365 Reasons

  1. learning about history through local food
  2. learning about sustainability, more generally, when involved with a local food project
  3. learning about your own local community
  4. helping set up community food events
  5. encouraging and discovering the the joy of sharing more generally
  6. being involved with local food projects helps you learn about and appreciate local distinctiveness
  7. involvement with local food projects can stimulate awareness of the issue of food waste and ways of tackling it
  8. involvement with local food projects can stimulate awareness of wider issues such as food security, food sovereignty and food justice
  9. ...

Headings and topics

  • how to start off, setting up a local food growing group
  • how to grow and how to use, side by side
  • why it'd be good for you
  • promoting the positive aspects, of growing, finding and eating local food
  • how it'll make you feel better
  • tips to provoke, think for yourself, explore, pose some questions
  • pictures or photos
  • drawings or artwork
  • quotes or soundbites to break up the text
  • a year in the life of Communigrow, highlights of the year
  • stories, anecdotes
  • whatever might interest, inspire or be useful to other community food groups
  • facts and figures, as long as presented in a fun way, eg Laurence talks about how many miles of potatoes
  • what you can do, information both for other local groups and for individuals
  • overcoming pitfalls
  • historical or heritage context eg what local foods were traditional in Kent?
  • a brief history of Communigrow
  • other food projects in Malling, Kent, South East England, rest of the UK - Phil
  • a flavour of community food groups in other parts of the world (100 mile diet) - Phil
  • Local food and cities - Phil
  • Local food and connected communties - Phil
  • local food in the context of sustainable communities - Phil
  • local food and local walks - Phil (West Malling area)
  • more reasons, the scarier stuff! (to be right at the end of the book, if we include this) - Phil
  • where to find out more - Phil
  • feedback from readers, leading to a 2nd edition

Danielle: Wellbeing aspects of local food

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