=true&return_level=return_level_1&rl_model=gtsr&slr_model=ipcc_2021_med coastal.climatecentral.org]

=== School strike for climate ===
Sea Level Rise, information from [https://www.climatecentral.org/what-we-do/our-programs/sea-level-rise climatecentral.org]

School strike for climate, also known in various regions as Fridays for the Future, Youth for climate or Youth strike 4 climate, is a growing international movement of children and students leaving their school to take part in demonstrations for climate action.
== Climate change fairness, justice and peace ==

The first school strike for climate was started by Greta Thunberg staging an action outside the Swedish Riksdag (parliament), holding a sign that read "Skolstrejk för klimatet" or "school strike for climate" during August 2018. {{W|School strike for climate}}
"Indications of changes in the earth's future climate must be treated with the utmost seriousness, and with the precautionary principle uppermost in our minds. Extensive climate changes may alter and threaten the living conditions of much of mankind. They may induce large-scale migration and lead to greater competition for the earth's resources. Such changes will place particularly heavy burdens on the world's most vulnerable countries. There may be increased danger of violent conflicts and wars, within and between states."<ref>[https://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/2007/press.html The Nobel Peace Prize 2007], October 12 2007</ref>

[https://schoolsforclimateaction.weebly.com/ Schools for Climate Action]
== Climate justice action ==

| video = jRQMQdx8w6c
| title = Sharing stories and insights on communicating climate justice at Ticket to the Future
| authors = Climate Outreach, Oct 26, 2023

=== Citizens' Climate Lobby ===
{{Wikipedia excerpt|Climate justice|paragraphs=1}}

Citizens' Climate Lobby (CCL) is an international grassroots environmental group that trains and supports volunteers to build relationships with their elected representatives in order to influence climate policy. The CCL is a registered 501(c) with approximately $300 thousand in revenue in the United States in 2015. Operating since 2007, the goal of CCL is to build political support across party lines to put a price on carbon, specifically a revenue neutral carbon fee and dividend (CF&D) at the national level. CCL is supported by notable climate scientists James Hansen, Katharine Hayhoe, and Daniel Kammen. CCL's advisory board also includes former Secretary of State George P. Shultz, former US Representative Bob Inglis, actor Don Cheadle, and RESULTS founder Sam Daley-Harris.
''see also'': [[Climate justice]]

Founded in the [[United States]], CCL has groups in [[Australia]], [[Bangladesh]], [[Belgium]], [[Brazil]], [[Burundi]], [[Cameroon]], [[Canada]], [[Chile]], [[Colombia]], [[Côte d'Ivoire]], [[France]], [[Gambia]], [[Germany]], [[Ghana]], [[Iceland]], [[India]], [[Italy]], [[Kenya]], [[Mexico]], [[Nepal]], the [[Netherlands]], [[New Zealand]], [[Nigeria]], [[Panama]], the [[Philippines]], [[Poland]], [[Portugal]], [[Qatar]], [[Romania]], [[Serbia]], [[Scotland]], [[Spain]], [[Sweden]], [[Switzerland]], [[Tanzania]], the [[Ukraine]], and the [[United Kingdom]].
== Climate change and inequality ==

{{W|Citizens' Climate Lobby}}
| video = fHF4HHeOtkc
| title = How climate change is making inequality worse - BBC News
| authors = BBC News, Sep 27, 2021

=== Other links ===
“Unless the burden of poverty in developing nations is alleviated by significant financial support for mitigation, adaptation, and the reduction of deforestation, the ability of developing countries to pursue sustainable development is likely to diminish, to the economic and environmental detriment of all.” 22 leading climate scientists<ref>[https://repeatingislands.com/2009/07/09/caricom-and-climate-challenges-for-the-caribbean/ Repeating Islands], July 9, 2009</ref>

[http://350.org/ 350.org], international environmental organization encouraging citizens to action with the belief that publicizing the increasing levels of carbon dioxide will pressure world leaders to address climate change and to reduce levels from 400 parts per million to 350 parts per million. It was founded by author Bill McKibben with the goal of building a global grassroots movement to raise awareness about anthropogenic climate change, to confront climate change denial, and to cut emissions of carbon dioxide in order to slow the rate of global warming. 350.org takes its name from the research of Goddard Institute for Space Studies scientist James E. Hansen, who posited in a 2007 paper that 350 parts-per-million (ppm) of CO2 in the atmosphere is a safe upper limit to avoid a climate tipping point. {{W|350.org}}
== Why climate change is a women’s issue ==

