This page is the beginnings of a portal for UK community action in response to Climate emergency. The majority of our information about this is collated via our place pages...Near you.

Sunset on the river Thames viewed from Greenwich. Attribution: Dlloyd
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Location United Kingdom
  • News Glastonbury gets 'climate action plan', BBC News (Aug 23, 2024)
  • News UK government faces claim over alleged failure to protect people in climate crisis, (Jul 23, 2024)
  • News A record sentence for a Zoom call, arrests for those holding signs outside. This is a blight on British democracy, George Monbiot, (Jul 19, 2024)

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Events[edit | edit source]

No events found.

Community action projects[edit | edit source]

Climate emergency centres[edit | edit source]

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This article would be improved by an appropriate photo or image.

Climate emergency centres are about a coming together and building of relationships in a common space, sharing resources, skills and ideas to build community resilience and adaption to multiple social and environmental crises.

Climate assemblies[edit | edit source]

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street party on Southwark Bridge during the Thames Festival. Attribution: Garry Knight

This page may be redesigned as more of an introductory article on Climate assemblies. buergerrat-de provides a more comprehensive listing. Philralph (talk) 11:51, 21 July 2023 (UTC)

This article is an offshoot or our Citizens' assembly page. It is also related to our XR and future democracy article. There's also a separate article: List of UK climate assemblies.

The term climate assembly is used here to mean any citizens assembly considering, either exclusively or otherwise, a response to climate change or climate emergency.

The list could be expanded to include also peoples' assemblies, or other gatherings, for example of the kinds listed on the Future Democracy Hub happening in response to climate emergency.

Networks[edit | edit source]

Climate justice[edit | edit source]

  • Cop26 coalition, Climate Justice Movement at COP26, added 10:59, 7 October 2021 (UTC)

Place-based Climate Action Network[edit | edit source]

Place-based Climate Action Network (PCAN), an ESRC-supported Network bringing together the research community and decision-makers in the public, private and third sectors.

Find your place,, opportunities for cities, LEPs, local authorities, country or regions. Opportunities to reduce energy use and carbon footprints while cutting energy bills, creating jobs and creating a wide range of other benefits.

UK Youth Climate Coalition[edit | edit source]

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The UK Youth Climate Coalition (UKYCC) is a non-profit youth organisation in the United Kingdom. It is part of The Climate Coalition in the UK

Formed in 2008, the mission of the organisation is to mobilise and empower young people to take positive action for global climate justice. To achieve this, the UKYCC organises a series of projects, campaigns and events each year, including sending youth delegations to the United Nations Climate Negotiations.

The organisation is supported by a coalition of non-governmental organisations.

Other networks[edit | edit source]

  • Mothers CAN, UK-based network of mothers set up at the beginning of 2020, bringing local groups of mothers together, facilitating discussion of the climate crisis, and supporting groups to identify where they can best direct their energy to cause positive change in their communities. added 18:49, 24 November 2021 (UTC)
  • Champions for Earth, Green Recovery Letter, September 2020, open letter to the Prime Minister and UK Government, calling on them to prioritise the environment in their recovery from the COVID pandemic, supported by over 310 GB Olympians and Paralympians, including over 40 Olympic and Paralympic Champions added 14:19, 24 September 2020 (UTC)
  • UK Students Climate Network on facebook

Visions[edit | edit source]

  • Dreams of a Low Carbon Future, downloadable pdf's via, added 16:09, 28 August 2020 (UTC)

Community resources[edit | edit source]

see separate article: Climate emergency centres

Organisations supporting community action[edit | edit source]

"The future, if we face into it together...", Balsall Heath Retrofit, Climate Majority Project
Authors: Climate Majority Project, Jul 8, 2023
  • Climate Majority Project, "...provide funding and expertise to initiatives working to bring serious climate action into the mainstream. The Incubator gathers funding from visionary ‘investors’, to support entrepreneurs of citizen climate action with essential finance, strategic and practical input, and access to a network." added 10:20, 2 August 2023 (UTC)
  • Rights Community Action, "coalition of campaigners, lawyers, planners, facilitators, writers and scientists, united by a shared commitment to tackle the Climate Emergency – with people and for people, and the environment." added 16:47, 5 November 2021 (UTC)

Arts, sport and culture

  • Letters from the Global South, "Educational workshops on climate change for community-led environmental action", "...committed to amplifying the voices of communities that are underrepresented in the environmental movement through the promotion of these environmental initiatives at the local and national level.", added 10:36, 2 August 2023 (UTC)

Campaigns[edit | edit source]

Insulate Britain[edit | edit source]

  • Insulate Britain, campaign group that is calling on the UK government to put in place policy and funding for a national home insulation programme starting with all social housing.

