- Regen, organic & agroecology: what’s the difference?, wickedleeks.riverford.co.uk (Jul 17, 2024)
- ‘Give nature space and it will come back’: rewilding returns endangered species to UK’s south coast, theguardian.com (Jun 27, 2024)
- E-bikes are freewheeling through rain and over hills, with huge promise for sustainable transport in rural tourist areas, theconversation.com (Feb 06, 2024)
2023[edit | edit source]
- Housing crisis poses threat to survival of rural communities, CPRE Report, cpre.org.uk (Nov 28, 2023) — CPRE urges government to redefine ‘affordable housing’ to directly link to average local incomes.
- 20% of people in England live in rural areas. Pam Barrett is showing the powers those communities need to keep them healthy and happy, The Daily Alternative (Jul 17, 2023)
- New report reveals "growing, invisible homelessness crisis in our countryside, English Rural (Mar 17, 2023)
2022[edit | edit source]
- "We just flippin' do it": how a rural cooperative from Lancashire built the fastest broadband in Britain, The Daily Alternative (Sep 21, 2022)
- How Sussex farmers plan to rewild a nature-rich green corridor to the sea, The Guardian (Jul 22, 2022)
2021[edit | edit source]
Plantwatch: a climate solution is hidden in the hedgerows, Aug 18...[1]
The government's relentless push for development is destroying rural England, Ros Coward, Feb 17...[2]
2020[edit | edit source]
Councillors revolt over government plans to dismantle planning system, CPRE Kent, Dec 10...[3]
Environment to benefit from 'biggest farming shake-up in 50 years', Nov 30[4]
This is why more of Scotland should be owned by the people[5] Aug 22
Britain beyond lockdown: can we make more space for nature?[6] Jun 30
New UK housing 'dominated by roads'[7] "... too many highways engineers are still approving roads that do not fully account for pedestrians and cyclists." Prof Matthew Carmona, University College London. Government poll suggests 76% of people think that for the sake of the environment, everyone should reduce their driving. Jan 21
News sources[edit | edit source]
Latest news releases, Campaign to Protect Rural England
See also[edit | edit source]
- UK Rural news (latest), 2015-2018
- Rural sustainability UK