Improved PET Bottle Stripper

Project developed by Klbarie (talk) 20:25, 6 December 2015 (PST) Template:Statusboxtop Template:Status-prototype You can help Appropedia by contributing to the next step in this OSAT's status. Template:Boxbottom


In many countries, disposing of PET bottles has caused a major problem. Recycling these bottles proves a difficult challenge. This Bottle Stripper turns PET bottles into long strips that can be used to weave baskets, use as fishing line, use as a type of rope, or possibly even as 3D printer filament. This design spools the strips automatically as it operates.

Bill of Materials

  1. 1 - File:BottleStripper v2.stl
  2. 1 - File:Mounting Base v2.stl
  3. 1 - File:Razor Clamp v2.stl
  4. 2 - File:Spool Clamp v2.stl
  5. 1 - File:Spool Handle 1 v2.stl
  6. 1 - File:Spool Handle 2 v2.stl
  7. 1 - File:Spool Rod v2.stl
  8. 2 - File:Spool Stand v2.stl
  9. 2 - M3X10mm Bolts
  10. 8 - M3X16mm Bolts
  11. 10 - M3 Nuts
  12. 10-20 - M3 Washers
  13. Many - Standard Utility Blades

Tools needed for fabrication of the OSAT

  • Athena Delta RepRap or equivalent 3D printer
  • PLA or ABS plastic filament
  • .STL Slicer program (Cura/Slic3r/etc.)
  • Appropriate driver for chosen bolts

Skills and Knowledge Necessary to Make the OSAT

  • Proficient knowledge in 3D printer operation
  • Basic mechanical assembly skills

Technical Specifications and Assembly Instructions

  1. Download files listed above
  2. Print specified number of parts
  3. Clean parts as needed with a razor blade
  4. Assemble parts as shown in the Completed Assembly photo above.
* Use 10mm bolts to clamp razor blade
* Use 16mm bolts to secure parts to base (add washers as needed if bolts stick too far past bottom of the base)

Common Problems and Solutions

  • Cutting slots may need trimming before use
  • Bottles tend to begin to cut into plastic stripper over time. May need to replace with metal substitute.

Cost savings

  • ~252grams plastic filament - ~$7.32USD @ $29USD/kg
  • No commercial equivalent can be found (other self made solutions, but no detailed drawings found)
  • Savings is in time from self-spooling action

Additional Files

Below is are the .SCAD files used to create this device.


  1. Utility Knife Blade Inventor model. Converted into .STL for use in OpenSCAD:
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