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Deutsches Zentrum für Entwicklungstechnologien-GATE
Deutsches Zentrum für Entwicklungstechnologien -GATE -stands for German Appropriate Technology Exchange. It was founded in 1978 as a special division of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH. GATE is a centre for the dissemination and promotion of appropriate technologies for developing countries. GATE defines Â"Appropriate technologiesÂ" as those which are suitable and acceptable in the light of economic, social and cultural criteria. They should contribute to socio-economic development whilst ensuring optimal utilization of resources and minimal detriment to the environment. Depending on the case at hand a traditional, intermediate or highly-developed can be the Â"appropriate" one. GATE focusses its work on the key areas:
- Technology Exchange: Collecting, processing and disseminating information on technologies appropriate to the needs of the developing countries; ascertaining the technological requirements of Third World countries; support in the form of personnel, material and equipment to promote the development and adaptation of technologies for developing countries.
- Research and Development: Conducting and/or promoting research and development work in appropriate technologies.
- Cooperation in Technological Development: Cooperation in the form of joint projects with relevant institutions in developing countries and in the Fderal Republik of Germany.
- Environmental Protection: The growing importance of ecology and environmental protection require better coordination and harmonization of projects. In order to tackle these tasks more effectively, a coordination center was set up within GATE in 1985.
GATE has entered into cooperation agreements with a number of technology centres in Third World countries.
GATE offers a free information service on appropriate technologies for all public and private development institutions in developing countries, dealing with the development, adaptation, introduction and application of technologies.
Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH
The government-owned GTZ operates in the field of Technical Cooperation. 2200 German experts are working together with partners from about 100 countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America in projects covering practically every sector of agriculture, forestry, economic development, social services and institutional and material infrastructure. The GTZ is commissioned to do this work both by the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and by other government or semi-government authorities.
The GTZ activities encompass:
- appraisal, technical planning, control and supervision of technical cooperation projects commissioned by the Government of the Federal Republic or by other authorities
- providing an advisory service to other agencies also working on development projects
- the recruitment, selection, briefing, assignment, administration of expert personnel and their welfare and technical backstopping during their period of assignment
- provision of materials and equipment for projects, planning work, selection, purchasing and shipment to the developing countries
- management of all financial obligations to the partner-country.
Deutsches Zentrum fur Entwicklungstechnologien -GATE
in: Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH
P. O. Box 5180
D-65726 Eschborn
Federal Republic of Germany
Tel.: (06196) 79-0 Telex: 41523-0 gtz d
Fax: (06196) 797352