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São Paulo
San Francisco

Our current list of place articles is in the far right hand column. An example of a fairly extensively developed CASwiki place article is Bristol, but of course place articles can be started off with just a few items of relevant information.

Share information about Places

Greenheart.jpg Where you live, work or visit, from local communities to countries, continents and the planet itself, or just somewhere you know about or are interested in.

What information might be relevant to quality of life or wellbeing in each area? What challenges or opportunities are there? Improve our existing articles by adding relevant information into them.

A good way to start a new article is to see if there's an article about the place in Wikipedia, which you can adapt to include material relevant to sustainability. Or just build up a list of relevant links.


Community action for sustainability place articles can include the following elements

  • Sustainability initiatives, which generally concern themselves with more than a single issue or topic. For example initiatives that seek to promote all or several aspects of environmental, social and economic wellbeing. Share information about any sustainability projects or networks you may be involved with or know about. If you're unsure what information to include, just imagine you're wanting to learn about other projects. What information would you find useful?
  • Initiatives by topic (see more via our topic portal - link to follow)
  • Resources, available locally or concerning the locality, including links to more extensive information, video, maps, infographics, apps for sustainability, social media links, research, funding information, etc.
  • Events, but please bear in mind that these should be only those that are likely to be of interest to local community groups or active citizens interested in community action for sustainability. Ordinarily they should only be free or low cost events.
  • News and comment, or timeline information. Brief or headline type summaries with links to sources.
  • More localised information, for example within a page about a country there may some further information about cities within that country.

Under construction orange.jpg

Wanted pages


Category:CASwiki stubs

Template:Scaplaces sidebar


Share your stuff

Help out with what interests you most. As and when you can, and always at your own pace. Help by linking things up, checking for updates, checking external links, spelling and punctuation.

Experiment, test things out. Most of all - Enjoy, have fun !!

See also

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