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=Organic Standards=
{{cat header| 3arcata edfarm.jpg | Organic farming | Organic farming harnesses natural processes to improve soil productivity and control pests, and strictly limits the use of synthetic inputs such as fertilizers and pesticides. }} 

* The land must be free of prohibited substances for 3 years prior to organic farming
* Seeds should be organic but right now the use of some non-organic seeds is permitted
[[Category:Sustainable agriculture]]
* The use of genetic engineering, sewage sludge, or ionizing radiation is prohibited
[[Category:Best practice]]
* Weeds are controlled with management practices and lots of work
* Garden pests are handled with integrated pest management practices which include biological, physical, and mechanical controls.
* Some organic pesticides are permitted
* To maintain soil fertility organic farmers use methods such as: crop rotations, cover crops, animal manures, compost, and diversity in crops.
* Some organic fertilizers are permitted
=Alternatives to chemical Ag=
==Integrated pest management==
*is an effective and environmentally sensitive approach to pest management
*uses plant positive approaches instead of pest negative ones
*uses natural forms of pest control, such as lady bugs
==Soil fertility==
A number of things that can be done to maintain soil fertility without the use of chemical fertilizers are:
*crop rotation
*fallow periods
*cover crops
==Weed control==
;Hand pull 
:This is the physical removal of weeds pulled out by hand.                           
:Scratching the surface to kill weeds with tools, hoes cut off roots at surface. Hoe weeds when young!
;Weed till
:Clear a field, water it and let the weeds sprout.  Hoe them away and repeat.
;Organic Mulch
:Lay down at least 5” thick of mulch that does not have weed seeds in it such as straw.  Mulch can be put around transplants or over plants like garlic, onions, and potatoes.
;Plastic mulch
:Lay down plastic and plant in poked holes. 
:Breaks down quickly, makes a lot of trash and blocks water.
;Plant a cover crop
:Plant a cover crop that out grows the weeds.
:Summer buck wheat and vetch or winter oats, bell beans, and vetch.
;Flame weeding
:Uses a propane torch to cook the weeds.
;Drip irrigation
:For areas with long dry seasons bury your drip tape and irrigate only where needed.
;Do not let weeds go to seed
:1 year seeds = 7 years weeds
;Use animals
:Geese are grass specialists.
:Sheep will eat everything they can reach.
:Goats will eat everything they can reach including Poison oak.
=Other Descriptions of Organic Farming=
*Organic farming can be described (least in laymen's terms) as growing food the way nature intended.
*Free of artificial hormones, GMO's, and pesticides.
Famous Organic farmers include Senator [[Jon Tester]], Farmer John- of Angelic Organics, skateboarder Bob Burnquist, Eliot Coleman, C.G. Kains, and Rodale.
==See also==
*[http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2007/04/19/MNGD8PB4H91.DTL&feed=rss.news Congress hears from organic growers over farm bill] - Small farmers seek piece of spending that typically goes to big commodities (April 19, 2007)

Revision as of 16:50, 22 April 2013

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