Keep updated with, and share the latest news from, about and of interest to community agency networks (CANs) and community groups across Gloucestershire.
- Library of Things helping Charlton Kings residents save money, BBC News (Apr 11, 2024)
- ‘We’re totally pay as you can’: the UK restaurant prioritising people and planet, (Mar 06, 2024)
2023[edit | edit source]
- ‘Citizen scientists make a vital difference’: the locals who proved the River Wye was polluted, (Aug 12, 2023)
- The Stroud Commons aims to shift housing, energy, land, food, water, transport, social care & the means of exchange into community ownership, The Daily Alternative (Jul 08, 2023)
2022[edit | edit source]
- 'They just fit': Has the wild boar been over-culled?, (Jul 06, 2022) — Naturalists fear that boar are declining in the Forest of Dean. The controversial question, however, is how many should be there in the first place.
- How Stroud council is encouraging renewables in its Local Plan, (Mar 09, 2022)
2016[edit | edit source]
Have your say on how developments in Stroud should promote sustainable construction, Nov 10[1]
Stroud Valleys Showcase will celebrate very best of the Five Valley's green and sustainable projects, Sep 28[2]
New Green council chairman Norman Kay partners with climate change awareness project Transition Stroud, May 24[3]
An evening in Stroud: '10 years and beyond', May 9[4]
Work starts on Dursley hospital allotments scheme, Apr 20[5]
See also[edit | edit source]