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By Lonny Grafman
By Lonny Grafman
Catching rainwater around the world
Get a paperback from Amazon or free digitally at tocatchtherain.org
  • Sep 30 Climate news: Has the world started to take climate change fight seriously? [1]
  • Sep 25 California news: Global warming driving California wildfire trends say scientists [2]
  • Sep 22 China news: Climate change: China aims for 'carbon neutrality by 2060' [3]
  • Sep 21 Climate news: World's richest 1% cause double CO2 emissions of poorest 50%, says Oxfam [4]
  • Sep 12 Biodiversity news: Sir David Attenborough makes stark warning about species extinction [5]

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Solar charged lawnmower
To Catch the Sun is the first book created from this much exclusive Appropedia content on photovoltaics. It is was successfully crowdfunded on Kickstarter. See http://tocatchthesun.com to get your own copy.

An electric lawnmower that utilizes solar power as an energy source will address a number of issues that standard internal combustion engine mowers do not. An electric lawnmower with a solar charger will be easier to use. There is no messy dangerous gasoline to deal with. It will eliminate those pesky trips to the gas station for fill-ups. Just plug the mower into the charging station when not in use and it will be charged and ready for your next mow! Most importantly it eliminates the emissions of an internal combustion mower.

The basic idea is to convert an older non-working gas mower into an electric-powered mower by replacing the gas engine with an electric motor that runs from a 12-volt battery. This battery will be charged using photovoltaic panel (A.K.A. - solar panel). I chose to convert an old gas mower rather than just starting with an electric mower due to cost and so I could design the power output. I also planned on using as many used materials as I can. This will help to save these materials from ending up in our already over filled landfills.

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Dave Barry
There are two kinds of solar-heat systems: 'passive' systems collect the sunlight that hits your home, and 'active' systems collect the sunlight that hits your neighbors' homes, too.
— Dave Barry
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