This is a page for conveying homework assignments for Practivistas Dominicana Appropriate Technology courses from May 23rd to July 4th, 2015. Assignments are due before class starts on the day denoted below.

Tentative calendar

Week 1 - May 25, 2015

1 - lunes

Topics covered: US and Program introductions, Experiences in country so far, Getting around, Cultural norms, Syllabus design, Paperwork, Schedule, Shirt size, Expectations, Emergency procedures, A little about AT, Group Introductions (uno a uno)

1 - martes

Topics covered: Appropriate Technologies (ppts y paginas), Appropedia

Assignments due
  1. Read Mundane Science article and Appropedia pages:
  2. Write three sentences, a haiku, or draw a diagram about one of these projects.
  3. On the same piece of paper, write a paragraph or draw a diagram combining all of these projects.

1 - miércoles

Topics covered: Microhydro and Appropriate Technology

Assignments due
  1. read the notes at Jottings on appropriate technology on differing definitions of Appropriate Technology and write a draft of your personal definition.
  2. Make/update your Appropedia user page
  3. Add one relevant construction, renewable energy, appropriate technology, or engineering word to Practivistas Dominicana/vocabulary

1 - jueves

Topics covered: Mas AT examples, Microhdyro intro, Las Malvinas Fieldtrip

Assignments due
  1. Find and record a photo and location for each of two local example ATs from Santo Domingo in groups of two
    • For each of the two topics, answer the following, preferably in Spanish:
      • Brief description such as type and application.
      • Location (address or coordinates)
      • Justification as Appropriate Technology based on a definition of AT.
      • Issues with its appropriateness based on a definition of AT.
      • Notes, such as phone number, if applicable.
  2. Post your AT examples to Practivistas Dominicana/AT Gallery. Wait until after you do your userpage for instructions on how.

1 - viernes

Topics covered: Projects, Microhydro, Objective, Criteria, Literature Review

Assignments due
  1. Read:
  2. Draw a diagram of a basic microhydro system with labels in spanish or english.

1 - sabado

Topics covered: Ghetto2Garden fieldtrip meet at UNIBE at 9am

1 - domingo

Topics covered: Mothers Day

Week 2 - June 1, 2015

2 - lunes

Topics covered: Microhydro, AT, Criteria

Assignments due
  1. Copy and paste the template into your page:
  2. Populate section for Opportunity definition aka Problem statement
  3. Create section for Literature Review
    • RESEARCH! Minimum of 8 hours. Due before class.

2 - martes

Topics covered: Criteria, Microhydro, Work in communities after class. LM before 4pm, AN probably at 5pm, Solar check.

Assignments due
  1. Populate subsection for Criteria

2 - miércoles

Topics covered: Las Malvinas work trip, all afternoon to evening

Assignments due
  1. Recalculate Pnet for the MH system from class today, but using 3" pipe
    • Qmax=200GPM
    • Hstatic=43 ft
    • run=280ft
    • %take=0.5
    • e=0.83
  2. Calculate Pmax (very easy) and compare to Pnet2.5 (from class) and Pnet3 (from #1)
  3. Add one word related to Practivistas to Practivistas Dominicana/vocabulary
  4. Read, and HSU Chiapas micro hydro feasibility study.
  5. Optional - do this problem set on unit conversion

2 - jueves

Topics covered: Microhydro fieldtrip

2 - viernes

Topics covered: Project planning, quiz review

Assignments due
  • Calculations from Lab

2 - sabado

Topics covered: Field trip meet at UNIBE at 9am.

2 - domingo

  • Your community visit in the morning.
  • Las Malvinas community meeting at 4pm.

Week 3 - June 8, 2015

3 - lunes

Topics covered: Syllabus, Projects, Community meeting followup, check in

3 - martes

Topics covered: Groups, electricity

Assignments due

3 - miércoles

Topics covered: more electricity, microhydro quiz

Assignments due
  1. Rock the quiz

3 - jueves

Topics covered: Project work day

Assignments due
  1. Add Abstract and background section at top of document. See Practivistas Dominicana/Page template and criteria for more guidance on tentative grading criteria.
<center>''Short abstract describing the project from background to conclusion''</center>

Describe the background of the project. Make sure to cover who, what, why, when and where…

3 - viernes

Topics covered: Alternative solutions, Timeline, Budget, Thermal mass

Assignments due

3 - sabado

Project fieldwork day

3 - domingo

Project fieldwork day

Week 4 - June 15, 2015

4 - lunes

Topics covered: Natural building, Earthen Ovens, Frustration and community projects, finding next steps, engaging

Assignments due
  1. Solar panel sizing. Design a panel that is 18 V and approximately 20 W using 2.5" x 1" cells.
  2. Read Electricity basics
  3. add Budget to Appropedia page. See Help:Table_examples#Cost_Table.
  4. add timeline to Appropedia page

