- ‘It’s unbelievable the difference a path has made’: how volunteers are building a cycle network a yard at a time, theguardian.com (May 16, 2024)
- ‘This May Day is a Celebration of Work and Innovation’, Dave Proudlove, thestokemodel.com (May 01, 2024)
2023[edit | edit source]
- People in the UK are volunteering less – it’s not surprising and could get worse, theconversation.com (Aug 04, 2023)
- The shop where the currency is kindness, positive.news (May 16, 2023)
2022[edit | edit source]
- Charity trustees can invest for positive environmental impact – landmark legal ruling, Pioneers Post (May 05, 2022)
2021[edit | edit source]
NGOs must join the dots and back local action to create a decade of progress, Harriet Lamb, May 26[1]
2020[edit | edit source]
Deep Revolution. The Alternative UK.[2] Nov 23
Local people have had to improvise during the pandemic. Could their solutions stick? John Harris[3] Nov 22
2018[edit | edit source]
Charities risk becoming irrelevant, warns new report, Nov 20[4]
How can we shape the future together? Nov 18[5]
Matt Kepple: Why we need the voluntary sector's collective expertise, Jul `12[6] asks "Where is our Wikipedia for social change?"...How about right here? CASwiki and Appropedia? Philralph (talk) 10:58, 9 November 2021 (UTC)
2017[edit | edit source]
Getting involved: more of the people, more of the time? Nov 29[7]
London news: New Hub for London gets £350,000 to support civil society - hopefully including grassroots groups, Nov 5[8]
Connecting Londoners organisation needed for civil society and action for social good: response to #TheWayAhead @lvscnews, Apr 4[9]
Britons see volunteering as a hobby or a way to network rather than a chore, Mar 24[10]
2014[edit | edit source]
There shouldn't be any charities in 10 years' time, February 6[11]
2013[edit | edit source]
Government reports "resurgence in volunteering" following the Olympics, February 12[12]
News sources[edit | edit source]
See also[edit | edit source]