GNU/Linux is a free open-source operating system which has been steadily gaining popularity in institutions and with individual users. It has been used and promoted in developing countries where commercial operating systems are less affordable. Check the external links for more information.
Projects involving GNU/Linux can be found at Information and communication technology
External links[edit | edit source]
Central and South American GNU/Linux stories and examples[edit | edit source]
- We Pledge Allegiance to the Penguin - (Wired Magazine November 2004). "We pledge allegiance to the penguin, and the intellectual property regime for which he stands. One nation, under Linux, with free music and open source software for all. Welcome to Brazil!"
- Brazil falls in love with Linux BBC News February 2004
- A traveler's diary: Red Hat in Latin America Red Hat Magazine 21 July 2006
Spanish-language GNU/Linux resources[edit | edit source]
- 15 mitos sobre GNU/Linux - Debunks 15 myths about Linux (eg: Linux is difficult, ugly, a game, there are no applications available for it, no support, difficult to maintain, communist, etc.). The article talks about how Linux has helped nations such as India and Argentina become software exporters, it talks about how Linux is more secure, and easier and safer to administer. It mentions the use of open standards, etc., etc.
- Google-translated version of 15 mitos sobre GNU/Linux - Useful for English-language readers
- Spanish language Wikipedia article - Useful for Spanish-speaking people getting started with Linux.
- Ubuntu portal en Spanish
Installation Tips: How to replace Windows XP with Linux[edit | edit source]
- [1] - (PDF, March 2, 2014) Simple instructions for installing the powerful and free operating system Lubuntu Linux on computers equipped with only 256 MB of memory (RAM) or more. Very good replacement for Windows XP.
Linux search[edit | edit source]
Linux Search is a custom search engine that only searches a range of Linux-related websites. (It can be a better option than a websearch as there are no content farms or other spam sites here.) If you want to help improve the site, please leave a note for Chriswaterguy.
(Note also the Linux and BSD search from nixCraft.)