[http://gofossilfree.org/paris/ Fossil Free, Divest for Paris]
"Women are more likely to die or suffer the long term consequences of the rising tide of natural disasters and resource wars unleashed by climate change, and are largely excluded from the search for solutions,"<ref>[http://web.archive.org/web/20091223121632/http://www.wen.org.uk:80/general_pages/Newsitems/pr_climatechange_12.9.06.htm WEN press release] September 12 2006 ''(link not found May 2015)''</ref> ''see also [[Climate action#Networks|Networks]]

[http://tcktcktck.org/ TckTckTck], the Global Call for Climate Action

== Why it matters ==
[https://www.1millionwomen.com.au/ 1 Million Women]

Because of the time lag in the carbon system, and due to our past emissions - we are still going to experience a certain level of climate change. Even if we stopped all emissions tomorrow we would expect another 30-40 years of temperature rise, and more than a century of sea-level rise. <ref> Climate change is happening now - world needs to respond urgently, [http://www.defra.gov.uk/news/2007/070406a.htm Defra], April 6 2007 ''(link not found May 2015)''</ref>
== Youth groups and climate action ==

=== Climate emergency ===

''See separate article''... [[Climate emergency]]
The Youth Climate Movement (YouNGO) or International Youth Climate Movement (IYCM) refers to an international network of youth organizations that collectively aims to inspire, empower and mobilise a generational movement of young people to take positive action on climate change. {{W|Youth Climate Movement}}

=== Climate change fairness, justice and peace ===
''see also'': [[Climate action#Campaigns|Campaigns]], [[Climate news]], [[Legal resources#News and comment|Legal resources, News and comment]]
"Indications of changes in the earth's future climate must be treated with the utmost seriousness, and with the precautionary principle uppermost in our minds. Extensive climate changes may alter and threaten the living conditions of much of mankind. They may induce large-scale migration and lead to greater competition for the earth's resources. Such changes will place particularly heavy burdens on the world's most vulnerable countries. There may be increased danger of violent conflicts and wars, within and between states." <ref>[http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/2007/press.html The Nobel Peace Prize 2007], October 12 2007 </ref>

=== Climate justice ===
== Campaigns ==
Recognizing and addressing the fact that those least responsible for climate change experience its greatest impacts is seen by many as being central to climate justice. {{W|Climate justice}}

=== Climate change and inequality ===
=== Extinction Rebellion ===

“Unless the burden of poverty in developing nations is alleviated by significant financial support for mitigation, [[Climate change adaption|adaptation]], and the reduction of deforestation, the ability of developing countries to pursue sustainable development is likely to diminish, to the economic and environmental detriment of all.” 22 leading climate scientists <ref>[http://repeatingislands.com/2009/07/09/caricom-and-climate-challenges-for-the-caribbean/ Repeating Islands], July 9, 2009 </ref>
''Main article:'' [[Extinction Rebellion]]

=== Why climate change is a women’s issue ===
Extinction Rebellion (abbreviated as XR) is a socio-political movement with the stated aim of using civil disobedience and nonviolent resistance to protest against climate breakdown, biodiversity loss, and the risk of social and ecological collapse.
"Women are more likely to die or suffer the long term consequences of the rising tide of natural disasters and resource wars unleashed by climate change, and are largely excluded from the search for solutions," <ref>
[http://www.wen.org.uk/general_pages/Newsitems/pr_climatechange_12.9.06.htm WEN press release] September 12 2006 ''(link not found May 2015)''</ref>

=== Parents For Future ===

[http://www.1millionwomen.com.au/ 1 Million Women]
[https://www.parentsforfuture.org.uk/supporters Supporters - Parents For Future UK]

| style="background:khaki" |
=== FridaysForFuture ===

[https://www.fridaysforfuture.org/ FridaysForFuture]

== News and comment ==
Global Climate Strike For Future Event, Mar 15, 2019, on [https://www.facebook.com/events/1994180377345229/ facebook]

''See separate article'': [[Climate news]]

== Resources ==
=== School strike for climate ===

=== Apps for sustainability ===
School strike for climate, also known in various regions as Fridays for the Future, Youth for climate or Youth strike 4 climate, is a growing international movement of children and students leaving their school to take part in demonstrations for climate action.

