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  • Dignity of program participants  + (Dear XYZ Project, refugee kids are people, July 11th, 2009)
  • Pandemia aerosoles/Evaluar respuesta  + (Debiera ser posible una app o una hoja de cálculo en la que introducir las medidas que se toman en un territorio.)
  • Debswana Operations Criticism  + (Debswana Operations Criticism|)
  • Decommissioning  + (Decommission means to withdraw from servicDecommission means to withdraw from service. In an energy context it normally refers to nuclear decommissioning -- removing a nuclear energy plant from service. Because of the possible presence of radioactive or fissile material in a nuclear facility, special precautions are required.acility, special precautions are required.)
  • Deep-democracy  + (Deep Democracy is a concept, a model and a method to facilitate decisions making and so can be use in conflicts resolution.)
  • How to make a CAN  + (Deep hanging out. This can be seen as a preliminary stage before Collaboratories)
  • Deep water source cooling  + (Deep water source cooling (DWCS) or deep wDeep water source cooling (DWCS) or deep water air cooling is a form of air cooling for process and comfort space cooling which uses a renewable, large body of naturally cold water as a heat sink. It uses water at a constant 277 to 283 kelvins (4 to 10 degrees Celsius) or less which it withdraws from deep areas within lakes, oceans, aquifers and rivers and is pumped through the primary side of a heat exchanger. On the secondary side of the heat exchanger, cooled water is produced. heat exchanger, cooled water is produced.)
  • Define Moda Cultural  + (Define Moda Cultural, es un proyecto ambiental, artístico y cultural que trabaja bajo el sistema de supra reciclaje, recuperando y transformando varios materiales o desechos para convertirlos en nuevas prendas, accesorios o piezas de arte.)
  • Jottings on appropriate technology  + (Defining Appropriate Technology is an ongoDefining Appropriate Technology is an ongoing personal process. Many groups take exception with the phrase 'Appropriate Technology', especially when the words 'appropriate' and 'technology' are taken and defined separately. That said, taking the words together as a single coined phrase, working definitions of Appropriate Technology allow us to analyze tools, processes and technologies based upon explicitly stated criteria or guidelines. explicitly stated criteria or guidelines.)
  • Demotech/Defining Concepts  + (Defining concepts)
  • Deforestation  + (Deforestation is the removal of trees and the surrounding ecosystems which make up forests.)
  • Oral rehydration therapy  + (Dehydration caused by diarrhoea is one of the biggest single killers of children in the modern world and diarrhoea itself is one of the major causes of nutritional loss and poor growth.)
  • Dehydration Vaults  + (Dehydration vaults are used to collect, store and dry (dehydrate) faeces. Faeces will only dehydrate when the vaults are watertight to prevent external moisture from entering and when urine and anal cleansing water are diverted away from the vaults.)
  • Demotech/Redesign  + (Demotech's contribution consists of techniDemotech's contribution consists of technical research into ultra low cost and truly sustainable technical solutions. Next to this Demotech centers on how to get the story about such solutions across to an unwilling world without hope or expectations that such solutions do- respectively can exist.such solutions do- respectively can exist.)
  • Demotech  + (Demotech's design initiatives aim at self-Demotech's design initiatives aim at self-reliance and "More joy per person". Life has more to offer then any consumer walhalla promises. Reduction of technology and in its wake economy, can go together with the raising of its quality. Far more comfort and leisure time can be had if we only re-design technology according to appropriate technical guidelines. Not meaning this is easy. But -yes- meaning it can easily be done in an Open Source collaborative approach. There are many examples that guide the way, but -no- such a collaborative culture joint effort still has to come into being.joint effort still has to come into being.)
  • Recycling and dengue fever in Sukunan, Indonesia  + (Dengue fever is a serious, sometimes fatalDengue fever is a serious, sometimes fatal illness, which has been increasing in recent years in Indonesia. It is spread by a type of mosquito which can breeds in very small amounts of water - including rainwater captured by litter, such as discarded plastic litter, such as discarded plastic bags.)
  • Planting trees in pasture  + (Dense sod can compete with new plantings. In moist climates cutting away sod for new plantings can lead to planting in low spots that collect moisture around new root crowns. A thoughtful method for creating planting sites in sod is useful.)
  • Dependency  + (Dependency on support from an external source leads to weakness, and is a disincentive to seeking independent growth and financial security - this is a common argument in the fields of aid and welfare.)
  • Depleted uranium  + (Depleted uranium, or DU, is uranium remainDepleted uranium, or DU, is uranium remaining after removal of the isotope uranium-235 (which is used in fission reactions. It is a waste product of the uranium enrichment process. It is primarily composed of the isotope uranium-238. It is a toxic and radioactive heavy metal, therefore it can be dangerous and should be disposed of properly. It has a number of uses in the weapons industry. a number of uses in the weapons industry.)
