Do something.

Green AT Project

Hi Dr. Pearce.

My project is ready for marking. The link is

Thank you, --S. Gennings 15:01, 8 April 2010 (UTC)Reply[reply]

GreenAT project

Hi, Prof. Pearce. This is Jianlang Mai from MECH 425. I have finished my GreenAT project and wonder if you can take a look at my page and give me a little bit of what you think i should add on the page, or any comments. My page is . Thank you very much.

Jianlang Mai

Greening of the Campus Conference


I ran into you last fall at the AASHE conference and I was wondering if you were going to attend the BSU/AASHE conference next September.

-- Alexander Pfeiffenberger

Industrial symbiosis and industrial ecology

Hi Joshua,

I just saw your edits - great to see your valuable contributions here!

I was just chatting with Wikipedian and Urbepedian ChaeraniW about her master's paper... Industrial symbiosis and industrial ecology definitely need to be on Appropedia, as does natural capitalism - I'd suggest we start with a single page, and split later if appropriate. --Chriswaterguy · talk 05:32, 25 April 2007 (PDT)

Okay, I lumped the first two together, but made natural capitalism separate. They're just stubs - I figure it's always better to have a stub than nothing, as long as there's at least a good link.

What would be great is if someone allowed us to use some good quality information on these topics - i.e. released their material under GFDL. Do you have any suggestions? INDUSTRIAL SYMBIOSIS, Literature and Taxonomy by Chertow (2000) looks useful. --Chriswaterguy · talk 06:37, 25 April 2007 (PDT)

Maybe you'd wanna email Marian Chertow directly and ask whether she would be interested in writing short article for Appro.. Chaerani 01:12, 26 April 2007 (PDT)

Hi Dr. Pearce,

Thank you for that article. It was definitly interesting- in fact back home at my college I have to submit a senior year project when I return from Clarion University in order to be given my degree. Over the past few days I was thinking of what to do it on- this seems perfect. I look forward to meeting with you in person on thursday.

--Fatima 16:55, 4 September 2007 (PDT)

Ecological sanitation

Hi Joshua,

Is ecological sanitation an example of industrial ecology? I know it's not industrial, but otherwise it seems like a perfect fit. --Chriswaterguy · talk 05:20, 18 October 2007 (PDT)


Hi Joshua,

"Great catch and a spectacular learning opportunity for my students. It is really interesting that the main African American Enviro group tends to be against the majority of mainstream groups. All kinds of good material. E.g. That nuclear energy is "emission free" -- I have a paper coming out on the topic and embodied energy in 2008. "

Even more interesting in my mind that they are so strongly pro-Bush - but then, they adopt so many Republican/environment-skeptic positions that I shouldn't be surprised. Anyway, I welcome an alternative voice - they as well as the mainstream voices all need to be examined.
btw, don't forget to sign! And if you have time, have a look at Appropedia submission for BFI prize - we want to get the basics done within a day, then set the wordsmiths to making it hang together nicely. I'm going to add something about service learning - feel free to expand that or correct other glaring omissions. --Chriswaterguy · talk 09:28, 28 October 2007 (PDT)

Natural Sequence Farming

"Hi Chris

Actually I had already caught the student purging the page and warned him -- if it is not corrected by 5pm Friday I will go back and fix everything. Sorry for the trouble -

--Joshua 05:50, 6 December 2007 (PST)"

No problem - it's part of the learning process!

I'm wondering about the practice of putting the class notices on pre-existing pages though - note we don't have a policy or guideline on this, but we should think about it. Another editor may already be editing that page. Or even if they're not, someone being asked to refrain from editing a page that they started may not create good feelings. Perhaps a branch of the article should be created, to be merged once the class is finished?

Anyway, good to see your students active on the site! --Chriswaterguy · talk 22:22, 6 December 2007 (PST)

Article count and Spanish translation

Hi Joshua,

Thank you for pointing out the article count issue. It broke during our most recent update, I just tried to fix it and I made it worse. At a loss of how to fix it, I have changed the main page to cite all of our pages, which in some ways is more accurate since we have a lot of content outside of the Article Namespace. I also added edit and file counts. We are currently redesigning the front page, so hopefully this will either be moot or fixed.