[https://www.iseechange.org/ "I See Change"], help NASA track climate change from your phone
The first school strike for climate was started by Greta Thunberg staging an action outside the Swedish Riksdag (parliament), holding a sign that read "Skolstrejk för klimatet" or "school strike for climate" during August 2018. {{W|School strike for climate}}

=== Citizens data initiative ===
[https://schoolsforclimateaction.weebly.com/ Schools for Climate Action]

*Global Carbon Budget 2019, [https://www.icos-cp.eu/GCP/2019 icos-cp.eu]

[http://cdiac.esd.ornl.gov/ Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center], organization within the United States Department of Energy that has the primary responsibility for providing the US government and research community with global warming data and analysis as it pertains to energy issues. The CDIAC, and its subsidiary the World Data Center for Atmospheric Trace Gases, focus on obtaining, evaluating and distributing data related to climate change and greenhouse gas emissions. {{W|Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center}}
=== Citizens' Climate Lobby ===

[http://carbonn.org/ carbonn Climate Registry], database of local government climate action
Citizens' Climate Lobby (CCL) is an international grassroots environmental group that trains and supports volunteers to build relationships with their elected representatives in order to influence climate policy. The CCL is a registered 501(c) with approximately $300 thousand in revenue in the United States in 2015. Operating since 2007, the goal of CCL is to build political support across party lines to put a price on carbon, specifically a revenue neutral carbon fee and dividend (CF&D) at the national level. CCL is supported by notable climate scientists James Hansen, Katharine Hayhoe, and Daniel Kammen. CCL's advisory board also includes former Secretary of State George P. Shultz, former US Representative Bob Inglis, actor Don Cheadle, and RESULTS founder Sam Daley-Harris.

[https://data.cdp.net/ CDP Open Data Portal], The CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project) is an organisation based in the [[United Kingdom]] which supports companies and cities to disclose the environmental impact of major corporations. It aims to make environmental reporting and risk management a business norm, and drive disclosure, insight and action towards a sustainable economy. Since 2002 over 6,000 companies have publicly disclosed environmental information through CDP. {{W|Carbon Disclosure Project}}
Founded in the [[United States]], CCL has groups in [[Australia]], [[Bangladesh]], [[Belgium]], [[Brazil]], Burundi, [[Cameroon]], [[Canada]], [[Chile]], [[Colombia]], Côte d'Ivoire, [[France]], [[Gambia]], [[Germany]], [[Ghana]], [[Iceland]], [[India]], [[Italy]], [[Kenya]], [[Mexico]], [[Nepal]], the [[Netherlands]], [[New Zealand]], [[Nigeria]], [[Panama]], the [[Philippines]], [[Poland]], [[Portugal]], Qatar, [[Romania]], [[Serbia]], [[Scotland]], [[Spain]], [[Sweden]], [[Switzerland]], [[Tanzania]], the [[Ukraine]], and the [[United Kingdom]].

Wikipedia: [[wikipedia:List of countries by carbon dioxide emissions|List of countries by carbon dioxide emissions]], [[wikipedia:List of countries by carbon dioxide emissions per capita|List of countries by carbon dioxide emissions per capita]]
{{W|Citizens' Climate Lobby}}

=== Images ===
=== Other campaigns ===

* [https://openclimatecampaign.org/ Open Climate Campaign], The complexity of the climate crisis requires global, national, and local actions informed by multidisciplinary research. ''added 09:55, 15 November 2022 (UTC)''

[http://www.climatevisuals.org/ Climate Visuals], includes some Creative Commons images
| video = a5VXJBVpqM8
| title = The People's Fight: How We Halt the Climate Crisis
| authors = 350.org, Jan 27, 2021

