Alternative UK Co-Creators call July 25, 2022[edit source]

Open sharing circle

The purpose of the Open Sharing Circle is to co-create a more participatory online gathering with a conversational tone.

Two tweaks

  • presentations limited to 3 minutes which then allows more time for feedback and discussion. (3 mins. maximum. Less than 3 mins. is fine too!)
  • presenting open to all who attend, but also OK to not present. Great listeners needed too!

Apart from this it shouldn't feel very different to conversations and discussion of other Co-creator calls

3 broad types of presentation

  • a project you are working on or developing
  • a vision or new idea for a project or
  • a need/challenge/question you are sitting with.

These could be centred around CANs but don't have to be.

Because we're aiming for a conversational style, no screen sharing. Advance notice allows time to prepare, but not meant to be anything onerous, not looking for polished performances, more about speaking from the heart, being in the moment.

What to expect

Allowing for introductions, setting up and review at the end, we should have about an hour for presentations plus feedback for each presenter. Depending on numbers, and for example if we use break out rooms, we should be able to make time and space for anything between 3 and 9 presentations plus discussion.

Option to Pre book a slot

This is entirely optional! Maximum of 3 prebookings. Just list your one sentence title after the 3 examples and please sign (if signed in) and / or add your name

  • (Example 1) How do we communicate what we mean by Community Agency, especially with those who seem not to recognise such a thing? Philralph (talk) 10:21, 9 July 2022 (UTC) (Phil Green)Reply[reply]
  • (Example 2) Towards a CAN of CANs, questions arising, including infrastructure for relationships
  • (Example 3) Any one of the questions posed here

Maps for this page?[edit source]

This page raises a really interesting question for me, which I'd love to get other peoples' thoughts on, especially 'A/UK central':

It's something like how might we want to do something like this, enabling a growing number and diversity of people continue to find each other easily over time, longer term? Here's how they do it in Transition Network for example

So how would it be if we could include a couple of maps here, in Examples of Citizen Action Networks, say a UK map, and a world map, (or the other way round)? Plus similar maps on break out pages in relation to the broad themes of Menu of possibilities?

Coincidently, Appropedia, the wiki within which CASwiki has found a highly congenial, integrated and collaborative home, is currently developing a maps facility: country example, El Salvador

As I understand it we're not yet at the stage when we can do cities or regions, but that'll come.

Love to get your thoughts and feedback on this. Philralph (talk) 17:16, 31 December 2020 (UTC)Reply[reply]

An invitation to everyone?[edit source]

We need to include something for those who feel themselves alone in their local community. Any ideas?

  • some sort of social media option (David has ideas re this) linking those who feel unable to get going with those who've already made a start or gone some distance in developing a CAN, 'buddies'(?) who are willing to help share learning?
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