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There are over 150 great tech brief documents that may be ported, in several categories from Practical Action's site.

A suggested process

The following process is suggested to help coordinate multiple people doing the porting:

  1. Identify a page that has not yet been tagged by someone for porting
  2. Before you get too far, check that, indeed, the page has not yet been ported
  3. Tag the page, with your user signature (we request that all porters create logins and simple user pages) and timestamp (you can use the 4 ~'s; clicking the second-from-right button in the editing toolbar will insert that for you). See examples below.
  4. Create the target page using the name of the Technical Brief, plus "PATB" (Practical Action Technical Brief) to make the name distinct
  5. Copy / paste the following at the top of your new article: {{PATBpage}}
  6. As you work through the page, please check to see if there is any indication of content that is not sourced by Practical Action.
    1. If so, make note in the status that addition permission is required.
    2. Go ahead and request the permission if you're comfortable with that (see Wikipedia:Wikipedia:Requesting copyright permission), noting in the status that you have done so.
    3. Otherwise just note that permission is needed.
    4. Of course, if we cannot get permission for some content, we need to make note of that and remove the document from the list of content to be ported
  7. As you make progress, update the status bullet (below) for the page, update your signature and timestamp so that we can tell if a page gets stuck for some reason.
  8. If you're clear about how to categorize the page, please go ahead and do that when the page is largely complete (i.e. worth reading)
  9. If you're not comfortable doing the categorization, please note that in the page status when you are done with your work

Thanks for your help!


Started or ported

  1. Biogas and liquid biofuels
  2. Micro-hydro power
  3. Solar thermal energy
  4. Refrigeration for developing countries
  5. Rural lighting
  6. Energy from the wind
  7. A number of water related pages ported by Fatima in early 2008, to be listed here...:

Not yet started

  1. Biomass
  2. Diesel
  3. Grid connection
  4. Kerosene and LPG
  5. Paddy husk and sawdust-fired industrial stove
  6. Solar cooking
  7. Solar (PV) energy
  8. Solar (PV) refrigeration of vaccines
  9. Solar water heating
  10. Stoves for institutions

Not ready to start

  1. Batteries
    • This tech brief is subject to additional copyright restrictions. I have requested permission from the other copyright owner. I have been transferring content to the new page at Batteries PATB. For now I will be removing from view what I had thus far transferred. --CurtB 07:59, 24 November 2006 (PST)
  2. Wind for electricity generation
    • Contains Images with a copyright not from Practical Action (at least port without the images? --Chriswaterguy · talk 17:48, 5 February 2008 (PST))


  1. Aerial ropeway in Nepal 288k
  2. Gravity ropeways 1.1Mb
  3. Bicycles 522k
  4. Bicycle trailers 647k
  5. Dry-stone causeways 202k
    • This document has additional copyright constraints that are being addressed. Do not begin porting of this document until the copyright situation is sorted out.
  6. Plywood boat building in South India 390k


  1. Mineral processing 281k
  2. A mercury retort 599k
  3. Producing printed material 191k
  4. Artificial reefs and their placement 1.8Mb


  1. Candlemaking 324k
  2. Dyeing of textiles 270k
  3. Oil-soaked wood bearings 2.1Mb
  4. Papermaking 266k
  5. Recycling of organic waste 187k
  6. Recycling of plastics 361k
  7. Recycling of rubber 270k
  8. Soapmaking 158k

Water and Sanitation

Ported or in process

  1. Compost toilet 284k
  2. Hydraulic ram pumps 190k
  3. Micro-irrigation 380k
  4. Sand dams 156k
  5. Solar distillation 88k
  6. Underground rainwater harvesting 159k
  7. Windpumps 175k
  8. Handpumps 292k
  9. Run-off Rainwater harvesting 495k
  10. Water harvesting in Sudan 296k
  11. Reuse of faeces and urine
  12. Ventilated Improved Pit Latrine
  13. Solar (PV) water-pumping 195