=== Infographics ===
* [https://350.org/ 350.org], international environmental organization encouraging citizens to action with the belief that publicizing the increasing levels of carbon dioxide will pressure world leaders to address climate change and to reduce levels from 400 parts per million to 350 parts per million. It was founded by author Bill McKibben with the goal of building a global grassroots movement to raise awareness about anthropogenic climate change, to confront climate change denial, and to cut emissions of carbon dioxide in order to slow the rate of global warming. 350.org takes its name from the research of Goddard Institute for Space Studies scientist James E. Hansen, who posited in a 2007 paper that 350 parts-per-million (ppm) of CO2 in the atmosphere is a safe upper limit to avoid a climate tipping point. {{W|350.org}}
* [https://gofossilfree.org/paris/ Fossil Free, Divest for Paris]
* [https://tcktcktck.org/ TckTckTck], the Global Call for Climate Action
* [https://www.climatecounts.org/ Climate Counts], non-profit campaign that scores companies annually on the basis of their voluntary action to reverse climate change. The Climate Counts Company Scorecard—launched in June 2007—helps people vote with their dollars by making climate-conscious purchasing and investing choices that put pressure on the world's most well-known companies to take the issue of climate change seriously. Climate Counts aims to mobilize everyday consumers—not just the traditional environmental community—as the most important activists in the fight against global warming. {{W|Climate Counts}}

How many gigatons of CO2? [http://www.informationisbeautiful.net/visualizations/how-many-gigatons-of-co2/ Information is Beautiful]
== What individuals can do ==

=== Quotes ===
| video = 463402163
| title = JUMP intro
| authors = The JUMP, Sep 30, 2020

“climate change is the moral struggle that will define this century.” Desmond Tutu <ref>[http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/industry-news/energy-and-resources/desmond-tutu-describes-bitumen-production-as-greed-in-keynote-speech/article18939123/ The Globe and Mail]</ref>
* [https://takethejump.org/ The Jump], ''added 14:14, 7 March 2022 (UTC)''
* Individual action on climate change {{W|Individual action on climate change}}
* [https://www.52climateactions.com| 52 Climate Actions] permaculture inspired website that gives people actions to help them reduce their carbon footprint, adapt to climate change, and embrace a low carbon culture.
* Climate Council's [https://www.climatecouncil.org.au/actions/download-your-climate-action-toolkit/?fbclid=IwAR3LDAzP1fkG-hyLtNNgYn_BEKumVMmI0_C7W5muZiYIdknyrK8H6u1gaO0 Climate Action Toolkit]

"If we are together, nothing is impossible" Winston Churchill
=== Controversy over promoting individual action on climate change ===

=== Maps ===
''See'': Citizen participation in climate change policy advocacy {{W|Individual_action_on_climate_change#Citizen_participation_in_climate_change_policy_advocacy}} and<br>
'''Nov 9, 2019''' Climate change deniers’ new battle front attacked<ref>[https://www.theguardian.com/science/2019/nov/09/doomism-new-tactic-fossil-fuel-lobby The Guardian]</ref>

Land projected to be below annual flood level in 2050, [https://coastal.climatecentral.org coastal.climatecentral.org]
“Of course, individual action needs to be part of the battle, but not as a substitute for policy reform. It should be as an additional component." Michael Mann, professor of atmospheric science at Penn State University<ref>[https://www.theguardian.com/theobserver/2019/nov/09/climategate-10-years-on-what-lessons-have-we-learned The Guardian] Nov 9, 2019</ref>

Mapped: Climate adaptation around the world, Nov 8, 2016 [https://www.carbonbrief.org/mapped-climate-adaptation-around-the-world carbonbrief.org]
== Near you ==

[http://storymaps.esri.com/stories/2015/atlas-for-a-changing-planet/ Mapping Climate Change]
[[Climate action UK]] - [[Climate action USA]] - [[Climate action India]] - [[Climate action Turkey]]

=== Other resources ===
*[https://climatepsychologyalliance.org/ Climate Psychology Alliance], "facing difficult truths about climate change and ecological crisis"
| category = Climate action by location
* Australian Psychological Society who made the free to download [https://www.psychology.org.au/getmedia/88ee1716-2604-44ce-b87a-ca0408dfaa12/Climate-change-empowerment-handbook.pdf Climate Change Empowerment Handbook]
*[http://guide.cred.columbia.edu/pdfs/CREDguide_full-res.pdf The Psychology of Climate Change Communication], CRED Guide
* [https://www.enablingchange.com.au/Communication_for_change.pdf?fbclid=IwAR1oduFRPFhqoeHEsPoLLGWoKZAelc5M9WKwv8xPo8h7U80-HSb0cKlkCRU Changeology Practice Guide: Communication for Change]

