MOST News Coverage in 2015.

Feeding Everyone No Matter What

Feeding Everyone No Matter What- Cambridge
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International Press


  1. How We'd Feed Ourselves After The Apocalypse - Gizmodo Australia
  2. Bacterial Slime or What to Feed the World After Catastropic Crop Failure What's New in Food Technology and Manufacturing Magazine Jan/ Feb 2015 Issue pg. 10


  1. Welche Nahrung uns über einen nuklearen Winter brächte - (Newspaper/webportal)


  1. Bacterial Slime: It’s what’s for Dinner #(After a Catastrophic Crop Failure) - Innovation Toronto
  2. The Rome of food security Richmond Review


  1. 细菌粘液——世界末日之人类的粮食 "Bacterial slime - end of the world human food" Labbase (China)
  2. [ 假如世界末日来临……

——盘点或置人类于死地的四大威胁] - ScienceNet (China)


  1. Wat eten we? Bacterieslijm! - "What do we eat? Bacterial Glue!" MSN Nieuws (Dutch)
  2. Wat eten we? Bacterieslijm! - "What do we eat? Bacterial Glue!" FAQT (Dutch)


  1. Leben nach der globalen Katastrophe - Wie Bakterienschleim die Menschheit rettet - "As bacterial slime saves humanity" N-TV (German affiliate of CNN)
  2. Es gibt eine Lösung für den Hunger auf der Welt – aber sie ist ziemlich eklig - "There is a solution to hunger in the world - but it's pretty gross" Huffington Post Deutschland
  3. Wissenschaft Leben nach der globalen Katastrophe: Wie Bakterienschleim die Menschheit rettet [Science] life after a global catastrophe: how bacterial slime saves humanity - My Gully


  1. Τι θα τρώμε μετά από μία παγκόσμια καταστροφή- "What you eat after a global catastrophe"
  2. Τι θα τρώμε μετά από μία παγκόσμια καταστροφή - "What you eat after a global catastrophe" KPNTN


  1. Baktériumon fogunk élni !!444!!


  1. Храна за сите во случај на глобална катастрофа - "FOOD FOR ALL IN CASE OF GLOBAL CATASTROPHE"Fakulteti
  2. Feeding Everyone No Matter What Daily Macedonia
  3. Храна за сите во случај на глобална катастрофа Food for all in case of global catastrophe EHAYKA.MK


  1. Que tal um mingau de bactérias para o jantar? - "How about a porridge of bacteria for dinner?" Planeta Sustentável


  1. Ужин будущего - тарелка бактериальной слизи - "Dinner future - a plate of bacterial slime" News.Open.By (Belarus)
  2. Feeding Everyone No Matter What - Rahva Raamat
  3. Чем питаться после глобальной катастрофы -
  4. [Чем питаться после глобальной катастрофы] What to eat after a global catastrophe
  5. - конверсия материи в энергию и обратно путем добра и света "Conversion of matter into energy and vice versa, by goodness and light"


  1. Diez alimentos que se podrían comer tras una catástrofe global - "Ten foods you might eat after a global catastrophe" RPP (Peru)
  2. Diez alimentos que se podrían comer tras una catástrofe global - "Ten foods you might eat after a global catastrophe" Entorno Inteligente (Venezuela)
  3. Qué comer después del apocalipsis -
  4. Investigadores descubren la manera de alimentarnos tras un apocalipsis "Researchers discover how to feed after an apocalypse" Alerta Catastrofes


  1. Feeding Everyone No Matter What: Managing Food Security After Global Catastrophe EMKA.SI Slovenian Book Store


  1. Olası gıda krizine karşı ilginç öneriler - "Interesting proposals against a possible food crisis" Firat News
  2. Olası gıda krizine karşı ilginç öneriler - "Interesting proposals against a possible food crisis" Bestanüçe
  3. Olası gıda krizine karşı ilginç öneriler "Interesting proposals against a possible food crisis" - Dogu News

United Kingdom

  1. How We'd Feed Ourselves After the Apocalypse - Gizmodo UK

Where To Purchase Book Around the World








United Kingdom

United States

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Michigan Tech 3-D printer workshop ABC
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