Find #REDIRECT [[:Category

Category:Wind Energy - try Windmills

Appropedia:Ruleset <<< --> Category:Appropedia policy - try Appropedia policy --

List of topics <<< --> Category:Topics - try Topics

Adobe <<< --> Category:Adobe - try Adobe

Photovoltaics <<< --> Category:Photovoltaics - try Photovoltaics

Appropedia maintenance <<< --> Category:Appropedia maintenance - try Appropedia maintenance

Information and communication technology <<< --> Category:Information technology - try Information technology

How to <<< --> Category:How tos - try How tos

Engineers Without Borders <<< --> Category:Engineers Without Borders - try Engineers Without Borders

Ewb nsw <<< --> Category:EWB NSW - try EWB NSW

EWB Australia <<< --> Category:Engineers Without Borders Australia - try Engineers Without Borders Australia

Solar cooker <<< --> Category:Solar cooking - try Solar cooking

Demotech, design for self-reliance <<< --> Category:Demotech - try Demotech

Public health <<< --> Category:Public health - try Public health

Internet resources <<< --> Category:Internet resources - try Internet resources

Online courses and materials <<< --> Category:Coursework - try Coursework

Organizations <<< --> Category:Organizations - try Organizations

Cook stove <<< --> Category:Cookers - try Cookers

Human-powered devices <<< --> Category:Human power - try Human power

Culture and development <<< --> Category:Culture and development - try Culture and development

Water conservation <<< --> Category:Water conservation - try Water conservation

Volunteering <<< --> Category:International volunteer opportunities - try International volunteer opportunities

Work <<< --> Category:Employment - try Employment

Gender <<< --> Category:Gender - try Gender

Gender and development <<< --> Category:Gender and development - try Gender and development

Worm farming <<< --> Category:Vermiculture - try Vermiculture

Solar <<< --> Category:Solar - try Solar

Electricity <<< --> Category:Electricity - try Electricity

Building <<< --> Category:Alternative building - try Alternative building

Community participation in development <<< --> Category:Community participation - try Community participation

Recycle <<< --> Category:Recycling - try Recycling

Urban planning <<< --> Category:Urban planning - try Urban planning

Cob oven <<< --> Category:Earthen ovens - try Earthen ovens

Events <<< --> Category:Events - try Events

Cobb <<< --> Category:Cobb - try Cobb

Porting helper <<< --> Category:Porting helpers - try Porting helpers

Transportation <<< --> Category:Transport - try Transport

Water quality <<< --> Category:Water quality - try Water quality

Climate change <<< --> Category:Climate change - try Climate change

Learning from Poverty <<< --> Category:Demotech/Learning_from_Poverty - try Demotech/Learning_from_Poverty

ICT <<< --> Category:Information technology - try Information technology

Gasification <<< --> Category:Gasification - try Gasification

Microfinance <<< --> Category:Microfinance - try Microfinance

Mosquito <<< --> Category:Mosquito control - try Mosquito control

Recycled (grey) water <<< --> Category:Water recycling - try Water recycling

Livestock <<< --> Category:Livestock - try Livestock

Microcredit <<< --> Category:Microfinance - try Microfinance

Biofuel <<< --> Category:Biofuel - try Biofuel

Water supply <<< --> Category:Water supply - try Water supply

Public transport <<< --> Category:Public transport - try Public transport

Compost toilets <<< --> Category:Composting toilets - try Composting toilets

Desalination plants <<< --> Category:Desalination - try Desalination

Water conservation strategies <<< --> Category:Water conservation - try Water conservation

Housing affordability <<< --> Category:Housing affordability - try Housing affordability

Prefabricated building <<< --> Category:Prefabricated buildings - try Prefabricated buildings

Alternative energy <<< --> Category:Energy - try Energy

Battery technology <<< --> Category:Batteries - try Batteries

Butchering <<< --> Category:Butchering - try Butchering

Chickens <<< --> Category:Chickens - try Chickens

Clothing <<< --> Category:Clothing - try Clothing

Cohousing <<< --> Category:Cohousing - try Cohousing

Compost <<< --> Category:Composting - try Composting

Ducks <<< --> Category:Ducks - try Ducks

Ecovillage <<< --> CATEGORY: Ecovillages

Laundry <<< --> Category:Laundry - try Laundry

Septic tank <<< --> Category:Septic tanks - try Septic tanks

Sheep <<< --> Category:Sheep - try Sheep

Solar distillation <<< --> Category:Solar distillation - try Solar distillation

Vegan <<< --> Category:Vegetarianism and veganism - try Vegetarianism and veganism

Waste <<< --> Category:Waste management - try Waste management

NOT NOW: Wind power <<< --> Category:Wind power - try Wind power category:Wind Energy)

Ethanol <<< --> Category:Alcohol fuels - try Alcohol fuels

Batteries <<< --> Category:Batteries - try Batteries

Cities <<< --> Category:Built environment - try Built environment

Microhydro <<< --> Category:Microhydro - try Microhydro

Strawbale <<< --> Category:Strawbale - try Strawbale

Pedal power <<< --> Category:Pedal power - try Pedal power

Dam <<< --> Category:Dams - try Dams

Greenhouse <<< --> Category:Greenhouses - try Greenhouses

Suggested projects <<< --> Category:Suggested projects - try Suggested projects

Prizes and competitions <<< --> Category:Prizes and competitions - try Prizes and competitions

Community participation <<< --> Category:Community participation - try Community participation