=== Research ===

Collective climate action and networked climate governance, [http://www.citeulike.org/group/15407/article/14213388 citeulike.org]
== See also ==

=== Songs ===
* [[Air travel, climate change, and green consumerism]]
* [[Arts, sport and culture]]
* [[Biochar]]
* [[Citizens' assembly]]
* [[Climate change]]
* [[Climate change and risk of insecurity]]
* [[Community energy]]
* [[Dangerous climate change]]
* [[Education for sustainability]]
* [[Environment quality]]
* [[XR and future democracy]]
* [[Greenhouse gas emissions]]
* [[Localism]]
* [[Sustainable transport activism]]
* [[Legal resources]]

{{CASwiki menu}}

Lyrics for the Song for the Climate [https://sheffieldsingsoutfortheclimate.wordpress.com/portfolio/lyrics-for-the-song-for-the-climate/ sheffieldsingsoutfortheclimate.wordpress.com]
{{Back to top}}

=== Video ===
'''External links'''

* Wikipedia: Climate emergency declaration {{W|Climate emergency declaration}}, Climate crisis {{W|Climate crisis}}, [[Wikipedia:Abrupt climate change|Abrupt climate change]], [[Wikipedia:Adaptation to global warming|Adaptation to global warming]], [[Wikipedia:Climate change and poverty|Climate change and poverty]], [[Wikipedia:Climate change mitigation|Climate change mitigation]], [[Wikipedia:Climate justice|Climate justice]], [[Wikipedia:Effects of global warming|Effects of global warming]], [[Wikipedia:Glossary of climate change|Glossary of climate change]], [[Wikipedia:Index of climate change articles|Index of climate change articles]], [[Wikipedia:Individual and political action on climate change|Individual and political action on climate change]], [[Wikipedia:R20 Regions of Climate Action|R20 Regions of Climate Action]], [[Wikipedia:Tipping point (climatology)|Tipping point (climatology)]], [[Wikipedia:Category:Climate change and society|Climate change and society]] (category), [[Wikipedia:Alternatiba, Village of Alternatives|Alternatiba, Village of Alternatives]]
* [https://www.c40.org/ C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group], network of the world's megacities taking action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. C40 harnesses the assets of member cities to address climate risks and impacts locally and globally. {{W|C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group}}
* [https://shareaction.org/ ShareAction], registered charity that promotes responsible investment by pension schemes and fund managers, based in [[London]], [[United Kingdom]]

=== Visions ===
[[File:TAG Climate Protest Future.jpg|100px|left]]
'''Dec 5, 2018''' [[Climate action USA]]: With a Green New Deal, here's what the world could look like for the next generation <ref>[https://theintercept.com/2018/12/05/green-new-deal-proposal-impacts/ theintercept.com]</ref><br clear=all>
== See also ==
*[[Climate action UK]], [[Climate action UK news]], [[Climate action USA]]
*[[Climate change solutions]]
*[[Air travel, climate change, and green consumerism]]
*[[Arts, sport and culture]]
*[[Citizens' assembly]]
*[[Climate change]]
*[[Climate change and risk of insecurity]]
*[[Climate emergency]]
*[[Climate news]]
*[[Community climate action plan]]
*[[Community energy]]
*[[Dangerous climate change]]
*[[Education for sustainability]]
*[[Environment quality]]
*[[Extinction Rebellion]], [[XR and future democracy]]
*[[Greenhouse gas emissions]]
*[[Sustainable transport activism]]
*[[Legal resources]]
*[[User:RichardF/Index of climate change articles]]
== Interwiki links ==
Wikipedia: Climate emergency declaration {{W|Climate emergency declaration}}, Climate crisis {{W|Climate crisis}}, [[wikipedia:Abrupt climate change|Abrupt climate change]], [[wikipedia:Adaptation to global warming|Adaptation to global warming]], [[wikipedia:Climate change and poverty|Climate change and poverty]], [[wikipedia:Climate change mitigation|Climate change mitigation]], [[wikipedia:Climate justice|Climate justice]], [[wikipedia:Effects of global warming|Effects of global warming]], [[wikipedia:Glossary of climate change|Glossary of climate change]], [[wikipedia:Index of climate change articles|Index of climate change articles]], [[wikipedia:Individual and political action on climate change|Individual and political action on climate change]], [[wikipedia:R20 Regions of Climate Action|R20 Regions of Climate Action]], [[wikipedia:Tipping point (climatology)|Tipping point (climatology)]], [[wikipedia:Category:Climate change and society|Climate change and society]] (category), [[wikipedia:Alternatiba, Village of Alternatives|Alternatiba, Village of Alternatives]]
== External links ==
*[http://www.c40.org/ C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group], network of the world's megacities taking action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. C40 harnesses the assets of member cities to address climate risks and impacts locally and globally. {{W|C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group}}
*[http://www.climatecounts.org/ Climate Counts], non-profit campaign that scores companies annually on the basis of their voluntary action to reverse climate change. The Climate Counts Company Scorecard—launched in June 2007—helps people vote with their dollars by making climate-conscious purchasing and investing choices that put pressure on the world's most well-known companies to take the issue of climate change seriously. Climate Counts aims to mobilize everyday consumers—not just the traditional environmental community—as the most important activists in the fight against global warming. {{W|Climate Counts}}
*[http://shareaction.org/ ShareAction], registered charity that promotes responsible investment by pension schemes and fund managers, based in [[London]], [[United Kingdom]]