I am very excited about Spanish translation. I think that this could provide a great mutual benefit to service learning language courses - giving students something real to work on, providing more sustainability material in Spanish and providing teachers a mechanism to check work. We are ready to roll on that, and I would love to discuss it more. I am planning on approaching a couple of courses this semester as well. Let's coordinate. Via email?

Thank you, --Lonny 18:33, 1 January 2008 (PST)

Thanks Dr. Pearce! I'll start doing that.--Fatima 18:53, 12 February 2008 (PST)

Hello Dr.Pearce, I created a page Polymer recycling and another one how is plastic recycled. I tried to make the page how is plastic recycled under polymer recycling. When I open the page it says it is under that category but when I open the Polymer recycling page there it doesn't show that there is anything under it. Could you tell me how to fix it please? Thanks--Doaa 11:50, 11 April 2008 (PDT)

How can I make Polymer recycling a category? Can it be a category under the category green chemistry? I also want to know how to form a subcategory?

Thanks--Doaa 12:09, 11 April 2008 (PDT)

Deleting a page

Thanks Dr. Pearce. Is it possible to delete a page that I created? There is a page Polymer recycling that I want to delete. --Doaa 13:19, 11 April 2008 (PDT)


Dr. Pearce,
Some of the articles on the Practical Action website are already on appropedia in the ITDGbot page category. Should I still port those articles from the website to appropedia?--Fatima 17:45, 15 April 2008 (PDT)

Thanks Dr.Pearce. I'm not sure what you mean by 'search for the name of your article or keyword in appropedia -- and then link anywhere it pops up back to your article'...--Fatima 12:34, 16 April 2008 (PDT)

Sorry about this, but how do I 'hypelink' those pages to Turmeric (using it just as an example)? I--Fatima 12:54, 16 April 2008 (PDT)

PH 254

Hey Dr. Pearce,
Just wondering if you could have a look at my page Electrospray and see if you think there is anything else that I should add before the end of the semester. I will, of course, continue to add information as I do some research with this during my senior project next year. Thanks in advance for your time and consideration.
Sean McFarland 13:40, 27 April 2008 (PDT)



We have changed the registration system for the OSNCon, please register via Register on Eventbrite

--David.reber 09:29, 2 September 2008 (PDT)

Changes to Appropedia

Dr. Pearce, the following are some changes i would suggest to appropedia. I will compile a more extensive list later but i've got exams to worry about so this is just a quick list:

- I would use your template as the default template. It is much cleaner then the original. Although i would not use your editor as the defauls as it is too unfinished
- I would not use any transparent background gifs. They do not appear correctly on all monitors (sometimes having solid white backgrounds). They are very low quality especially for a logo.
- If they chose not to go to your template, at least go to another. Textured backgrounds like the bricks are just not up to date anymore and don't look professional.
- After an image is uploaded there should be the option to go back to the page you were on. It gives you the option to close the window but I just want to go back to wherever i was.
- You should be warned before you navigate away from a page you are currently editing- it's hard to know which links will navigate away from what you are editing which can result in lost information.
- You should be able to automatically go to the classic view (this should be an option within preferences).
- while uploading it should automatically add the original extension if none is given. I doubt the code is there to do conversion between file types during upload so why would you even give the option to change the file extension?
- I am not sure i understand the logo and that it is catchy and representative of appropedia and all it stands for (though that could be me just not knowing the story behind it)

That's all for now. All that being said i think it's an amazing idea and is leaps ahead then some of the other wiki's out there. Hope some of this helps and isn't taken in the wrong light.


Did you want the whole of Use of Silicon Anodes in Lithium Ion Batteries deleted? I wasn't sure, as the notice was in one of the sections, and there has been some editing since you placed the notice.