  • Depth gauge  + (Depth gauges are used in surgical simulators to measure and control the depth of incisions or instrument insertions. They help ensure accuracy and consistency during surgical practice.)
  • Gestion micro-entreprises  + (Depuis le début des années 70, des initiatDepuis le début des années 70, des initiatives de développement durable et de protection de l’environnement ont émergés. Ces initiatives se manifestent par l’émergence des parcs naturels dans chaque région par exemple. Actuellement, dans le contexte climatique actuel, la mobilisation devient mondiale. Il faut également noter la pression de la raréfaction des ressources minérales ainsi qu’agricoles.s ressources minérales ainsi qu’agricoles.)
  • Drei-Steine-Feuer  + (Der CCAT rocket stove hat gesellschaftlichDer CCAT rocket stove hat gesellschaftliche und ökologische Beihilfe der großen Bevölkerung der Entwicklungsländer gebracht, die keine Alternative zum Brennen der Biomasse haben, um ihren Kochenbedarf und Wärmenbedarf zu befriedigen. Agrargemeinschaften überall auf der Welt hängen von dem Drei-Steine-Feuer für ihren Kochenbedarf ab. Unpraktische Kochmethoden gefährden der Umwelt, zuviel Ernten des Kochenbrennstoffs kann die Vegetation und die Tieren beschädigen. Das Verständnis der Kochenmethoden kann damit helfen, zu verstehen, warum verbesserte Herde eine bedeutende angemessene Technik sind. Die meisten Kochfeuer sind von drei oder mehr Steinen, Backsteinen, Haufen Lehm oder Klumpen feuerfestes Materials umgeben, woher der Name "Drei-Steine-Feuer" stammt. ("Most cooking fires are surrounded by three of more stones, bricks, mounds of mud of lumps of fireproof material – thus the common name of three rock fire") thus the common name of three rock fire"))
  • Integrierte Kompostheizungstoilette  + (Der Kompostheizungssilo kann zu einem InteDer Kompostheizungssilo kann zu einem Integrierten Kompostheizungstoilettensystem erweitert werden. Das System arbeitet gleichzeitig als Heizung und Toilette. Der Silo wird mit Biomasse (Holzhäcksel, etc.) gefüllt, welcher die Basis für den nassen Verwesungsprozess darstellt. Zusätzliche Biomasse (Stuhlgang und Urin) kann hinzugefügt werden. Der Abbauprozess zersetzt die Fäkalien lange bevor sie den Boden des Silos erreichen, so dass dieses System auch als vollbiologische Kleinkläranlage dient.als vollbiologische Kleinkläranlage dient.)
  • Derivatives  + (Derivatives are creative works or knowledge works which use the work of another author or authors, adapting it (slightly or radically) to make a new work.)
  • Lderry Project Report 2022  + (Derry, Logan; Dauphinais, Matthew ECE 2242 Final Project, 2022)
 (Description here)
  • Better Farming Series 18: Bananas/5  + (Description of the banana plant : The banana plant is not a tree. It is a giant herbaceous plant with an apparent trunk that bends without breaking (see Booklet No. 2, page 10).)
  • Origami Face Shield  + (Description of the face shield Helpful EngDescription of the face shield Helpful Engineering (HE) has designed new, low-cost, disposable facial protection (the Origami Face Shield). Small scale production cost is $0.88 USD each. Mass production drives the unit cost to around $0.55 USD. This design is production-ready, validated, and easy to scale. These shields can be both mass and locally produced in all 50 states and ship flat, allowing for fast delivery.and ship flat, allowing for fast delivery.)
  • Kite Turbine  + (Description: Build a flying wind turbine for energy independent adventures.)
  • Laboratorio Agroecologico Abierto  + (Desde hace 30 años, el agronegocio viene eDesde hace 30 años, el agronegocio viene envenenando nuestras mesas y arrasando en el camino con nuestra salud, el monte nativo, con indígenas y campesinos. Hoy es evidente la necesidad de transformar las formas en que nos relacionamos con la tierra, y entre nosotrxs, para producir nuestros alimentos.osotrxs, para producir nuestros alimentos.)
  • Sustancias tóxicas en los textiles  + (Desde hace ya varios años muchas textiles del mundo se encaminaron hacia una política ecológica y confeccionan tejidos sin sustancias químicas que pueda perjudicar a quien los usa o al medio ambiente.)