Not yet started

  1. Rainwater harvesting 934k
  2. Water hyacinths 319k
  3. Water supply and sanitation 166k


In process or porting complete

  1. Beekeeping 471k
    • Ported to Beekeeping. Original document not created, and not protected.
  2. Community cereal banks 140k
  3. Dead level contours 241k
  4. Donkey plough 206k
  5. Integrated soil fertility 146k
  6. Micro-irrigation 221k
  7. Sand dams 156k
  8. Small-fish farming 337k
  9. Underground rainwater harvesting 159k
  10. Compost bin manufacture 910k
  11. Conservation of indigenous breeds 123k
  12. Home composting 292k
  13. Run-off rainwater harvesting 459k
  14. Seed fairs 202k
  15. The 'A' frame 118k
  16. Tsetse fly management 326k
  17. Water harvesting in Sudan 296k

Not yet started

  1. Community-based animal health care 161k
  2. Rainwater harvesting 934k


In process or porting complete

  1. Earthquake-resistant housing 281k
  2. Methods for testing lime in the field 596k
  3. Testing methods for pozzolanas 492k
  4. Mud plasters and renders 2.5Mb

Not yet started

  1. Micro concrete roofing tiles 501k
  2. School buildings in developing countries 317k

Food Processing

Started or ported

  1. Pineapple jam 46k
  2. Evaporative Cooling 46k
  3. Anagi tray dryer 338k
  4. Banana beer 28k
  5. Banana chips 241k
  6. Bottle and jar cooling system 82k
  7. Bottle washing and steam sterilisation 115k
  8. Brown sugar 80k
  9. Butter making 47k
  10. Canning of foods 45k
  11. Cashew nut processing 273k
  12. Chiuri (the Butter Tree of Nepal) 63k
  13. Cocoa and chocolate 65k
  14. Cold storage of fruits and vegetables 82k
  15. Coriander 38k
  16. Dairy processing 122k
  17. Drying of apricots 175k
  18. Drying of chillies 170k

Not yet started

  1. Biltong 44k
  2. Cardomom 150k
  3. Cinnamon 51k
  4. Cloves 39k
  5. Coffee 190k
  6. Cumin 39k
  7. Drying of foods 200k
  8. Drying technology 190k
  9. Essential oils 278k
  10. Food poisoning and its prevention 59k
  11. Food processing building design 58k
  12. Food processing equipment design 57k
  13. Fruit juice processing 137k
  14. Fruit leathers 131k
  15. Fruit waste utilisation 55k
  16. Ginger 71k
  17. Grape wine 139k
  18. Groundnut processing 188k
  19. Gundruck (pickled leafy vegetables) 41k
  20. Honey processing 110k
  21. Jam, jellies and marmalades 155k
  22. Kawal 40k
  23. Lime cordial 44k
  24. Lime juice manufacture 38k
  25. Lime marmalade 151k
  26. Lime oil and juice 118k
  27. Liquids filling and packaging 113k
  28. Marshmallows 66k
  29. Mixed fruit juice manufacture 44k
  30. Nas Naran lime juice manufacture 39k
  31. Nutmeg and mace 58k
  32. Oil extraction 312k
  33. Packaging food in glass 441k
  34. Packaging materials 214k
  35. Papain production 29k
  36. Passion fruit jam 45k
  37. Passion fruit juice 44k
  38. Pepper 178k
  39. Pickled cabbage (Kimchi) 41k
  40. Pickled cucumber 40k
  41. Pickled dry salted lime 44k
  42. Pickled fruits 54k
  43. Pickled papaya 51k
  44. Pickled vegetables 47k
  45. Pineapple peel vinegar 46k
  46. Quality control 78k
  47. Solar drying 120k
  48. Solids filling and packaging 43k
  49. Spice processing 146k
  50. Strawberry jam 44k
  51. Sugar production from cane sugar 63k
  52. Toddy and palm wine 54k
  53. Tofu and soymilk production 51k
  54. Tomato processing 54k
  55. Tomato semi-processing 141k
  56. Tray dryers 184k
  57. Turmeric 45k
  58. Watermelon jam 44k
  59. Yoghurt 45k
  60. Yoghurt incubator 196k
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