- The incredible value of cycling and walking goes beyond economic benefits, Dec 15, 2016[1]
- Lessons from Leicester - how one city is making space for cycling, Nov, 2016[2]
- Cycle lanes don't cause traffic jams: they're part of the solution, Oct 6, 2016[3]
2015[edit | edit source]
MPs want more spent on cycling, November 19[4]
Cyclehoop design and install the first on-street Parklet in the UK, August 21[5]
Cycling routes save Britain's economy £1m a day, Jun 30[6]
2014[edit | edit source]
Eliminate urban road congestion for good in the UK for £20bn - An open letter to the Department of Transport, Aug 8[7]
Copenhagen style celebration of bike life comes to UK, February 20[8]
2013[edit | edit source]
Cycling the Coast to Coast: a microadventure, March 5[9]
Cycling in Britain: government to get serious with all-party inquiry, January 20[10]