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Building resilience, Nov 10 <ref>[https://transitionnetwork.org/news-and-blog/building-resilience/ transitionnetwork.org]</ref>

How the Blockchain Could Transform the P2P Economy, Sep 8 <ref>[https://www.shareable.net/blog/how-the-blockchain-could-transform-the-p2p-economy @Shareable]</ref>
How the Blockchain Could Transform the P2P Economy, Sep 8 <ref>[https://www.shareable.net/blog/how-the-blockchain-could-transform-the-p2p-economy @Shareable]</ref>

Revision as of 16:27, 13 November 2017

Nijmegen Marktplatz.jpg

Overview of Current Basic Income Related Experiments, Oct 19 [1]


Allotments - geograph.org.uk Sheffield.jpg

Social inclusion UK: UK's first report on Universal Basic Services published, Oct 11 [2]

Madrid Shared Space.jpg

Spain: Degrowth Discussed in the Catalan Parliament, Oct 10 [3]


Greece: How could we cope if capitalism failed? Ask 26 Greek factory workers, Aditya Chakrabortty, Jul 18 [4]

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This Massachusetts Town Shows What a Sustainable Economy Looks Like, Jul 12 [5]


Talking about REconomy in Hungary, Jul 12 [6]

Siena z01.JPG

Italy: The Italian Region Where Co-ops Produce a Third of Its GDP, Jul 5 [7]


London news: Plan unveiled for London to become a world-leading circular economy, Jun 19 [8]


How a Cooperative in Indonesia is Bridging the Digital Divide, May 4 [9]

Rue Duluth, Montréal.jpg

What Quebec Can Teach Us About Creating a More Equitable Economy, Apr 11 [10]

Tramway de barcelone 1.jpg

Barcelona has always been a centre of radicalism. Now the City’s €1bn spending power is being used to build a more democratic economy. Apr 10 [11]

Twitter Shareholders to Vote on Proposal to Study User Ownership, Apr 10 [12]

Grand Canyon NP-Arizona-USA.jpg

Towards sustainable economies US: Why AnyShare is the First 'Complete' Cooperative in the US, Mar 21 [13]

“Basic Income should be seen as a democratic right”, Mar 21 [14]

Couchsurfing Founder's New Approach to Pay Contributors and Promoters of Upcoming Book, Mar 8 [15]

Cooperativism in the digital era, or how to form a global counter-economy, Mar 6 [16]

Basic income isn’t just a nice idea. It's a birthright, Mar 4 [17]

Making as Reconnecting: Crafts In The Next Economy, Feb 27 [18]

Allotments - geograph.org.uk Sheffield.jpg

Towards sustainable economies UK: Kidoop: A Childcare Co-op App Takes Shape in the UK, Feb 15 [19]

“Basic Income and the New Universalism” by @mokka, Feb 9 [20]


South Korea: New presidential candidate promises universal basic income, Feb 8 [21]

The Mutual Aid Network Takes a Ground-Up Approach to Create a Collaborative Economy, Feb 8 [22]

Twitter shareholders voice benefits of a co-operative, Feb 3 [23]

Podcast: Can a Bank be an Agent of Radical Social and Environmental Change? Jan 27 [24]

Here's How Fab Market is Creating a Sustainable Marketplace, Jan 17 [25]

The Platform Cooperativism Consortium's Big Plans for 2017, Jan 10 [26]

Error in widget YouTube: Unable to load template 'wiki:YouTube'


What's Next for the #BuyTwitter Campaign, Dec 22 [27]

Lessons on Creating an Equitable and Sustainable Economy, Nov 17 [28]

What if you got $1,000 a month, just for being alive? I decided to find out. Nov 14 [29]

A Shareable Explainer: What is a Platform Co-op? Aug 16 [30]

This is the most efficient economy in the world, Jul 19 [31]

From basket weavers to salt farmers: the women leading a renewables revolution, Jul 9 [32]

The Italian Region Where Co-ops Produce a Third of Its GDP, Jul 5 [33]

Why Switzerland’s Universal Basic Income referendum matters, even though it failed, Jun 5 [34]

Basic Income Gathers Steam Across Europe, May 27 [35]

Circular Economy 2.0, Mar 4 [36]

La'Zooz: The Decentralized, Crypto-Alternative to Uber, January 26 [37]


Sharing the future, November 30 [38]

Ten Ways to Challenge Capitalism's Death Grip on Daily Life, October 21 [39]

The LEF – REconomy’s ‘Killer App’? September [40]

A basic guaranteed income in the context of Maslow..., July 15 [41]

The emergence of sophisticated p2p-based solidarity economic networks, Michel Bauwens, March 4 [42]


Basic income paid to the poor can transform lives, December 18 [43]

Life in a ‘degrowth’ economy, and why you might actually enjoy it, October 1, by Samuel Alexander, Research fellow, Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute at University of Melbourne [44]

Autumn central massachusetts.jpg

A Worker Cooperative That Proves Alternative Economic Systems Aren’t Only For The Privileged, Apr 14 [45]


Universal Basic Income: A brief overview of a support for intelligent economies, quality of life and a caring society, April 17 [46]


'Occupy' as a business model: The emerging open-source civilisation, March 9 [47]


The New Story of Stuff: Can We Consume Less? [48] November 28

Austria: Call for an EU-wide Unconditional Basic Income. European Citizens’ Initiative to Be Launched, [49] November 8

Iran's economic reforms usher in a de facto Citizen's Income, [50] Citizen's Income Newsletter, Issue 1, 2011


"Better than Growth" released by Australian Conservation Foundation, [51] June 11


Mongolia to introduce national basic income, [52] December 3

"I’ve been arguing for several years that a savings account is the only proven method of carbon sequestration." [53] May 4

Japan and South Korea launch Green New Deals, [54] January 9. South Korea's 36 projects include the creation of green transport networks, the provision of two million energy-saving 'green homes' and the clean-up of the country's four main rivers.


Reducing consumption key to a sustainable future, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, November 11. Based on then ground-breaking modelling, the forecasts of global ecological and economic collapse by mid-century contained in the controversial 1972 book; The Limits to Growth, are still ‘on-track’ according to new CSIRO research. [55]

'Green New Deal' can save the world's economy, says UN, [56] October 12

Green Jobs Initiative report generally optimistic, but says too few green jobs are being created for the most vulnerable: the 1.3 billion working poor (43 per cent of the global workforce) in the world with earnings too low to lift them and their dependants above the poverty threshold of US$2 per person, per day, or for the estimated 500 million youth who will be seeking work over the next 10 years, [57] September 24


CASwiki news articles have a focus on news of community action for sustainability. This article is an offshoot from Towards sustainable economies and is for news and comment in that global or international context.



Building resilience, Nov 10 [58]

How the Blockchain Could Transform the P2P Economy, Sep 8 [59]

Building a Cooperative Solidarity Commonwealth, Jul 21 [60]

Allotments - geograph.org.uk Sheffield.jpg

Towards sustainable economies UK: How to Set Up a Community Co-op, May 17 [61]

Is it Possible to Have a Better, Democratic Co-op Without Elections? May 8 [62]

The 'Malaga Charter' is a Statement of Purpose for a New, Equitable Economy, May 4 [63]

6 Ideas on How Millions of Users Can Own and Govern Twitter, Apr 19 [64]

From Platform to Open Cooperativism, Apr 19 [65]

“Universal Basic Assets” by @mgorbis, Apr 4 [66]

Nevermind Guaranteed Income, we want the cow, Jan 2 [67]

News sources

See also

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