  • Cocina solar parabólica para vendedores ambulantes  + (Deseamos trabajar con AES El Salvador, FUSDeseamos trabajar con AES El Salvador, FUSADES, Unidad Ecológica Salvadoreña (UNES), EcoCasa, Mónica Taher y la Fundación Vida para reducir los costos de los pequeños negocios a base de energía solar, y que de esta manera los vendedores de comida en la calle puedan obtener más ganancias, gastar menos y cuidar al planeta.nancias, gastar menos y cuidar al planeta.)
  • Desertification  + (Desertification is the degradation of arid land in which this arid land becomes even more drier, losing any fauna and flora in the process.)
  • Sun-dried/Revisión bibliográfica  + (Deshidratador solar de alimentos (2008). Transferencia de tecnología y divulgación sobre técnicas para el desarrollo humano. Recuperado de
  • Design for Human Scale  + (Design for Human Scale (1983) by Victor Papanek<sup class="noprint">[[Wikipedia:Victor Papanek|W]]</sup> is a book about design with a focus on what is appropriate and needed by humans.)
  • Additively Manufactured Parametric Universal Clip-System: An Open Source Approach for Aiding Personal Exposure Measurement in the Breathing Zone  + (Design for additive manufacturing is adoptDesign for additive manufacturing is adopted to help solve problems inherent to attaching active personal sampler systems to workers for monitoring their breathing zone. A novel and parametric 3D printable clip system was designed with an open source Computer-aided design (CAD) system and was additively manufactured. The concept was first tested with a simple clip design, and when it was found to be functional, the ability of the innovative and open source design to be extended to other applications was demonstrated by designing another tooling system. The clip system was tested for mechanical stress test to establish a minimum lifetime of 5000 openings, a cleaning test, and a supply chain test. The designs were also tested three times in field conditions. The design cost and functionalities of the clip system were compared to commercial systems. This study presents an innovative custom-designed clip system that can aid in attaching different tools for personal exposure measurement to a worker's harness without hindering the operation of the worker. The customizable clip system opens new possibilities for occupational health professionals since the basic design can be altered to hold different kinds of samplers and tools. The solution is shared using an open source methodology.s shared using an open source methodology.)
  • Design that matters  + (Design that Matters (DtM), a 501c3 nonprofDesign that Matters (DtM), a 501c3 nonprofit based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, creates new products that allow social enterprises in developing countries to offer improved services and scale more quickly. DtM has built a collaborative design process through which hundreds of volunteers in academia and industry donate their skills and expertise to the creation of breakthrough products for communities in need.kthrough products for communities in need.)
  • 215 Solar for low power medical equipment  + (Designed and constructed in Spring of 2022, the low-power/high-value PV system was built to provide power to low-end medical equipment such as glucometers and Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAPs) in the event of a power outage or "brown out.")
  • OSAT Wind Turbine  + (Designed by Michigan Tech students, this project aims to make renewable energy more accessible.)
  • Medical Tweezers  + (Designed in response to a request for MediDesigned in response to a request for Medical Tweezers from Field Ready. This is a versatile design for Medical Tweezers as it's designed in openSCAD to be customized to the user's desire, such as number or teeth, grip points, space between each grip, size of the tip, and etc. Designed to print without supports.d etc. Designed to print without supports.)
  • Herb garden designs  + (Designing a herb garden is a part of the jDesigning a herb garden is a part of the joy of growing herbs. There are many ways to put together a herb garden, from orderly to random and everything in between. This article intends to help growers with a range of ideas for designing herb gardens by outlining the various possible herb garden designs and grow tents, and you are encouraged to build on existing suggestions or add more of your own ideas here.stions or add more of your own ideas here.)
  • Open source nanotechnology  + (Despite being an extremely active area forDespite being an extremely active area for academic research, publishing and patent applications, nanotechnology development is being hindered by current intellectual property (IP) law. Patenting of basic science and entire classes of nanotechnologies is leading to higher transaction costs, slower technical development and the removal of obvious knowledge from the public domain. This effectively hamstrings the current primal nanotechnology development, in contrast to the history of other emerging technical fields (e.g. software).emerging technical fields (e.g. software).)
  • Open-source nanotechnology: solutions to a modern intellectual property tragedy  + (Despite being an extremely active area forDespite being an extremely active area for patent applications, nanotechnology development is being impaired by current intellectual property law. In contrast to other emerging fields at their times, nanotechnology was born as the Bayh–Dole Act enabled universities to lock down fundamental research effectively preventing open competition. Both technical complexity and bureaucratic mishandling of nanotechnology patent applications have created a dense patent thicket of overlapping claims and rights. This intellectual property tragedy restricts downstream innovation by preventing development of more complex technologies due to exorbitant transaction costs. This article addresses this tragedy with the application of the free and open-source paradigm from software development as open-source methodologies will both accelerate nanotechnology innovation and improve the social return from public investment in nanotechnology research.lic investment in nanotechnology research.)
