Community climate action resources
This article is an offshoot from Community climate action and is for global or international resources. Resources such as networks, events and community involvement (people and relationships) can be considered as primary resources. Also resources are the activism and physical assets (or what citizens value), such Climate emergency centres from other Community climate action pages.
climate change is the moral struggle that will define this century.” Desmond Tutu...The Globe and Mail
If we are together, nothing is impossible" Winston Churchill
- How Germany’s ‘Orchestra of Change’ Inspires Action, (Jul 11, 2024)
- The climate cafe helping eco-anxious Africans find hope amid the heat, (Mar 11, 2024)
Citizens data initiative[edit | edit source]
- CO₂ and Greenhouse Gas Emissions,, Hannah Ritchie, Pablo Rosado and Max Roser (2023). link updated 09:37, 1 January 2024 (UTC). "License: All the material produced by Our World in Data, including interactive visualizations and code, are completely open access under the Creative Commons BY license." added 19:42, 8 October 2021 (UTC)
- Google Environmental Insights Explorer, added 15:21, 15 September 2020 (UTC)
- Global Carbon Budget 2019,
- Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, organization within the United States Department of Energy that has the primary responsibility for providing the US government and research community with global warming data and analysis as it pertains to energy issues. The CDIAC, and its subsidiary the World Data Center for Atmospheric Trace Gases, focus on obtaining, evaluating and distributing data related to climate change and greenhouse gas emissions. W
- carbonn Climate Registry, database of local government climate action
- CDP Open Data Portal, The CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project) is an organisation based in the United Kingdom which supports companies and cities to disclose the environmental impact of major corporations. It aims to make environmental reporting and risk management a business norm, and drive disclosure, insight and action towards a sustainable economy. Since 2002 over 6,000 companies have publicly disclosed environmental information through CDP. W
- Wikipedia: List of countries by carbon dioxide emissions, List of countries by carbon dioxide emissions per capita
Video archive[edit | edit source]
- Don't Choose Extinction, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Oct 27, 2021, youtube
- RSA Minimate: Climate Change and the Future of Humanity, David Wallace-Wells, RSA, Apr 24, 2020, youtube
- Ice on Fire (2019): Official Trailer, HBO, youtube
- Forget climate Apocalypse. There's hope for our warming planet, Jelmer Mommers, TEDxMaastricht, Nov 4, 2016,
Maps[edit | edit source]
- Land projected to be below annual flood level in 2050,
- Mapped: Climate adaptation around the world, Nov 8, 2016
- Mapping Climate Change
Other resources[edit | edit source]
Creative commons
- 52 Climate Actions, put together by a group of nine organisations who came together to promote Permaculture based solutions to climate change. added 08:15, 27 September 2021 (UTC)
- Climate Cafes in CECs with the Climate Psychology Alliance, video (52.09 mins), Feb 5, 2022, Rebecca from the Climate Psychology Alliance talks with CEC teams about the climate cafe concept, and attendees explore how they can be incorporated into a CEC, on
- Climate Psychology Alliance, "facing difficult truths about climate change and ecological crisis"
- Australian Psychological Society who made the free to download Climate Change Empowerment Handbook
- The Psychology of Climate Change Communication, CRED Guide
- Changeology Practice Guide: Communication for Change
Lyrics for the Song for the Climate
- Climate Visuals, includes some Creative Commons images
- The Climate Collection, from, published online under a Creative Commons license, added 10:00, 15 November 2022 (UTC)
- Climate Clock, added 19:36, 8 October 2021 (UTC)
- How many gigatons of CO2? Information is Beautiful
Collective climate action and networked climate governance,
Apps for sustainability
"I See Change", help NASA track climate change from your phone
Past events
- Nov 7 - 10, 2021, Peoples summit for climate justice, "building power for system change together. Bringing together the climate justice movement to discuss, learn and strategise for system change. Join in online from anywhere in the world, or in-person in Glasgow." added 11:14, 7 October 2021 (UTC)
- Nov 6, 2021, Global Day of Action for Climate Justice. Only We CAN imagine and build the future that works for us all. On the 6th Nov, movements across the world are taking action in decentralised mass mobilisations – from indigenous struggles to trade unions, from racial justice groups to youth
- March-September 2021, OpenClimate
local information and news can be found, or shared, via our many location pages