"Think globally, act locally W" Patrick Geddes

"The future is here. It's just not widely distributed yet." - William Gibson [1]

"Every individual counts, every individual has a role to play, every individual makes a difference." Jane Goodall W

"Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now." Goethe

"A great high wall there, it tried to stop me

A great big sign there, said ‘private property’

But on the other side, it didn’t say nothing

That side was made for you and me." – Woody Guthrie, This Land Is Your Land


“Every town is a transition town because we are on a transitioning planet, ...” [2]

"Working for the earth is not a way to get rich, it is a way to be rich." [3] / Sustainable livelihood

Paul Hawken

"There are some 2 billion people, many living sustainably with traditional livelihoods, who are unlikely to ever have access to banks or dominant money systems. Yet, their mutual aid and barter can be facilitated independently from our dysfunctional money systems, which are about scarcity, competition and fear. Barter and mutual aid are about cooperation, sharing and abundance."

"Unpaid work (parenting, growing food for family and community needs, maintaining households, volunteering in community service, do-it-yourself home and community construction, and repair projects) is estimated as some 50 % of all production in OECD countries and 60 to 65 percent in developing countries."

Hazel Henderson

"The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit." Nelson Henderson



"In making any law, our chiefs must always consider three things: the effect of their decision on peace; the effect on the natural world; and the effect on seven generations in the future. We believe that all lawmakers should be required to think this way, that all constitutions should contain these rules. . .. " Carol Jacobs, Cayuga Bear Clan Mother


"Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the life of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends a tiny ripple of hope, and those ripples, crossing each other from a million different centers of energy, build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance." Robert F. Kennedy

"Treat the Earth well. It is not inherited from your parents, it is borrowed from your children." Kenyan proverb

"Before we finish our breakfast we have come into contact with 2/3rds of the world." Martin Luther King

"The global destruction of cities and countryside, of human cultures and of nature itself, can only be reversed by a global philosophical, technical, cultural, moral and economic project: by an ecological project." Leon Krier

"You, my sisters, perhaps it is your husband who earns the money for your family, but it is you who are determining how that money is spent; and in so doing you are deciding the fate of your village. You may choose to buy the beautiful silk made in France or Belgium, or you may choose the khadi cloth made by your sister and your neighbor. When you choose the khadi cloth, you are investing in more than cloth, you are investing in your neighbor, her children, and your village. As you watch the children walking to school in the morning, fed by the earnings of their mother, you realize that you and they are woven together through the cloth. You and your village are richer in proportion to the number of such stories that unite you." J. C. Kumarappa


"No other person can be as expert about your life, your values, your hopes than you are. And any process that tries to define the future and does not find a way to include your expertise on your life is doomed to fail"
Gary Lawrence, former chief planner for the city of Seattle

"They wrote about another world, the dirt world. That too, too solid world which the Zeroes made naught of.

Ti Chiu, Dichew, the dirt-ball. Earth. The "garbage" world. The "trash" planet.

These words are archaic, history-words, attached only to history-images: receptacles were filled with "dirty" "garbage" that was poured into vehicles which carried it to "trash dumps" to "throw away."

What does that mean? Where is "away"?

Ursula K. Le Guin

of course permaculture
"if we all did our bit then we could all live in peace with nature alittle more.
nature is what has brought us here and supported us. to start your own forest garden for example is very simple. simplicity is a major part of permaculture. everything has multifunctions, cooperating with each activity. for example the garden gives you food, gives animals food, trees clean the air and may create windbreaks, the food you eat will be discarded and then turned into compost. I could go on and on. life supporting life. not major food chains, insecticides, or monoculture. what a healthy harmonious life it is too. coming from an ecovillage in argentina gives me inspiration to start my own one day. until then i will do my part, remembering that everything i do affects the generations ahead of me. community and family gardening, composting, or just being in nature are examples of awesome ideas for anyone if you are interested.. there is alot to learn from nature and permaculture, books are good but so is being surrounded by the wonderfulness of a green ecosystem. go outside!! chau from brazil"
lydia [4]

"The Arctic is the barometer of the globe’s environmental health. You can take the pulse of the world’s health in the Arctic... What is happening to the Inuit will happen to you too in the South, soon… Is it too much to ask for moderation for the sake of my people today, and for your people tomorrow?" Aqqaluk Lynge, president of the Inuit Circumpolar Council (ICC). [5]


"The environment is very important in the aspects of peace because when we destroy our resources and our resources become scarce, we fight over that" Wangari Maathai W, Nobel Laureate

"There is nothing more important in life than giving. Tolerance is forged when people look beyond their own desires." Nelson Mandela

"If the garbage man calls, tell him we don't want any" Groucho Marx / Reduce, reuse, repair and recycle

"Almost everyone wants to make something of their lives, to promote their own well-being and that of others around them. We all want to ‘live well’, and the basic values -survival, happiness, friendship, self-respect, freedom, a sense of fulfillment and a meaning of life - are at the heart of our flourishing as human beings and as members of society. They are what life is about." Margaret McGee

"A world where one tenth of the population gets to be extremely wealthy, and six tenths very poor, is not, in the long run, a stable place." Bill McKibben W

"Our new environment compels commitment and participation. We have become irrevocably involved with, and responsible for, each other." Marshall McLuhan

"It is the millions of acts by ordinary people that will eventually make a difference." Hamish McRae

"It self-organizes and evolves. It creates diversity, not uniformity. That's what makes the world interesting, that's what makes it beautiful, and that's what makes it work." Donella Meadows

"In an ideal society, everyone should work for the wellbeing of others." Mencius

"You can't tell people anything...
... Mainly that's about being able to do things without having to explain them first, so that the finished product can be the explanation. I think this will be a major labor saving improvement." Chip Morningstar

"When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world." John Muir

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