  • Optimal inverter and wire selection for solar photovoltaic fencing applications  + (Despite the benefits and the economic advaDespite the benefits and the economic advantages of agrivoltaics, capital costs limit deployment velocity. One recent potential solution to this challenge is to radically reduce the cost of racking materials by using existing farm fencing as vertical photovoltaic (PV) racking. This type of fenced-based PV system is inherently electrically challenging because of the relatively long distances between individual modules that are not present in more densely packed conventional solar PV farms. This study provides practical insights for inverter selection and wire sizing optimization for fence-based agrivoltaic systems. Numerical simulation sensitivities on the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) were performed for 1) distance from the fence to the AC electrical panel, 2) inverter costs, and 3) geographic locations. The results showed that microinverters had better performance when the cross-over fence length was under 30 m or when the system was designed with less than seven solar PV modules, whereas string inverters were a better selection for longer fences. The cross-over number of modules depends significantly on the cost of the inverters, which is a parameter that influences the system's design. The capital costs for a fence retrofit are far less than for any form of conventional PV racking. In addition, the LCOE of the vertical fencing solar agrivoltaic system can be competitive with conventional ground-mounted solar PV for the niche of farmers. Especially, when they are located between the latitudes of 10° and 50° in either the northern or southern hemisphere, and coupled with their ancillary benefits they represent a great alternative for conventional PV systems.t alternative for conventional PV systems.)
  • Decarbonizing the boardroom? Aligning electric utility executive compensation with climate change incentives  + (Despite the drastic reversal of decarbonizDespite the drastic reversal of decarbonization effort by the Trump administration, the majority of U.S. states continue policies aimed at reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and increasing renewable energy technology (RET) deployment. Although electrical power utilities are required and/or encouraged to comply with these policies, their executives lack direct incentives to do so. In this study, a novel incentive mechanism is evaluated for aligning utility executive compensation with such policies. First, an overview is provided on chief executive officer (CEO) pay and the GHG emissions of utilities. The relationship between GHG emissions, renewable energy diversification, and CEO pay is examined using the case study of three of the largest electric utilities in Michigan. The results show that the regulated utility market is not consistently rewarding CEOs with higher compensation for decreasing GHG emissions and that both an approach incentivizing RETs adoption and an approach encouraging GHG emissions have deficiencies. A combined approach is then analyzed that results in a compensation equation allowing for utility executives to receive incentive pay for reducing overall emissions and increasing renewable generation. The results indicate that by careful calibration of the proposed incentive equations the harmful effects of emissions can be prevented through CEO incentive be prevented through CEO incentive pay.)
  • 4.3. Comunicación de los productos de conocimiento  + (Después de producir los materiales correctDespués de producir los materiales correctos, es importante dar a conocer el trabajo y expandir su alcance. Esto no solo es un medio para dar a conocer el trabajo de las personas involucradas en el trabajo en campo y los equipos que participan del Mapeo de Soluciones, sino también para facilitar la colaboración a escala global. Con esto en mente, a continuación se presentan algunos consejos relacionados con la comunicación de los productos de conocimiento.nicación de los productos de conocimiento.)
  • Desuku  + (Desuku es una mesa minimalista, práctica y funcional, diseñada para satisfacer las necesidades de las familias apoyadas por TECHO.)
  • OSHE Cinematography Quadcopter/Detailed Design and Analysis  + (Detailed Design and Analysis)
  • Cold storage of fruits and vegetables  + (Deterioration of fruits and vegetables durDeterioration of fruits and vegetables during storage depends largely on temperature. One way to slow down this change and so increase the length of time fruits and vegetables can be stored, is by lowering the temperature to an appropriate level. It must be remembered that if the temperature is too low the produce will be damaged and also that as soon as the produce leaves the cold store, deterioration starts again and often at a faster rate.n starts again and often at a faster rate.)
  • Original environment rehabilitation manual 3.2  + (Determining indigenous species to an area Determining indigenous species to an area</br>Due to the rise of Biodiversity projects, it is now possible to find a list of species indigenous to any location on earth. This allows anyone to determine whether a fish is indigenous or not (and thus need to be removed). Examples of a popular catalogue available online is the Encyclopedia of Life, and the Global Biodiversity Information Facility.. Besides these international catalogues, local universities and governmental environment divisions also often have lists that may be used.ns also often have lists that may be used.)
  • Building with Pumice/2  + (Deutsches Zentrum f�r Entwicklungstechnologien-GATE)
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