Cycling <<< --> Category:Cycling - try Cycling

Foreign aid <<< --> Category:Official development assistance - try Official development assistance

Household Cyclopedia <<< --> Category:Household Cyclopedia - try Household Cyclopedia

Mosquito control <<< --> Category:Mosquito control - try Mosquito control

Funding organization <<< --> Category:Funding organizations - try Funding organizations

Septic tanks <<< --> Category:Septic tanks - try Septic tanks

Wheelchairs <<< --> Category:Wheelchairs - try Wheelchairs

Community <<< --> Category:Community - try Community

Sun Frost <<< --> Category:Sun Frost - try Sun Frost

Lighting <<< --> Category:Lighting - try Lighting

Light <<< --> Category:Electric lighting - try Electric lighting

Education <<< --> Category:Education - try Education

Air conditioning <<< --> Category:Air conditioning - try Air conditioning

Bottled water <<< --> Category:Bottled water - try Bottled water

Air-conditioning <<< --> Category:Air conditioning - try Air conditioning

Improved stove <<< --> Category:Improved cook stoves - try Improved cook stoves

Engineers Without Borders UK <<< --> Category:Engineers Without Borders UK - try Engineers Without Borders UK

Renewable energy <<< --> Category:Renewable energy - try Renewable energy

Aquaculture <<< --> Category:Aquaculture - try Aquaculture

Village Earth <<< --> Category:Village Earth - try Village Earth

Agriculture <<< --> Category:Agriculture - try Agriculture

Construction and materials <<< --> Category:Construction and materials - try Construction and materials

Agricultural subsidy <<< --> Category:Agricultural subsidies - try Agricultural subsidies

Energy efficiency <<< --> Category:Energy efficiency - try Energy efficiency

Pest control <<< --> Category:Pest control - try Pest control

--> Category:Open source software - try Open source software

--> Category:Greywater - try Greywater

--> Category:Greywater treatment - try Greywater treatment

Pages needing attention <<< --> Category:Pages needing attention - try Pages needing attention

Sp <<< --> Category:Suggested projects - try Suggested projects

Hexayurt Project <<< --> Category:Hexayurt project - try Hexayurt project

add {{topic header | {{subst:PAGENAME}}}} in xml?

...then use list to add {{cat header add introductory sentence (take from Chriswaterguy/test2)}}

Many locations such as Guatemala... Indonesia <<< --> Category:Indonesia - try Indonesia

India <<< --> Category:India - try India

Bangladesh <<< --> Category:Bangladesh - try Bangladesh

USA <<< --> Category:USA - try USA

Australia <<< --> Category:Australia - try Australia

Guatemala <<< --> Category:Guatemala - try Guatemala

Category:Humboldt County, California Mexico <<< --> Category:Mexico - try Mexico

Turkmenistan <<< --> Category:Turkmenistan - try Turkmenistan

Australia <<< --> Category:Australia - try Australia

Bolivia <<< --> Category:Bolivia - try Bolivia

Food and drink <<< --> Category:Food and agriculture - try Food and agriculture

Energy <<< --> Category:Energy - try Energy

(then broke...)

Category:Porting helpers - try Porting helpers

Don't touch without confirmation

Should Category:Parras (at least most of the pages) be moved to Category:Parras summer program to allow for pages related to the location but not the program?

List of Projects <<< --> Category:Projects - try Projects

Parras Solar Hot Water <<< --> Category:Parras Solar Hot Water - try Parras Solar Hot Water

Parras <<< --> Category:Parras - try Parras

HSU <<< --> Category:Humboldt State University - try Humboldt State University

Parras summer program <<< --> Category:Parras - try Parras

Campus Center for Appropriate Technology <<< --> Category:CCAT - try CCAT

Parras 2006 <<< --> Category:Parras 2006 - try Parras 2006


rm these: '{{(?:Browsetopic|Newpageresource|Putinthiscategory)}}'

Look for '{{Lang\|\[\[:Category:'

Look for [\[:Category in mainspace pages.

Add category:foo to Foo, on all changed pages.


For each (& later for portals) check & change the redirects: python -regex "(?si)#REDIRECT\s*\[\[(:?)Category:\s*Foo" "#REDIRECT [[Foo" -log -namespace:0 -xml:currentdump.xml  ???????

Try: '(?si)#REDIRECT\s*\[\[(:?)Category ?:(?:pagename1|...)\s*]]' '#REDIRECT \[\[\1]]'

(then fix double redirects)

python -regex "(?si)#REDIRECT\s*\[\[Portal:Greywater treatment" "#REDIRECT [[Greywater treatment]]" -log -xml:currentdump.xml

old idea: python -regex "(?si)#REDIRECT\s*\[\[:Category" "See also: [[Category" -log -xml:currentdump.xml

Updating the category pages

(Done on first batch.) python -regex '(?si)(.*?)\[\[Category:(.*$)' '{{cat header| default.png |{{subst:PAGENAME}}| INSERT_BRIEF_TOPIC_INTRO_HERE. }}\n\n[[Category:\2' -log -file:movedcats1 -namespace:14 -summary:'Add cat header template, pointing to the new location for the topic content. IMAGE NEEDED.'

& e for edit.

Then make template to tag cat pages that need moving.

How to search for cat pages > x bytes?

Updating the topic pages

python -text:'{{topic header| default.png |{{subst:PAGENAME}}}}\n\n -log -file:XXXXXX -summary:'Add topic header template to pages recently moved to mainspace. IMAGE NEEDED.' offer category equal to the pagename.


urban planning

Each category talk page.

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