Below is a living collection of technologies that can be (or are being) implemented at various Occupy camps and other temporary, autonomous camps. This is just a start, please add to it by clicking edit or discuss it at Talk:Occupy Sustainability:

Energy generation

Human power

Using a bike, you can generate around 150W of continuous power. E.g.:

Solar and wind

Solar panels can cost less than $3 per peak watt. So a 100W panel can cost less than $300 USD. A 100W panel will produce 100W for a certain number of hours a day depending on the amount of full sun as found at Solar photovoltaic software lists software that can help with design and Photovoltaics#Sizing_a_PV_System covers some of the basics. Example systems include:

Cooking and dehydrating

Cooling and refrigeration



Wastewater treatment

Human waste


Other structures


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