This article focuses on information specific to United Kingdom. Please see our Visions page for a topic overview.

What communities can do



Oct 17 - 24 Pop Up Tomorrow, 2019, Thu-Thu



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News and comment


Princes Street Gardens.jpg

Mar 16 Scotland news: We don’t need institutes, we need constitutes… and they should live in a Makar House, Pat Kane [1]


Jan 17Pop Up Tomorrow’ (London): voices of those who were there [2]


Camden Lock2.jpg

Nov 11 Camden: What if we did it all, in one place? A big idea to bring the future to life in our cities by Friends of the Earth Innovation team [3]


Nov 8Pop Up Tomorrow’ and a journey to 2030. A report. [4]

Declaration of Rebellion at Parliament Square 52.jpg

Oct 16 Extinction Rebellion's car-free streets showcase the possibility of a beautiful, safe and green future [5]

Oct 16 Flights of fancy: 10 ways to imagine our way out of the climate crisis [6]

Oct 15 The Sustainable Future Town of Your Imagination [7]

Poynings, from S Downs.JPG

Jun 12 South East England: ‘Filled to bursting with trees, woods and nature reserves’: greening the Green Belt by Friends of the Earth Innovation team [8]

See also

Local pages

Camden - Liverpool - London - Southwark - Wales - Wiltshire

Topic pages

Climate action - Community involvement - Road safety

Resource pages

Citizens data initiative - Transition Network

Interwiki links

External links


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