Also re Hot-Melt Extrusion - are the images also copyvios? What I'm wondering is: if an editor just deleted the copyvio text, and an admin removed the copyvio images... would there be a stub article left behind? (Maybe not a good one, but something to prompt a reader to build on it.) In such cases, the class attribution could be removed, if it's not the sort of article that the class would want to claim credit for.

Thanks for all your work! --Chriswaterguy 23:49, 13 January 2010 (UTC)Reply[reply]


example? --Joshua 15:53, 15 January 2010 (UTC)Reply[reply]

MECH 425 Reference Additions

Hi Professor,

I just added some of the referencing to the AT Sourcebook page and am wondering if that's what you were looking for.

Thanks! --5sg12 19:35, 15 January 2010 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Data Center vs. Server

Hello Dr. Pearce,

Our group was going through the list of possible ECMs and were wondering what the distinction is between "data center" and "server." How would virtualizing the data center be different than virtualizing the server?

Thanks, Christian

Environmental Management Systems

Hi Dr. Pearce,

Our group was looking into the envornmental management systems aspect of the Green IT Project, and realized that this is quite a broad scope. What would some examples of major environmental management systems be?

Thank you,


Clarifying open vs "open access"

Hi Joshua,

I don't know if anyone has seen my comments at Talk:AT Sourcebook and Talk:What is AIDS?.

Great to see so much activity from your students. Is there anything we can do to help the students with categorization, or should we just leave it till someone adds categories eventually? I don't know if they would find Appropedia:CategoryTree (more user-friendly) useful; or perhaps Appropedia:Fundamental category tree (more thorough). --Chriswaterguy 10:21, 11 February 2010 (UTC)Reply[reply]

AT CAD team

Hi Joshua, thanks for supporting the AT CAD team project/idea. For the moment, I'm working on a SketchUp manual so I won't be doing much modelling for now. When this is done, I'll probably focus mostly on CAD designs of others (ie velomobile, ...). Note that we can place snapshots at relevant articles at wikipedia, this also increases the popularity of Appropedia. We still have some issues to work out, ie how we'll share the models: I was thinking about a file hosting service (see village pump) and/or Google Warehouse. KVDP 09:17, 23 February 2010 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Hi Joshua,

I just finished the SketchUp Beginner Manual. You can now use it in your lessons. KVDP 12:06, 8 March 2010 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Hey Joshua,

I was wondering whether you already noticed the website I made to accompany the AT CAD Team ? Aldough the website is pretty unused by me for now, it sets a endpoint to work to (urban CAD-modelling rather than CAD-modelling of single objects). In addition, it may also help Appropedia for practical projects (eg improvements of AT villages, factories/AT workshops, ...). I've sent you an invite to become an co-webmaster. You can then use the tool once we progressed far enough (once we've done our current designs), and/or invite a student yourself to become co-author and update the site. KVDP 08:15, 10 May 2010 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Hey Joshua,

I made a collection for our AT CAD Team group at We can use this method in the future to store our models and make them easily available. I'm also working with some modellers to get our first models up. KVDP 11:21, 26 October 2010 (UTC)Reply[reply]

checking student contributions

I just came across this student work from 2007 - probably a rare example of plagiarism that didn't get picked up at the time. Probably too late to be of use to you, but just letting you know.

I want to get a copyvio bot working - something that automatically flags work that can be found via Google, for example. Hopefully something that the tech team can get working this year. --Chriswaterguy 19:29, 27 January 2011 (PST)

Template:Cite book

You mentioned an interest in this template. I ported over the {{Citation}} template stack, and now {{Cite book}} seems work here. For example:

Let me know if you find any problems with this template. --Teratornis 22:47, 27 January 2011 (PST)

3D Printing

Hey! This is Roger from CCAT @ HSU.

