These are words specifically related to Appropriate Technology that the students of the Practivistas Chiapas, Parras and Dominicana programs found useful. See the Renewable Energy Dictionary for words directly related to renewable energy.
Vocabulary[edit | edit source]
Words relating to appropriate technology or construction.
English | Spanish |
5 gallon water jug | Botellon |
Activated Carbon | Carbón Activado |
Adiabatic | Adiabatico |
Aligator clips | Gancho aligator |
Aluminum | Alumínio |
Agua | Water |
Appropriate Technology | Technologia Apropiada |
Architect | Arquitecto |
Arena | Sand |
Ash | Ceniza |
Available Energy | Energía disponible |
Awl | Lezna |
Aquaponics Systems | Sistemas aquaponicas |
Barello Wire | Barello Alambre |
Bamboo | Bambu |
Barbed wire | Alambre de púas |
Beam (construction) | Viga |
Bearings | Cajas de bolas |
Bilingual | Bilingüe |
Blowtorch | Soplete |
Bolt & nut | Perno y tuerca |
Brick | Ladrillo |
Broom | Escoba |
Cast Iron | Hierro Fundido |
Cement | Cemento |
Cement mixer | Mezcladora/ hormigonera |
Ceramic | Cerámico |
Chain Saw | Sierra de cadena |
Charge | Carga |
Charge Controller | Controlador de carga |
Chicken wire | Malla Metálica |
Chicken wire (DR) | Malla de Gallinero |
Climate change | Cambio climático |
Clamp | Abrazadera |
Clay | Arcilla |
Coal | Carbón |
Compost | Abono |
Composting Toilet | Baños ecológicos |
Camaraderie | El compañerismo |
Cooperative | El ejido |
Construction | Construcción |
Carbon Dioxide | Dióxido de carbono |
Crowbar | Palanca |
Current | Corriente |
Diffuser | Difusor |
Dig | Cavar |
Dog | perro |
Dowel | Taquete |
Drill | Taladro |
Dynamic Pressure | Presión Dinámica |
Drill Bit | Broca |
Embodied Energy | Energía gris (more common), energía cautiva |
Energy | Energia |
Engineer | Ingeniero/Ingeniera |
Entropy | Entropía |
Environmental engineering | Ingeniería ambiental / Ingenieria del Medio ambiente |
Environmental science | Sciencia del Medio ambiente |
Epoxy Resin | Resina Epoxídica |
Fertilizer | Abono |
Filtration | Filtración |
Finishing coat | Repello |
Flow | Corriente |
Foot | Pie |
Greenhouse | Invernadero |
Gutter | Canaleta/Canalon |
Gully, ravine | La quebrada |
Hack Saw | Hackear Sierra |
Hammer | Martillo |
Head | Caída |
Head | Altura |
Heat | Calor |
Heat Transfer | Transferencia de calor |
Inch | Pulgada |
Install | Instalar |
Inverter | Inversor |
Knife | Cuchillo |
Leak | Escape |
Level | Nivel |
Light Bulb | Bombillo |
Lightning Arrester | Relámpago Pararrayos |
Lime powder | Cal |
Literature Review | Revisión de la Literatura |
Load | carga |
Mace (Mallet) | Mazo |
Metal | Metal |
Meter | Metro |
Micro-hydro | Mini-hidráulica |
Multimeter | Multímetro |
Nail | Clavo |
Nature | Naturaleza |
Newspaper | Periodico |
Organic | Organico |
Outlet | Enchufe |
Permaculture | Permacultura |
Permit | El trámite |
Photovoltaic | Fotovoltaica |
Pickaxe | Pico, picota |
Pipe | Tuberia |
Plant | Plantar |
Plaster (verb) | Empañentar |
Plaster (noun) | Yeso |
Plastic extruder | Extrusora de plástico |
Pliers | Alicate |
Powerhouse | Central Eléctrica |
Protective gloves | guantes de protección |
Purify | Purificar |
Rain Water | Agua De Lluvia |
Rebar | Varilla |
Renewable energy | Energía renovable |
Reuse | Reutilización |
Resistance | Resistencia |
Rock | Roca |
Sack | Costal (not costale!) |
Saw | Serrucho |
Saw Dust | Aserrín de madera |
Sand | Arena |
Scale | Escala |
Screw | Tornillo |
Screwdriver | Destornillador ( cruz = Phillips head) |
Silicone | Silicona |
Slope | Cuesta |
Sledge Hammer | Lodos Martello, almádena |
Solar Cell | Celda Solar |
Straight Edge | Borde Recto |
Straw | Paja |
Sun | Sol |
Shovel | Pala |
Sift |
Colar/Cerner |
Soldering Gun | Maquina de soldal |
Square | Cuadrar |
Steel | Acero |
Stream | El arroyo |
Sulfur | Azufre |
Sustainability | Sostenibilidad |
Tape Measure | Cinta de Medir |
Tire (or rubber) | Goma |
Tests | Pruebas |
Trowel | Plana |
Trowel (rectangular, metal, smoothing) | Llana |
Truss | Armadura, Entremado |
Viscous | Viscoso |
Voltage | Voltaje |
Volume | Volumen |
Wall (free standing) | El Muro |
Washer | Arandela |
Waste water treatment | Tratamiento de aguas residuales |
Water | Agua |
Water bottle building | Ecoladrillo |
Water storage tanks | Tinaco |
Watts | Vatios |
Weathering | Desgaste |
Weir | Presa |
Welding | Soldando |
Wheelbarrow | Carretilla |
Wind Energy | Energía Eólica |
Wire (Electrical) | Alambres |
Wood | Madera |
Work Boots | botas de trabajo |
Dominicanismos[edit | edit source]
Relevant Dominican words:
Spanish | English |
Dime a ver | What's up? |
Galleta | Cookie/Slap in the face |
Un Chin | A little bit of something |
Que lo que? | What's up? |
Un Nuevo | Try again, do it again |
Yala/ Tato | OK |
Phrases[edit | edit source]
Useful spanish phrases:
English | Spanish |
Can you bring me the | Usted puede traer el |
Do you need anything? | ¿Necesitas algo? |
Can I help you? | Te puedo ayudar? |
Could you help me? | Puedes ayudarme? |
Where can I get... | Dondé puedo consegir? |
Look out! | Cuidado! |
pass me (Insert word) please | Pásame(---)por favor |
How do you make(---)? | ¿Cómo se hace(Insert word)? |
What do you think? | ¿Que Piensas? |
Instructions[edit | edit source]
To add your word, click edit and: Copy the following code (not including the pre and /pre) and paste it just before the |} in the table above.
|- | English word | Palabra en Español