Other International[edit | edit source]

  • Bastavam 100 armas nucleares para transformar o mundo num inferno, dizem cientistas MSN Noticias 49
  • Científicos revelan cómo unas pocas bombas nucleares bastarían para devastar el planeta RT(Spanish) 306
  • Incluso el mejor de los escenarios de una futura guerra nuclear arroja unos resultados catastróficos Gizmodo (Spanish) 508
  • Le nombre d'armes nucléaires, suffisant pour provoquer une catastrophe planétaire, dévoilé Sputnik News France 648
  • „Zahynou miliony Američanů": vědci varovali o následcích možného jaderného útoku pro USA Sputnik News CZ 648
  • Cientistas revelam como poucas bombas nucleares bastariam para devastar o planeta Sputnik News Brazil (Portugese) 651
  • Czy grozi nam „zima jądrowa"? Sputnik News Poland 651
  • Wojna jądrowa rozniesie wszystko w pył Sputnik News Poland 651
  • Kiedy i komu atak jądrowy może się opłacić? Wykop (Poland) 1150
  • El país que empiece una guerra nuclear no podrá evitar millones de muertes en su territorio La Vanguardia (Spanish) 1371 circulation: 196,824
  • Kiedy i komu atak jądrowy może się opłacić? Amerykańscy naukowcy obliczają bilans zysków i strat Wyborcza.pl Polish 3142
  • Izračunali koliko nuklearnih bombi treba za globalni kaos 24sata.hr (Bosnian) 4709
  • Teadlased: rohkem kui saja tuumapommi õhkimine võrdub riikliku enesetapuga Huerka Post Timees (Estonian)5719
  • Teadlastel on mõjuv seletus, miks tuumarünnak on liiga ohtlik, et ükski riik seda tõesti proovida julgeks Forte (Estonian) 6476
  • Ядерные державы полным ходом готовятся к Судному дню ZNAJ 11230
  • It would only take 100 nuclear bombs to cause global devastation, world has 15,000 Deccan Chronicle (India) 7327
  • Taip pasaulis atrodytų po branduolinio karo. Ir tai – geriausias scenarijus Lrytas (Lithuanian) 7748
  • Why having over 100 nuclear weapons could do more harm than good to a country The Journal (Ireland) (8645, 750k unique users/ month)
  • Atomkrieg ist eine noch dümmere Idee als bisher gedacht Spektrum (German)-12846
  • Фізики повідомили про настання «ядерної зими» Читайте більше тут: Zik (Ukranian) 14715
  • De câte bombe atomice e nevoie pentru a distruge omenirea? Experţii spun că doar de 100 Click.ro (Romanian) 19887
  • Nuclear weapons warning from scientists: beware of environmental blowback - Irish Examiner 21548
  • Nuclear holocaust needs only 100 missiles Defence Pakistan 21853
  • Použití více než 100 jaderných hlavic vede k lidským ztrátám i na straně agresora, tvrdí studie E15 CZ 22140
  • Jeziva studija: Naučnici izračunali koliko nuklearnih projektila treba za globalni haos KRStarica 27485
  • Seulement 100 missiles nucléaires suffiraient à provoquer une catastrophe planétaire, annoncent des chercheurs Wikistrike (French) 30097
  • Milioane de americani vor muri în cazul unui atac nuclear al SUA Sorutnik Romania 36505
  • Nuclear weapons warning from scientists: beware of environmental blowback Breaking News IE 34168
  • Tan solo 100 armas nucleares bastarían para causar una catástrofe global Quo (Spanish) 42,682
  • 100 de rachete nucleare pot distruge lumea Jurnalul (Romanian) 47039
  • Il ne faut que 100 bombes nucléaires pour provoquer une catastrophe dans le monde entier Le Vouvel Ordre Mondial 60,732
  • Οι πυρηνικές υπερδυνάμεις διαθέτουν από κοινού 15.000 κεφαλές τη στιγμή που μόλις 900 είναι αρκετές για αποτροπή Ptisidias Time (Greek) 67798
  • Atombomber vil gøre stor skade på afsenderens egen befolkning VidenSkab (Danish) 70120
  • Kaip pasaulis atrodytų po branduolinio karo? Pirmasis pasaulyje tokio tipo tyrimas - net geriausiu atveju pasekmės tiesiog katastrofiškos Technologies LT (Lithuanian 70857
  • Nuclear weapons warning from scientists: beware of environmental blowback Irish News 74823
  • Científicos revelan cómo unas pocas bombas nucleares bastarían para devastar el planeta Cuba Si 55037, World News Cuba Spanish 90329
  • La miglior guerra nucleare possibile Hookii 93820
  • Conséquence d'une attaque nucléaire pour l'agresseur Actualite (French)
  • Incluso el mejor de los escenarios de una futura guerra nuclear arroja unos resultados catastróficos Tenemos Noticias
  • How Many Nukes Would It Take To Totally Screw Humanity? Feldian Business World
  • Científicos revelan cómo unas pocas bombas nucleares bastarían para devastar el planeta esinteresante
  • Evo koliko NUKLEARKI je potrebno za GLOBALNI HAOS I MILIONE MRTVIH U VAZDUHU Republika (Serbia)
  • It would only take 100 nuclear bombs to cause global devastation, world has 15,000 Asian Age (India) 70538
  • Kaip pasaulis atrodytų po branduolinio karo? Bukimevieningi
  • 美研究:坐擁逾百顆核彈頭不切實際 Chinese Daily
  • Nước nào sẽ bắt đầu phi hạt nhân hóa trước tiên? Sputnik News Vietnam 633
  • Cómo las bombas nucleares podrían destruir el planeta Tucamanalas 7
  • Quien comience una guerra nuclear no podrá evitar su propia catástrofe Contra Info
  • Refugios nucleares para pocos Continental Spanish
  • Existen más de 15000 armas nucleares en el planeta, bastan 100 para acabar la humanidad el territorio 44.1k Argentina
  • Estamos más cerca del fin del mundo por las amenazas de una guerra nuclear a gran escala Elciudadano 74.9k
  • Lebih berbahaya daripada yang baik: Menilai titik tipping arsenal nuklir - Teknologi - 2019 Ind Science
  • https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/duplicates/8rblbq/only_100_nuclear_bombs_needed_to_cause/
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1IdHBdPwafA

