Open source scientific hardware is open source hardware used by scientists to do research or for education. This gallery and associated sub-pages are an extension of the book the Open Source Lab, which is about how to make scientific equipment following open source principles. Click on the hyperlinks under the images in this index to go to pages with hundreds of examples.
NIH 3D Print Exchange - 3D-printable Custom Labware
3D printable science equipment - 3D print your lab
3D printable science equipment page 2 - more 3D prints for your lab
3D printable science equipment page 3 - and even more
Open Source Optics Library - and your optics lab
Michigan Tech's Open Sustainability Technology Lab's efforts in open source hardware
Open-source syringe pump - Parametric library of web-controlled open-source syringe pumps
GaudiLabs- Swiss Fab Lab making low cost lab instruments
OpenTrons - Open source fluid handling
Plasmatron - OpenTrons derivative for semi-automated culture of malaria parasites
IOrodeo - company making open source science instruments
Cambridge JIC - 3D printable programmable digital microscope
Open Source Imaging, NMR, MRI, EMF
Open Behavior FOSH for animal behavior and cognition
Openly Published Environmental Sensing Lab at OSU- rain catchment, wind vane, soil moisture, etc.
Arduino - a class of open source microcontrollers useful for automating equipment
Raspberry Pi - credit-card sized computer running Linux
Red Pitaya - open source measurement and control tool
OpenLabTools - University of Cambridge initiative in open source hardware for science
Tekla Lab - Berkley's initiative for a library of open source DIY quality scientific lab equipment
Sensorica - an Open Value Network providing sensing and automation solutions.
Hackteria - webplatform and collection of Open Source Biological Art Projects
Open Solar Outdoors Test Field - Solar photovoltaic testing
Open Source Physiology Lab- 3D printing physiology equipment
open ephys works on open-source electrophysiology
Backyard Brains - neuroscience experiment kits for DIY electrophysiology