Insulate Britain Demands

  1. That the UK government immediately promises to fully fund and take responsibility for the insulation of all social housing in Britain by 2025;
  2. That the UK government immediately promises to produce within four months a legally binding national plan to fully fund and take responsibility for the full low-energy and low-carbon whole-house retrofit, with no externalised costs, of all homes in Britain by 2030 as part of a just transition to full decarbonisation of all parts of society and the economy.[1]

Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill[edit | edit source]


Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill, added 20:03, 17 August 2020 (UTC)

Extinction Rebellion[edit | edit source]

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Declaration of Rebellion at Parliament Square, London, on 31 October 2018. Attribution: Steve Eason
  • News Here Comes Everyone: XR's strategy for 2023-24 aims sees strengthening communities as the path to effective climate protest, The Daily Alternative (Jun 04, 2023)
  • News Extinction Rebellion: Climate activists stage Earth Day demonstration, BBC News (Apr 24, 2023)
  • News Extinction Rebellion announces move away from disruptive tactics, The Guardian (Jan 01, 2023)

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Extinction Rebellion (abbreviated as XR) is a socio-political movement with the stated aim of using civil disobedience and nonviolent resistance to protest against climate breakdown, biodiversity loss, and the risk of social and ecological collapse.

Extinction Rebellion was established in the United Kingdom in May 2018 with about one hundred academics signing a call to action in support in October 2018, and launched at the end of October by Roger Hallam, Gail Bradbrook, Simon Bramwell, and other activists from the campaign group Rising Up!.

Citing inspiration from grassroots movements such as Occupy, Gandhi's Satyagraha, the suffragettes, Gene Sharp, Martin Luther King and others in the civil rights movement, Extinction Rebellion wants to rally support worldwide around a common sense of urgency to tackle climate breakdown.

The movement uses a circled hourglass, known as the Extinction Symbol, to serve as a warning that time is rapidly running out for many species. Special Note: This is an abbreviated version of the introductory text from Wikipedia's article. You are encouraged to read the full version. W See also next section.

Other campaigns[edit | edit source]

  • Just Stop Oil, coalition of groups working together to demand that the government immediately halt all future licensing and consents for the exploration, development and production of fossil fuels in the UK. Coalition of groups demanding the no-brainer things be done immediately – actions that will reduce the demand for fossil fuel energy dramatically such as insulating our homes, rethinking how we travel, getting on with renewable energy and making sure no-one is left behind.[2] added 15:03, 14 February 2022 (UTC)
  • Take Climate Action, campaign from Friends of the Earth to encourage local councils to adopt a Climate Action Plan, added 20:57, 6 November 2021 (UTC)

Households Declare!, from Architects Climate Action Network. Time for every UK household to declare a climate emergency! Sign the letter to Alok Sharma. Check out the resources section of their website. added 16:25, 16 August 2021 (UTC)

Badvertising, campaign to stop adverts fuelling the climate emergency, including ads for cars, airline flights and fossil fuels, added 16:42, 2 October 2020 (UTC)

Parents For Future UK

Campaign against Climate Change, UK-based pressure group that aims to raise public awareness of anthropogenic climate change through mobilizing mass demonstrations. W

Divestment Campaign, Move Your Money

Fossil Free UK, Fossil Free UK, Pension tool

Fossil Free campaign, People and Planet

Rising Tide UK is the United Kingdom part of the International Rising Tide Network, both of which were created in 2000 to carry out direct action against the root causes of climate change, and to work towards a fossil fuel free future. RTUK takes a no-compromise position and believes that only the complete dismantling of the fossil fuel industry and a shift to low consumption lifestyles will be sufficient to halt climate change. Rising Tide UK is formed of regional and local groups in the UK, and supports networks of similar groups around the country. Actions carried out by Rising Tide UK groups range from protests and street-theatre style events, to mass occupations of petrol stations, and blockades of key fossil fuel industrial sites. W

Time To Act

See also[edit | edit source]

External links



  1. Insulate Britain Press Release, 28 October
  2. press release, Feb 14, 2022
FA info icon.svg Angle down icon.svg Page data
Keywords visions uk
Authors Phil Green
License CC-BY-SA-3.0
Language English (en)
Related 0 subpages, 46 pages link here
Impact 222 page views (more)
Created June 8, 2015 by Phil Green
Last modified May 22, 2024 by StandardWikitext bot
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