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Latest revision as of 22:59, 27 May 2024

This page is the beginnings of a portal for community action in response to Climate emergency. The majority of our information about this is collated via our place pages ...Near you.

Global action day copenhagen.jpg
  • News The Hague becomes world’s first city to pass legislation making it illegal to advertise fossil fuel products and services with a high carbon footprint, theguardian.com (Sep 13, 2024) — this includes petrol and diesel, aviation and cruise ships
  • News South Sudan floods: the first example of a mass population permanently displaced by climate change?, theconversation.com (Sep 10, 2024)
  • News South Korea’s climate law violates rights of future generations, court rules, theguardian.com (Aug 29, 2024)

Read more

Because of the time lag in the carbon system, and due to our past emissions - we are still going to experience a certain level of climate change. Even if we stopped all emissions tomorrow we would expect another 30-40 years of temperature rise, and more than a century of sea-level rise.[1]

Topic, resource and news articles[edit | edit source]

Networks[edit | edit source]

  • Cop26 coalition, Climate Justice Movement at COP26, added 10:58, 7 October 2021 (UTC)
  • Different kinds of CANs keep opening up…here’s a range of “Climate Action Networks’, heading for COP26 in Glasgow, May 20, 2021 thealternative.org.uk
Women4Climate: Leading transformative change worldwide
Authors: C40 Cities, Mar 8, 2021
  • Women 4 Climate, added 12:00, 8 March 2021 (UTC)
  • Rapid Transition Alliance, "Rapid economic transition, including widespread behaviour change to sustainable lifestyles, is necessary to live within planetary ecological boundaries and to limit global warming to below 1.5 degrees." "Our content is published under a Creative Commons license, meaning you are free to share and adapt it."[2]

Events[edit | edit source]

  • Event Aug 09, 2024 (Fri) — International Day of the World's Indigenous People, observed on 9 August each year to raise awareness and protect the rights of the world's indigenous population, un.org
  • Event Aug 12, 2024 (Mon) — International Youth Day, awareness day designated by the United Nations taking place on Aug 12 each year, un.org
  • Event Dec 11, 2024 (Wed) — International Mountain Day, Dec 11, annually, fao.org

Visions[edit | edit source]

In 2030, we ended the climate emergency. Here’s how, Eric Holthaus, Jan 8, 2020[3]

TAG Climate Protest Future.jpg

With a Green New Deal, here's what the world could look like for the next generation, Dec 5, 2018[4]

Community action projects[edit | edit source]

Community is used widely to be a group that gets together such as an association, but also includes municipalities with communal governance structures. Here more formal structures that comply with legal requirements or duties imposed by higher authorities may also give frameworks for action. For example planning can be done in a participatory way.

