Westmill Solar Cooperative 1.jpg
This article focuses on information specific to United Kingdom. Please see our Community energy page for a topic overview.

Wind power in the United Kingdom

The UK is one of the best locations for wind power in the world, and is considered to be the best in Europe. Wind power delivers a growing percentage of the energy in the United Kingdom and at the beginning of August 2015, wind power in the United Kingdom consisted of 6,546 wind turbines with a total installed capacity of just over 13 gigawatts: 8,258 megawatts of onshore capacity and 5,054 megawatts of offshore capacity. The United Kingdom is ranked as the world's sixth largest producer of wind power, having overtaken France and Italy in 2012. Polling of public opinion consistently shows strong support for wind power in the UK, with nearly three quarters of the population agreeing with its use, even for people living near onshore wind turbines. W

Community solar in the United Kingdom

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The first community solar farm in the United Kingdom is the 5 MW Westmill Solar Park, near Watchfield, Oxfordshire W

Energy efficiency

Saving energy is the cheapest of all measures. W

Fuel poverty in the United Kingdom

In the United Kingdom fuel poverty is said to occur when, in order to heat its home to an adequate standard of warmth, a household needs to spend more than 10% of its income on total fuel use. Adequate warmth is generally defined to be 21 °C in the main living room and 18 °C in other occupied rooms during daytime hours, with lower temperatures at night, following the recommendations of the World Health Organization. Fuel poverty is not just about access to heating as the definition of fuel is taken to include all expenditure on domestic energy, including that used for hot water, cooling, lights and appliances. W


Back Balcombe, national project run by 10:10

Blown Away, sign the petition

Fuel Poverty Action


  • Community Biomass Heating Guide, (England), Forestry Commission England
  • Community Energy - planning, development and delivery, a Combined Heat & Power Association (CHPA), LDA Design and Town & Country Planning Association (TCPA) guide, outlines a straightforward step-by-step approach to the challenge of creating a successful and efficient community energy scheme. [1] 9/11/2010
  • Community Energy, a guide aimed at local groups who are interested in setting up a community energy project. Information from GOV.UK
  • Community Energy Hub
  • Community renewable energy companies, Transition Network
  • Free resources for community energy groups 2015, from Gwent Energy CIC
  • Hydropower schemes: guidelines and applying for permission. Information from GOV.UK
  • Making DIY Solar Panels for your Off Grid home, Permaculture Magazine
  • The Rough Guide to Community Energy, downloadable or request a free printed copy
  • Solar water heating, advice laeflet, Centre for Sustainable Energy
  • The Source, Centre for Sustainable Energy
  • YouGen, social enterprise aiming to make it easy for people to get the information they need to invest in renewable energy (or decide it is not right for their home).


Look Up, made by 10:10, carbon cutting campaign

Citizens data initiative

The total of all renewable electricity sources provided for 14.9% of the electricity generated in the United Kingdom in 2013, reaching 53.7 TWh of electricity generated. W

As of April 29, 2014, according to the latest wave of DECC survey results, 70% are in favour and only 12% oppose onshore wind. [2]

In April 2011 a YouGov survey indicated that the number of households in fuel poverty had risen to 6.3 million households, representing approximately 24% of all households in the UK. W

Winderful - visualising UK's wind energy in real time. Made by DIAS

5,000 community energy groups active in the UK, June 4, 2015 [3]


Community energy hub

rural community energy projects on Google Maps

UK energy map from energyshare

Interactive Maps: trends in fuel poverty, energy use and energy efficiency measures, The Department of Energy and Climate Change

Interactive Map from Energy4All

Offshore wind electricity map The Crown Estate

Sharing ideas and actions

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Green Open Homes network which supports low-carbon open homes events across the country through free resources and advice.


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Centre for Sustainable Energy's youtube channel

News and comment


St Michael's Mount and causeway.jpg

Cornwall: Smart energy project to run Isles of Scilly on renewables, storage and EVs, Mar 15 [4]

Oban harbour1.jpg

Scotland: Stirling Council celebrates 1,500th solar install as battery storage pilot commences, Mar 3 [5]


'Green gas' plants that use grass proposed for fracking sites by leading renewable energy company, Dec 8 [6]

New consultation tool lets communities take lead in planning their own low carbon future, Nov 30 [7]

Let the people lighten energy load with citizen-owned schemes, Nov 29 [8]

Community solar can save money, save the planet, and build social capital, all at the same time, Mar 16 [9]

Good Energy promises UK's first subsidy-free windfarm, Mar 2 [10]

UK now has more than 1m solar homes, Feb 25 [11]


The rise of community energy, November 27 [12]

Energy co-ops: why the UK has nothing on Germany and Denmark, October 2 [13]

Inspiration for community energy projects, September 2 [14]

Energy: the future is renewable and distributed, August 24 [15]

Renewables Share Of UK Electricity Generation Hits Record In Q1'15, August 17 [16]

A Quiet Energy Revolution - 5,000 community energy groups active in the UK, June 4 [17]


You might not realise this but support for onshore wind has risen to a new high, April 29 [18]

Community energy schemes: what's holding local people back? March 3 [19]

Scaling up Community Energy: a how-to Guide, March 2 [20]

UK Government's Community Energy Strategy unveiled! January 27 [21]


Sustainable energy for all, December 16 [22]

News sources

News, Microgen Scotland



September 5 - 20, 2015 Community Energy Fortnight

September, 2015 SuperHome Open Days

See also

Interwiki links

Wikipedia: Renewable energy in the United Kingdom, Wind power in the United Kingdom, Solar power in the United Kingdom, Hydroelectricity in the United Kingdom, Geothermal power in the United Kingdom, Energy efficiency in British housing

External links

  • Abundance Investment, regulated online platform that lets people lend money from as little as £5 to renewable energy projects in the UK and share in the returns from generating low-carbon electricity. W
  • Anaerobic digestion, Official information portal
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Whilst not technically a co-operative itself, the organisation has helped create at least ten wind co-ops, including Westmill Wind Farm Co-operative and Boyndie Wind Farm Co-operative, who, along with Baywind, own Energy4All.
One of the co-operatives it has created, Energy Prospects Co-operative, specialises in taking early stage wind co-operatives through the development and planning application stages to the point where a community share offer, managed by Energy4All, can be launched to fund the project.
They won an Ashden Award in 2012. W
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