Thought you might like this video if you haven't already seen it: -Roger 20:27, 15 February 2011 (PST)

Schools of thought in appropriate technology

Hi Joshua - you and your students may be interested in this blog post: Schools of Appropriate technology. --Chriswaterguy 10:41, 20 April 2011 (PDT)

User tasks pages

You & your students may find these suggestions & templates helpful: Appropedia:Tasks pages. --Chriswaterguy 23:24, 21 April 2011 (PDT)

Effect of snow on PV's

Hello Joshua. This is User:kili. I have been reading your pages. Although you are currently researching to establish the exact figures caused by snow losses..I thought of this... I think a bit of low tech may solve the problem-by incorporating wipers that will be wiping snow whenever it falls on the PV’s panels. This process can either be made automatic or manual. If this sounds great I am willing to work on it more.

Real number on gains

Hello Joshua. Well automated systems may work by creating clever circuits that may sense snowing-for example light-low voltage, increased weight e.t.c. But still all this should, may be wait for real number in gains so as to see if the costs of those systems are justified. And employing people from the north(?, never been out of here, is that a place, locality or something else?) may also be appropriate with all the unemployment! But will paying them be viable? Isn't there a chemical material that may speed up the melting of snow? user:kili

Heat-free liquefaction of agrobiomass

This looks like your area - may be of interest: Heat-free liquefaction of agrobiomass

I can't tell just by reading it whether it's a good idea or not. --Chriswaterguy 02:03, 3 June 2011 (PDT)

Where's your calculator?

I saw the press release at Queen's through - it mentions a calculator, but where is it? You should try to get that Queen's press release page updated to include links. 10:16, 8 December 2011 (PST)

Here you go: Review_of_Solar_Levelized_Cost#LCOE_Quick_Calculator --Joshua 10:48, 8 December 2011 (PST)

LCOE calculator

Hi Dr. Pearce, I downloaded the Solar PV LCOE model (ECM032 - Solar PV LCOE.xls) from this website and was trying to run an analysis of a hypothetical PV project but the cells are password protected. COuld you please tell me the password or send me an unprotected LCOE calculator at thanks in advance!

LCOE calculator

Hi Dr. Pearce, I downloaded the Solar PV LCOE model (ECM032 - Solar PV LCOE.xls) from this website and was trying to run an analysis of a hypothetical PV project but the cells are password protected. COuld you please tell me the password or send me an unprotected LCOE calculator at thanks in advance! Bonnie

Nuclear power page and MOST report

Hi Joshua, I just saw MOST prepared a report regarding nuclear power as a appropriate energy source. I just wanted to let you know I added some info at Nuclear_power and Limitations of nuclear power as a sustainable energy source. In specific, look at the POST report, which has a comparison (full lifecycle) between the power plants. I think that the cannibalistic effect you mention is probably bigger with other power plants (ie wind turbines, ...) than what it is with nuclear power plants (atleast if you take into account the amount of power production, ie effect per GWh) Perhaps it's also a good idea to take a look at the different types of power plants, ie the inherently safe designs I mentioned a while back, generation 4 reactors (fast breeders) and smaller reactors (micro nuclear reactors, ...) Also take a look at MYRRHA, I believe that used fuel at the current power plants can be reprocessed and used again, resulting in a used fuel that is then only 100 years radioactive, as compared to thousand(s) of years. Also, there's no mentioning of the specific fuels (I believe reactors use not only uranium but also plutonium, some use a mix thereof, some use low enriched, others high enriched nuclear fuel, ...) KVDP 02:48, 11 June 2012 (PDT)

Service learning portal suggestions

Hi Joshua,

I recently redesigned The Service learning Portal. Lonny asked me to look for more content from your service learning areas. When you get a chance, would you let me know about any service learning pages, projects or galleries you would like to see added to the portal? Thanks. --RichardF 09:33, 24 June 2012 (PDT)

By the way, can you direct my to some good icons here for the Portal:Service learning/Selected courses page? :-)

--RichardF 08:28, 25 June 2012 (PDT)

Oh, and one more thing... A basic design feature of the portal selected pages is an image to go with the text. None of the pages you suggested have images. Are any available? If not, the pages would be good for links, but not the selected page archive. --RichardF 09:18, 25 June 2012 (PDT)

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