There may be national plans, local, community, neighbourhood or regional plans or design statements or climate action plans. For example, see: Neighbourhood Planning, UK

  • other Community action for sustainability. Of course many other kinds of action can help reduce emissions, such as actions in support of localism, Sustainable transport, etc. See more topics: here, or here

Climate emergency[edit | edit source]

Main article... Climate emergency

A climate emergency declaration or climate emergency plan, declaring a state of climate emergency, has been issued since 2016 by certain countries and other jurisdictions to set priorities to mitigate climate change.

Sea level rise[edit | edit source]

Coastal Cities' Futures Depend on Today’s Climate Decisions
Authors: climatecentral, Oct 12, 2021

Societies can adapt to sea level rise in three different ways: implement managed retreat, accommodate coastal change, or protect against sea level rise through hard-construction practices like seawalls or soft approaches such as dune rehabilitation and beach nourishment. Sometimes these adaptation strategies go hand in hand, but at other times choices have to be made among different strategies. For some human environments, such as so called sinking cities, adaptation to sea level rise may be compounded by other environmental issues such as subsidence. Natural ecosystems typically adapt to rising sea levels by moving inland; however, they might not always be able to do so, due to natural or artificial barriers. W


Land projected to be below annual flood level in 2030 and beyond, coastal.climatecentral.org

Sea Level Rise, information from climatecentral.org

Climate change fairness, justice and peace[edit | edit source]

"Indications of changes in the earth's future climate must be treated with the utmost seriousness, and with the precautionary principle uppermost in our minds. Extensive climate changes may alter and threaten the living conditions of much of mankind. They may induce large-scale migration and lead to greater competition for the earth's resources. Such changes will place particularly heavy burdens on the world's most vulnerable countries. There may be increased danger of violent conflicts and wars, within and between states."[5]

Climate justice action[edit | edit source]

Sharing stories and insights on communicating climate justice at Ticket to the Future
Authors: Climate Outreach, Oct 26, 2023
Wikipedia W icon.svg

Climate justice is a type of environmental justice that focuses on the unequal impacts of climate change on marginalized or otherwise vulnerable populations. Climate justice seeks to achieve an equitable distribution of both the burdens of climate change and the efforts to mitigate climate change. The economic burden of climate change mitigation is estimated by some at around 1% to 2% of GDP. Climate justice examines concepts such as equality, human rights, collective rights, justice and the historical responsibilities for climate change.

see also: Climate justice

Climate change and inequality[edit | edit source]

How climate change is making inequality worse - BBC News
Authors: BBC News, Sep 27, 2021

“Unless the burden of poverty in developing nations is alleviated by significant financial support for mitigation, adaptation, and the reduction of deforestation, the ability of developing countries to pursue sustainable development is likely to diminish, to the economic and environmental detriment of all.” 22 leading climate scientists[6]

Why climate change is a women’s issue[edit | edit source]

"Women are more likely to die or suffer the long term consequences of the rising tide of natural disasters and resource wars unleashed by climate change, and are largely excluded from the search for solutions,"[7] see also Networks


1 Million Women

Youth groups and climate action[edit | edit source]


The Youth Climate Movement (YouNGO) or International Youth Climate Movement (IYCM) refers to an international network of youth organizations that collectively aims to inspire, empower and mobilise a generational movement of young people to take positive action on climate change. W

see also: Campaigns, Climate news, Legal resources, News and comment

Campaigns[edit | edit source]

Extinction Rebellion[edit | edit source]

Main article: Extinction Rebellion

Extinction Rebellion (abbreviated as XR) is a socio-political movement with the stated aim of using civil disobedience and nonviolent resistance to protest against climate breakdown, biodiversity loss, and the risk of social and ecological collapse.

Parents For Future[edit | edit source]

Supporters - Parents For Future UK

FridaysForFuture[edit | edit source]


Global Climate Strike For Future Event, Mar 15, 2019, on facebook


School strike for climate[edit | edit source]

School strike for climate, also known in various regions as Fridays for the Future, Youth for climate or Youth strike 4 climate, is a growing international movement of children and students leaving their school to take part in demonstrations for climate action.

