This article is an offshoot or our Citizens' assembly page. It is also related to our XR and future democracy article, which is why it might seem a little UK-centric.

The term climate assembly is used here to mean any citizens assembly considering, either exclusively or otherwise, a response to climate change or climate emergency.

The list could be expanded to include also peoples' assemblies, or other gatherings, for example of the kinds listed on the Future Democracy Hub happening in response to climate emergency.

United Kingdom

UK Local assemblies


  • Climate workshop, Histon and Impington villages, Nov 2, 2019. The workshop will utilise Sweden’s ClimateView, currently in use at the highest levels of the Swedish government. This is its first use in the UK to create climate solutions at local level. ClimateView provides an evidence-based methodology that encourages all sections of the community to come together to collaborate on tackling the climate crisis. [1]
  • “Regional Citizens Assembly for Cambridgeshire” planned by Cambridgeshire Climate Emergency. Proposal presented to Cambridge City Council on 20th May, 2019 [2]


Citizens Assembly to be convened in January 2020 [3]


  • Oxford Citizens Assembly on Climate Change,, held over two weekends in September and October 2019. [4] Many videos on the website.

Yorkshire and the Humber

  • Leeds Climate Change Citizens’ Jury: Commissioned by the Leeds Climate Commission in 2019, the Citizens’ Jury recruited 25 randomly selected citizens over nine sessions to answer the question ‘What should Leeds do about the emergency of climate change?’
An oversight panel of key stakeholders met to ensure the recruitment process was fair and robust and to agree which ‘commentators’ should present evidence to the jury. The twelve strong oversight panel included representation from The City Council, the Chamber of Commerce and Extinction Rebellion.
The citizens' jury commenced on 12 September 2019 and will run for a total of 30 hours over nine sessions, ending on 3 November. [5]



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  • Citizens’ Assembly on the climate crisis, Camden Citizens' Assembly held in July 2019. The Assembly proposals will inform a new Climate Action Plan for Camden to be published in 2020.


  • Lambeth Citizens’ Assembly, Assembly planned for October/November 2019 [6]


  • European Assembly for Climate Justice W

The European Assembly for Climate Justice took place in Brussels from 26 to 29 November 2010. Over 250 people from ten European countries assembled for four days of debates, discussion, action and networking. The Assembly was organised following a call out from Via Campesina for 1000 Cancuns where people across the world would organise popular assemblies in the run up to the COP16. Activities included a Critical mass bike ride, workshops, a popular assembly, a conference and a "Sing for the Climate" event organised by the Belgian Climate Coalition.



  • Citizens' Assembly (Ireland) W

A Citizens' Assembly in Ireland in 2016 considered several political questions including climate change.

Recommendations, all passed by at least 80% of members, included: empowering an independent body to address climate change; Greenhouse gas (GHG) tax, including carbon tax and agricultural GHG tax; encouragement of climate change mitigation, electric vehicles, public transport, forests, organic farming, and natural peat bogs; reduction of food waste; microgeneration of electricity; ending subsidy of peat extraction; increasing bus lanes, cycle lanes and park and ride facilities.

The Oireachtas responded to the report by establishing a Joint Committee on Climate Action, which published its own report on 29 March 2019. On 9 May 2019 the Dáil endorsed the committee's report and symbolically declared a "climate and biodiversity emergency". The motion also requested a Citizen's Assembly to study the biodiversity loss emergency and how the state can improve its response. A "government action plan on climate change" followed on 17 June 2019.


As of November 2019, 4 local groups, see Map of climate assemblies,


Lisbon’s Green PB: Starting in 2019 Lisbon City Council's first ever 'green' PB, part of Lisbon City's wider participatory budget, a €5 million budget to support climate change mitigation and adaptation projects selected by local citizens.



Edmonton Citizens' Panel on Energy & Climate

Starting in Oct 2012 a 56-member citizens' inquiry was commissioned by the city of Edmonton to help develop an energy transition plan.

Street Party Table.jpg

News and comment



Nov 2 UK Climate news: Climate change: Thousands invited to join citizens' assembly [7]

Nov 2 Parliamentary Citizens’ Assembly on Climate Change – A first step, but a devastating missed opportunity, Extinction Rebellion [8]


Oct 30 Sleepy Cambridgeshire village invites Swedish climate experts to help tackle climate emergency [9]

Camden Lock2.jpg

Sep 14 Camden: How do we discover what matters most to people to help them thrive? noelito [10]

Jul 20 Camden: First climate assembly in UK draws up wishlist for council action [11]


Jun 13 Cambridgeshire organisation launches radical response to climate emergency [12]




Other resources

Our Money, Our Planet

This report outlines some possible ways to make some progress, based on our experience and knowledge of participatory approaches, which put citizens into the driving seat of decision-making whilst improving transparency and governance at a local authority level.

One process is Participatory Budgeting (PB). Another is Citizens’ Juries and Assemblies. Both are discussed within this report.

We have also drawn on the findings of our series of ‘Our Money, Our Planet’ workshops. We held these workshops across the UK in 2019. Their aim was to explore how Participatory Budgeting might most effectively help to address our impending climate crisis, and its links to a Green New Deal.

Other links

See also

Interwiki links

Citizens' assembly W includes sections on disadvantages as well as advantages.

External links


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