4 - martes

Topics covered: Solar sizing

Assignments due
  1. Find an error in HowStuffWorks Hydropower (no more than 30 minutes. Bring in on a scrap of paper.)
  2. Start a electrical energy audit for your house (US, RD, wherever). You will turn this in on Friday.
  3. For the following questions assume PV panels with 15% efficiency, BOS efficiency of 90%, and that we are building in Arcata:
    1. A 2kW PV system takes up how much area?
    2. Calculate the total cost of that 2kW system.
    3. Calculate the total yearly energy delivered to the house from that 2kW PV system.
    4. You see a different house with about 300 square feet of solar panels. How much energy are they producing on a daily basis? Does this seem reasonable (why or why not).
  4. If you have a 100W radio that needs to be running 12 hours per day in Arcata, calculate the size of solar array you will need so that you will have net zero energy for (a) the month of February, (b) the month of July, (c) the year.

4 - miércoles

Topics covered: Field work, finishing solar, starting sustainable construction

4 - jueves

Dia de Corpus Cristi

Project work day all day

PS This was the presentation from when we started the building topic -

4 - viernes

Topics covered: Solar quiz, next steps

Assignments due

Home Energy Audit - email to TAs

4 - sabado

Topics covered: Project

Assignments due:

  • Project update on Appropedia

4 - domingo

  • Beach Day!!!

Week 5 - June 22, 2015

5 - lunes

Topics covered: Construction heat, Appropriate Technology

Assignments due

5 - martes

All day work day.

5 - miércoles

Topics covered: Solar

Assignments due
  1. Heat needed to maintain the temperature daily in BTU/day.
  • Using the following assumptions:
    • Wall: 14 ft2*oF*hr/BTU    
    • Window: 0.9 ft2*oF*hr/BTU 
    • Door: 2.3 ft2*oF*hr/BTU 
    • Roof: 35 ft2*oF*hr/BTU 
    • Avg Tout: 36 oF
    • Avg Tin: 70 oF
    • Room: 14' x 20' x 12' (tall)
    • 3 Windows: 3' x 2'
    • 1 Door: 8' x 3'

Topics covered: Solar lab

Assignments due


5 - jueves

All day work day.

5 - viernes

Topics covered: thermal mass, earth ovens

Assignments due

Week 6 - June 29, 2015

6 - lunes

Topics covered: Presentations, Finishing up, Rainwater

Assignments due
  1. Assume your pirate quarters are losing 60,000 BTU/day through poor insulation. Also assume that you want it to be 75 °F inside, average temperature outside is 50 °F, and that your comfortable range is 12 °F. State any other assumptions you make.
    1. How large would a window need to be to replace all that energy with solar?
    2. How large would the thermal mass need to be to comfortably absorb and release that heat?
  2. Appropedia page design, maintenance, etc.

6 - martes

All day work day.

6 - miércoles

Topics covered: Quiz, Presentation and Appropriate Technology - Prepare for Thursday's presentation

Assignments due
  1. Practice presentations
  2. Read Portal:Rainwater harvesting and Basic rainwater collection calculations

6 - jueves

Topics covered:

  • Give Lonny your presentation by 1pm
  • Family Dinner at UNIBE @2
  • Family Ceremony at UNIBE @4
  • Presentations at UNIBE @5
  • Presentations at Las Malvinas @7:30
Assignments due
  1. How much water can a 2000 ft^2 house catch, with a metal roof, in Santo Domingo in an average June?
  2. Printout of presentation (6 slides per page)
  3. Digital version of powerpoint

6 - viernes

Topics covered:

  • Arroyo Norte @9am
  • Final class/quiz @1pm
Assignments due (all due by Wednesday at midnight PST)
  1. Final quiz (Please try to finish by Sunday night).
  2. Final writeup (This is your completed Appropedia page.)
  3. Final peer evaluation
    • Please grade yourself and your teammates on your project.
    • Make one short paragraph for each person (including yourself). State the letter grade deserved and be thorough on your justification. Your final project grades are affected by this peer evaluation.
    • Please also include any program/project feedback that you are comfortable with me sharing openly.
    • Email it to me, with the subject "Practivistas: YOUR NAME-Peer Evaluation" (replacing the ALLCAPS).
  4. Final video
    • As discussed, a short (1 to 5 minutes) video that is some combination of inspirational and instructional (how to make and or maintain). You can pick the combination that suits your project best, or make separate shorter videos for each.
    • On windows try the built-in Movie Maker, or the free and simple FreeMake, or the free and complex/full featured Handbrake.
  5. Thank you notes
    • You do not need to turn these in to me. If you have emails of people you would like to thank, please do so before Saturday.
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