The first school strike for climate was started by Greta Thunberg staging an action outside the Swedish Riksdag (parliament), holding a sign that read "Skolstrejk för klimatet" or "school strike for climate" during August 2018. W

Schools for Climate Action


Citizens' Climate Lobby[edit | edit source]

Citizens' Climate Lobby (CCL) is an international grassroots environmental group that trains and supports volunteers to build relationships with their elected representatives in order to influence climate policy. The CCL is a registered 501(c) with approximately $300 thousand in revenue in the United States in 2015. Operating since 2007, the goal of CCL is to build political support across party lines to put a price on carbon, specifically a revenue neutral carbon fee and dividend (CF&D) at the national level. CCL is supported by notable climate scientists James Hansen, Katharine Hayhoe, and Daniel Kammen. CCL's advisory board also includes former Secretary of State George P. Shultz, former US Representative Bob Inglis, actor Don Cheadle, and RESULTS founder Sam Daley-Harris.

Founded in the United States, CCL has groups in Australia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Burundi, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Côte d'Ivoire, France, Gambia, Germany, Ghana, Iceland, India, Italy, Kenya, Mexico, Nepal, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Panama, the Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Serbia, Scotland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tanzania, the Ukraine, and the United Kingdom.


Other campaigns[edit | edit source]

  • Open Climate Campaign, The complexity of the climate crisis requires global, national, and local actions informed by multidisciplinary research. added 09:55, 15 November 2022 (UTC)
The People's Fight: How We Halt the Climate Crisis
Authors: 350.org, Jan 27, 2021
  • 350.org, international environmental organization encouraging citizens to action with the belief that publicizing the increasing levels of carbon dioxide will pressure world leaders to address climate change and to reduce levels from 400 parts per million to 350 parts per million. It was founded by author Bill McKibben with the goal of building a global grassroots movement to raise awareness about anthropogenic climate change, to confront climate change denial, and to cut emissions of carbon dioxide in order to slow the rate of global warming. 350.org takes its name from the research of Goddard Institute for Space Studies scientist James E. Hansen, who posited in a 2007 paper that 350 parts-per-million (ppm) of CO2 in the atmosphere is a safe upper limit to avoid a climate tipping point. W
  • Fossil Free, Divest for Paris
  • TckTckTck, the Global Call for Climate Action
  • Climate Counts, non-profit campaign that scores companies annually on the basis of their voluntary action to reverse climate change. The Climate Counts Company Scorecard—launched in June 2007—helps people vote with their dollars by making climate-conscious purchasing and investing choices that put pressure on the world's most well-known companies to take the issue of climate change seriously. Climate Counts aims to mobilize everyday consumers—not just the traditional environmental community—as the most important activists in the fight against global warming. W

What individuals can do[edit | edit source]

JUMP intro
Authors: The JUMP, Sep 30, 2020
  • The Jump, added 14:14, 7 March 2022 (UTC)
  • Individual action on climate change W
  • 52 Climate Actions permaculture inspired website that gives people actions to help them reduce their carbon footprint, adapt to climate change, and embrace a low carbon culture.
  • Climate Council's Climate Action Toolkit

Controversy over promoting individual action on climate change[edit | edit source]

See: Citizen participation in climate change policy advocacy W and
Nov 9, 2019 Climate change deniers’ new battle front attacked[8]

“Of course, individual action needs to be part of the battle, but not as a substitute for policy reform. It should be as an additional component." Michael Mann, professor of atmospheric science at Penn State University[9]

Near you[edit | edit source]

Climate action UK - Climate action USA - Climate action India - Climate action Turkey

local information can be found, or shared, via our many location pages

See also[edit | edit source]

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External links


  1. Climate change is happening now - world needs to respond urgently, Defra, April 6 2007 (link not found May 2015)
  2. rapidtransition.org
  3. thecorrespondent.com
  4. theintercept.com
  5. The Nobel Peace Prize 2007, October 12 2007
  6. Repeating Islands, July 9, 2009
  7. WEN press release September 12 2006 (link not found May 2015)
  8. The Guardian
  9. The Guardian Nov 9, 2019
FA info icon.svg Angle down icon.svg Page data
Keywords climate action, pinned topic
Authors Phil Green, Markus Petz
License CC-BY-SA-3.0
Language English (en)
Related 0 subpages, 234 pages link here
Impact 422 page views (more)
Created May 26, 2015 by Phil Green
Last modified May 27, 2024 by Kathy Nativi
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