Radio[edit | edit source]

Viability of Distributed Manufacturing of Bicycle Components with 3-D Printing: CEN Standardized Polylactic Acid Pedal Testing[edit | edit source]

  • Tricks for telling if your 3D print is good enough for your bike - Ultimaker Blog - 20253
  • Desktop 3D Printing and Functional Replacement Parts 3D Print 41167

3D printing economics[edit | edit source]

  • Trade wars will boost digital manufacturing – at consumers' own homes with personal 3D printers The Conversation (3766),

San Francisco Chronicle 1269 Chicago Tribune 2058 Salon 4480 WTOP 13782 Seattle Pi 15571 San Antonio 17477 WN 21496 Houston Chronicle 26k Times Union 29553 32476 KHOU 32.9k Tucson 36433 KSDK Channel 5 NBC 51k CT Post 69k MENAFN 147k Real Clear Policy 210k Idaho Press 233k MRT 229k Financial Sense 257k Economic Times 270k My Plain View 356k

Chemical Compatibility of Fused Filament Fabrication-based 3-D Printed Components with Solutions Commonly Used in Semiconductor Wet Processing[edit | edit source]

  • Experiment Tests the Suitability of 3D Printing Materials for Creating Lab Equipment 3DPrint 39k
  • Research finds 3D printed chemically resistant labware viable with low-cost printers 3D Printing Industry 78.3k, 3D Print Home, 3D Print.In
  • Analysis finds 3D printed chemically resistant labware viable with low-cost printers Junkies Tech
  • Experiment Tests the Suitability of 3D Printing Materials for Creating Lab Equipment 3DPrint
  • 3D-printed tools welcome Cleanroom Technology

Retraining Investment for U.S. Transition from Coal to Solar Photovoltaic Employment[edit | edit source]

  • An alternative to propping up coal power plants: Retrain workers for solar -

The Conversation 3k,

SF Gate 1039 Phys.org 5.7k San Francisco Chronicle 7.3k, Houston Chronicle 20.5k Connecticut Post 65.3k Idaho Press 183k MENAFN 186k Midland Reporter Telegram 202k Long Room News 206k Los Angeles Post 218k Beaumont Enterprise 218k DeSmog Blog 234k Plain View 243k Industrial Equipment News 243k Edwardsville Intelligencer 282k Resilience Today The Daily Reporter Brewminate Daily Yonder Vincennes Sun-Commercial Skeptical Science

Fused Particle Fabrication 3-D Printing: Recycled Materials' Optimization and Mechanical Properties[edit | edit source]

  • Optimizing the Properties of Recycled 3D Printing Materials 3D Print 40.1k
  • re: 3D GIgabot X ottimizzazione delle proprietà dei materiali di stampa 3D riciclati Stampare in 3D
  • Gigabot X: Optimierung von recycelten Filamenten 3DRuck

Economic Advantages of Dry-Etched Black Silicon in Passivated Emitter Rear Cell (PERC) Photovoltaic Manufacturing[edit | edit source]

WN 19k, Eureka Alert 23.8k, Next Big Future 44k, TechXplore 75.4k Newslocker 112k, NewsWise 154k, ECN Magazine 180k, Bioportfolio 236k, Bright Surf, Deep Find, Humanitarian News, Renewable Snaps, Tunis Daily News, Power Systems Design, Solar Daily Tech Inspire Knowridge Space Flight News

International[edit | edit source]

