- "We just flippin' do it": how a rural cooperative from Lancashire built the fastest broadband in Britain, The Daily Alternative (Sep 21, 2022)
- Saving the high street: three ways community businesses can kickstart a revival, The Conversation (Aug 25, 2022)
Jan-Jun 2022[edit | edit source]
- Communities need a say in reviving 800 dead spaces across London, Siân Berry, london.gov.uk (Jun 06, 2022)
- In a hardscrabble Liverpool location, a community "pantry" (not a food bank) feeds both bodies and souls, The Daily Alternative (May 11, 2022)
- Islington Climate Emergency Centre – a movement is growing, realmedia.press (Mar 29, 2022) — "The science is clear. It's not those fighting to put food on the table who need to fix this mess, right? It's the high consuming communities, high consuming individuals who need to act furthest and fastest." Tom Bailey, TakeTheJump.org
- What do we mean by public luxury? Glorious spaces that people can use and enjoy freely, cutting consumption and increasing connection, The Alternative UK (Jan 28, 2022)
2021[edit | edit source]
Community Ownership Fund, Policy paper, Mar 3[1] From summer 2021 community groups will be able to bid for up to £250,000 matched-funding to help them buy or take over local community assets at risk of being lost, to run as community-owned businesses. The first bidding round for the Community Ownership Fund will open by June 2021.
- Social sustainability prize for Knowle West outdoor community hub, knowlewest.co.uk (May 24, 2021)
2020[edit | edit source]
Tomorrow Today Streets, Creating essential micro-infrastructure for post Covid 19 neighbourhoods, TessyBritton[2] May 30
Who can be trusted to develop us? Yes, we the people. But local Trusts have been strengthening communities for decades. Covid-19 shows it's their time. Pat Kane. May 10[3]
💚 We don't need institutes, we need constitutes… and they should live in a Makar House, Pat Kane.[4] Mar 16
See also[edit | edit source]
- Community resources UK news (latest), 2023, 2020-2022, 2015-2019
- Community resources UK
- Community resources
- Community resources news
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