  • Changing the Type of Silicon Etching Drops Solar Power Costs by More Than 10 Percent NewsR (India),
  • Scientists claim 10% saving for black-Si cell production with dry-etching Finanznachrichten (Germany) 28.7k
  • Forskning kan sänka kostnaden för solenergi med över tio procent Energinyheter.se
  • 隨著環保與低碳家園意識崛起,再生能源事業儼然成為一門顯學,其中太陽光電更是備受歡迎的綠能技術,若是能進一步提升發電效率,相信這是眾所樂見的進展。近期美國密西根理工大學(MTU)與芬蘭阿爾托大學便透過改善黑矽(black silicon)太陽能製程,大大增加轉換效率並讓整體製造成本下降 10.8%。 Energy Trend China
  • 愈黑愈好,改善黑矽太陽能製程效率提升外成本也降了 10.8% TechNews Taiwan 3030
  • Dry-Etched Black Silicon Could Lower Solar Power Costs by 10 Percent Photonics 125k, ELE Times
  • 第一条真正的黑色太阳能电池板生产线正式投产 Xincailiao 153k
  • Engineers find that switching silicon in solar cells drops production costs by more than 10% PVBuzz

Social[edit | edit source]

Aalto Release[edit | edit source]

  • First truly black solar modules roll off industrial production line Aalto News 21k

Nanowerk 96k, AlphaGalileo, ECN 200k, EIN I Connect 007

  • Suomalainen musta kenno piti lupauksensa Elektroniikkalehti
  • Suomessa kehitettyjen huipputehokkaiden pikimustien aurinkokennojen nanorakenne kesti robottien käsittelyn: "Ajoituksemme osui nappiin" - Musta pii on lyönyt läpi aurinkosähköteollisuudessa Tekniikka Talous 123k
  • Mullistava suomalainen aurinkokenno voi tuottaa sähköä jopa talvipäivänä – Tehdasvalmistus olisi mahdollista, vain valmistaja puuttuu Yle 2k
  • phys.org 6.9k

Coal with Carbon Capture and Sequestration is not as Land Use Efficient as Solar Photovoltaic Technology for Climate Neutral Electricity Production[edit | edit source]

Science Daily 5.2k Environmental News Network 596k Udaipurkiran

Science blog

Belt-Driven Open Source Circuit Mill Using Low-Cost 3-D Printer Components[edit | edit source]

San Francisco Chronicle 1386, Chicago Tribune 2,199, NY Daily News 2447, Salon 4764, Indian TV News 6.4k, Washington Top News (WTop) 12.1k, Albany Times Union 24k, NWI Times 42.7k, Billings Gazette 63.9k, Government Tech 64.6k, TechXplore 73.3k, Globe Gazette, The Fifth Domain, GCN, Bozeman Daily Chronicle, Idaho Press, Montana Post, Los Angeles Post, Stuff Magazine, PhilStockWorld, Homeland Security Newswire Blogorama 72k

Wood Furniture Waste-Based Recycled 3-D Printing Filament[edit | edit source]

  • Michigan Tech Researchers Recycle Wood Furniture Waste into Composite 3D Printing Material 3D Print 49.1k
  • Michigan Tech Forscher recyceln Holzmöbelabfälle zu 3D-Druckmaterial aus Verbundwerkstoffen 3D Ruck
  • 密歇根技术研究人员将废弃木制家具回收为复合3D打印材料 3D Imperial
  • Researchers use industrial wood-waste to make FDM/FFF wood filament 3D Printing Industry 64.3k
  • 美 연구팀, 폐기 목재물로 3D프린터 필라멘트 개발 성공 ZDNet (Korea)12k
  • Scientists make 3D printable wood filament from furniture waste Wood Working Network 162k
  • Filamento de madera 3D a partir del reciclado Impresoras 3D
  • 3D printable wood filament from furniture wood-waste Wood Business Portal
  • 10 Eco-Friendly 3D Printing Stories From 2018 3D Print

3-D Printable Polymer Pelletizer Chopper for Fused Granular Fabrication-Based Additive Manufacturing[edit | edit source]

Economic Potential for Distributed Manufacturing of Adaptive Aids for Arthritis Patients in the U.S.[edit | edit source]

Houston Chronicle 941, SF Gate 1383, San Francisco Chronicle 5.8k, India TV 6619, Seattle Pi 12.9k WTop 13.6k, Houston Chronicle 16.8k Times Union 24.7k My SanAntonio 24.9k, LMT Online 52.6k, CT Post 54.9k, San Antonio Express 71.8k, New Haven Register 79.2k, Stamford Advocate 92.6k News Times 99.2k, Greenwich Time , The Telegraph, Midland Daily News, My Plain View, New Cannan News, Edwardsville Intelligencer, Huron Daily Tribune, My Journal Courier, Register Citizen, FairField Citizen, Middletown Press, MRT, The Hour, Beaumont Enterprise, Idaho Press Tribune, West Port News, MENA FN, Give Your Grandparents a 3D Printer for Christmas Industrial Equipment News

Other[edit | edit source]

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Created May 10, 2022 by Irene Delgado
Last modified July 14, 2023 by Felipe Schenone
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